mhrb brew question Options
#1 Posted : 6/27/2012 6:56:30 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hello, I have recently prepared my first aya brew with some syrian rue seeds and powdered mhrb that I had. I used 5g of syrian rue and 15g powdered mhrb. I brewed each separately for over 4 hours, filtering and using new water every hour or so. I also added a dash of vinegar to the second and fourth (final) water change. After this, I reduced on low heat until I only had a couple of ounces of liquid. I refrigerated both jars for a day, re-filtered, and put back in the fridge. After reading so many positive reviews of using the egg white tek, I decided to add water and an egg white to my cold mhrb brew. I mixed this up well and put it on the stove, slowly bringing it to a boil. I removed as many cooked egg chunks as I could with a spoon and put them in a coffee filter to drain. I then used a new, clean coffee filter to pour the hot mhrb brew into (with some residual egg). After filtering, I put the brew back on the stove on low heat and reduced back down to a couple ounces.

After doing all of this, my brew was a translucent reddish brown. After putting it in the fridge overnight, however, it became a murky brown. I could no longer see through the liquid, so I decided to try pouring it through another coffee filter. The solution was so thick that it did not drip through the filter at all, so I ended up just squeezing it through and ringing out the filter. The color seems like the color of the stuff that settled out of the brew after the first refrigeration, so I am worried that I have done something wrong. I did squeeze the filters containing the cooked eggs to get some of the juice out of the egg whites...did this maybe let some egg through so it is still in my brew? Do I just need to add a little water, reboil, and re-reduce, or have I done something else wrong? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!
spiceitup attached the following image(s):
brew.jpg (1,255kb) downloaded 286 time(s).

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#2 Posted : 6/27/2012 2:02:29 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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The only time I made a successful brew was by cooking down the MHRB, I did five pulls on 50 grams of MHRB using absorbic acid (kept the Ph at 4) then put all the pulls together reduced volume with heat then poured the remaining liquid into a pyrex cake pan to evaporate completely, (strain and strain and strain until the plant material is gone). The goo you end up with is dmt-acetate. I mixed that with some rue extract and spent a few hours in hyper-apace. I've never heard of the egg thing, but making dmt-acetate is easy and it is also easy to consume since the tincture you can make with it can be very strong and you may only need a 1/2 cup or so (depending on how much MHRB you started with).

I don't know what you did wrong, but I would use 50 grams and do four pulls with Ph 4 and then reduce, take some rue, and either drink up or evap to goo and add to a beverage.Thumbs up
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#3 Posted : 6/27/2012 2:03:23 PM

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^Whoa dude 50G worth MHRB tea-tar at once? Wouldn't that make 2 really strong doses?

OP: The same thing happened with my dog using 10g. Really interested <popcorn>

He dosed the brew and it proved inneffective BTW, he also used vinegar and eggwhite.

He think the awnser may be in that egg-white step; He thinks he did it incorrectly by adding while cold/not warm enough?

Collect the results of all three washes in a big pot, and begin to reduce, but dont let get too hot, just until there is steam coming from the tea and it regains heat. At this point remove the pot from the burner, and stir in just THE WHITES OF 1-3 EGGS (depending on the size of your brew) If the water is too hot, the eggs will coagulate instantly and rise to the top, if the water is too cold the eggs seem to have a hard time forming the tannin rich foam you are looking for... So mix in your eggs and put back on the burner, within minutes the brew will take on a very murky cloudy apperance, this is good it is the egg coagulating, and while it does so, almost all of the tanins and solid particles in the tea will attach to bits of eggwhite, and will rise to the top as a think purply gooey foam. This is what you want to remove just scoop as much as you can off the surface with a wooden spoon. Now finish reducing and put final product in fridge overnight, by morning the remaining tannin/eggwhite/solid particles will have definitavely settled to the bottom, pour off the good tea, dispose of the rest, Thats it.

