1. You are on drugs.Sitting on the couch smoking changa is drug use. Face it you’re not going to unlock the mysteries of being that way. It's just a way of escape, fun as hell though.
Some use mind altering drugs as a religion in and of itself because it is an easy thing to undertake but very much intense so they feel like they are 'doing something'.
Eventually the experiences prove to be hollow and a great rebound of anger results. Psychedelics offer a different perspective. Broadening the mind and opening new ways of perceiving and analyzing. It alters the ego filter we see the world through. It is a vital tool not just the ‘only’ tool.
2. The Wisdom is in the Journey, not the Destination.There are no short answers, eternal truths cannot be told in what men write or say. Without the proper perspective learned from the journey the answers are meaningless. Which means, in the end you have to get them your damn self.
The great adventure of life would not be nearly as interesting without the epic struggles. Do not be afraid to take risks, I have learned far more from my failures than my successes. Only those scarred by life can see its beauty.
3. Think of Death, allot.The question you must answer is when you are on your deathbed taking your last breaths and you look back at your life and the things you have done will you do so in fondness or in regret. This serves well in making one’s life a full one. In all things in my life I ask myself this one question,’ to what end’.
4. The answer to question 1 is, question 2 and 3, ad infinitum.Once you have experienced this great disillusionment, you must learn to be motivated by something other than hope. This is the first great step on the quest for answers.
Answers are given as more questions, only to be unraveled in an infinite struggle to see the whole schemata of the universe. It’s all an endless echo of never-ending questions which I am damn sure the answer isn’t 42. Refer to tip 7. # 733
5. You’re in or you’re out.If you give up then you have the consolation prize of being tormented for life with unanswered questions! Ask yourself, what you are in it for, how far and how much are you willing to commit. This is not an easy journey, nor is it a short one and dabbling will only leave lifelong loose ends in your mind. A life where one does not follow his passion is not worth living. Be sure this is for you.
6. Edidumikate yourself. There are more education resources out there than you could possibly imagine. Use them get a degree or not, a smarter you is a better you. BTW you kind of gotta do it for the rest of your life so unplug the TV.
http://webcast.berkeley.edu/http://ocw.mit.edu/index.htm7. If you think you found it, you’re wrong. I have struck upon the grand truth about #865 times so far. Many were close, all were wrong. Oh wait I got it!!!! ..... #866
8. Know thyself, and keep notes.Perfection is only reached when there nothing left to take away not when there is nothing left to add. You will find learning to break things down into their base parts even in spirituality will go a long way in helping you understand things.
The first step is to write things down! One of the absolute most valuable things in life is a diary of your voyages, dreams, everything. It will show you patterns you never see in yourself.
If you keep one you will go back years later and read them, and you will receive great personal revelations that even Psychedelics can’t give. I have yet to see it fail to happen. I recommend a handwritten one.
9. You’re on your own.If they claim to be a Shaman/Guru/etccc....RUN! The scenery around you will change and if it doesn’t you are stagnant in life. Life is about experiences, new ones, adventure and risk. This is what builds experience, knowledge, and wisdom. There are no shortcuts, no one knows the way and if they do it isn’t your way it’s theirs. Life must be lived and not vicariously. There is no one person that can lead you. In the end you must learn to lead yourself.
10. Make your own rules.You are your own master. You should bow before neither god nor man. Make your own rules but you must follow them as they will go a large way in defining your persona. A sudden change to the psyche occurs when a person has true faith in themselves. In this modern world it is so rare to attain this by anyone as we all see ourselves as imperfect.
If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.