As I understand it, the jury is still out as to wether or not you can truly dry IPA with epsom salt.
I remember from another thread you are saying no thanks to petro chems on this, correct? I have the same inclination...I still have some methanol left over from making bio-diesil a couple years ago, and NaOH from the same, so I'll try dr_sisters advice. (in the future my plan is to make a still, produce my own ethanol and have it for petro free biodiesil and also for extractions but I digress).
I have a batch of full spectrum brown dmt in crystal form. This was merely from freebasing with alcohol and lime (or was it washing soda, where did I put them notes?) but I can't seem to repeat those results. My last batch has been re-based, re-acetated, re-based, converted to fumarate, re-based.....still hygroscopic. I've tried "dried" vodka, "Dried" IPA and everclear, I've based with lime and also with washing soda, but I can't seem to repeat my earlier results.
I've been long considered that the methanol and naoh which I have might do the trick, so lemme go try already.
"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods." Albert Einstein
I appreciate your perspective.