I think he may be using science (hypnosis) to carry a grand tale; and sell books.
Also; divert attention from the truth as a wolf in sheeps cloths; drawing people in and leading them into la-la land.
But hey; I dunno the guy.
NLP/Hypnotism can be used for a psychedelic experience; or any experience. Once you have it, the brain "knows the way back"... it can be induced.
I've gotten drunk and another experienced a mushroom trip listening to the NLP tape by Bandler created for this purpose (for high-stressed business men); without any other external influence.
You might also use NLP to "anchor" psychedelic states once you are in them.
"could one use this idea to permanently awaken codes withing their dna"
I dunno about all that but it is certainly a good tool for self-improvement/empowerment.
By the way; it is great to know NLP so you are aware when the "tool" is being used on you (speeches, tv, music etc.)
PS: NLP neurolinguistic programming is an efficient and covert/conversational form of hypnosis compiled by Richard Bandler and others.
All readable matter in the above post is ficticious.
Any similarities to real life are purely coincidental.
Without prejudice.