I dunno... Sad Smile

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#4 Posted : 6/27/2012 3:48:29 PM


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Hi, i wrote the tech up there. I wouldnt even consider drinking MHRB without it...

sorry brother You completely messed up the eggwhite tech:

You need to add the eggs WELL BEFORE you boil your tea down. You finish all of your pulls combine them all, and then you add the eggwhite when you have a bout a pot or half a pot full of liquid still to reduce.

I add the white of only 1 egg to about a half pot of reducing tea. Nowdays i get the tea to the right amount, then take off the heat and let cool, then add and stir in the egg and bring it to heat. I shock it with high heat and the egg quickly comes to the top in a pink cruddy film. This is what you dispose of.

If done properly it turns out like kool aid.

If i were you to fix your brew at this point, i would add quite a bit of water to it, shake it all up, then let it settle in the fridge and try pouring off/filtering, and then re-boil if you were able to get the solids out.

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#5 Posted : 6/27/2012 5:57:55 PM


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Just to clear things up:

It was a mistake of me to write in the first tech, that the water has to be at a certain temp to properly coagulate together and form the foam.

I was only halfay correct, IT is true that you cannot add the egg while your brew is too hot. This is because the hot water INSTANTLY cooks your egg, and it is not able to mix in with the tannins well enough. You DO NOT want a cooked egg..

But i was wrong when i said it should be slighly warm at least before adding. In reality, it doesnt matter how cold your brew is when you add the egg, in fact you do want it cool/room temperature, to AVOID the instant coagulation of the egg.

So just add the white of one egg, at any point once your washes are all combined into one pot, as long as the water is cooled down, and you still have a pot or half pot of water (unreduced). Then you stir your eggwhite in, then my personal preferance is to SHOCKK it with very high intense boil. This causes the exact film you want, which rather than being solid chunks of egg, is a foamy pink purple goop, that is easily removed. If you cook the egg it is still effective, just that not as many tannins are trapped.

This is another important step not in the original:

This is in response to people whos brews didnt come out clear:

If you add the egg and remove the goop and once you reduce, and your tea is still murky:

Did you let it settle in the fridge overnight? if you let it settle overnight in a glass container, the tannins and remaining egg will stick to the sides, then you pour off.

Or, if there is still murk, simply run your tea through a coffee filter. I tie a rubber band around a filter and have it concaving down. I pour the tea in and let it sit, it goes slow, but it has never not all gone through, and this has never failed to turn even the nastiest brews in to pure red koolaid looking tea.

Normally if you ran a murky brew through a coffee filter it would clogg it up, but if you did the eggwhite tech and you still have crud, for whatever reason the stuff goes through the filter. I think its because the eggwhite tannin chunks are so big and easy to separate from the water, that the water just goes right through them and into the collection container while all of the solids are retained in the filter. The stuff that is left in the filter resembles shiny red plastic and is very wierd.

The way i do it is settle in the fridge overnight, pour off the good clean stuff, and then whatever crud and tiny amount of liquid is left at the bottom, i run through a filter. It is possible and easy to remove every last single solid, for a brew that is very tastless and packs a mean punch.

Cheers guys best of luck
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#6 Posted : 6/28/2012 10:23:21 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I appreciate everyones input! So I decided to add water, reboil, reduce, then refilter. The following pictures show what I filtered out and the resulting brew. My solution became less murky, but it is still very dark and hard to see through. I am wondering if this just means that it is a strong reduced brew, but good to drink. Since I started with a strong 15g of powdered mhrb, I wonder if the darker color is just a result of the potency. Would this be fine to drink, or should I do something else to improve the brew?

spiceitup attached the following image(s):
muck.jpg (2,019kb) downloaded 243 time(s).
new brew.jpg (1,095kb) downloaded 243 time(s).
#7 Posted : 6/29/2012 3:59:01 AM


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That looks pretty good to go.

If you consider that you used 15 grams (i believe) thats a pretty tiny amount of water...

If this is your first time dosing the mimosa you need to start at no more than 5 grams. That means 1/3 of that brew there.

It looks dark and potent, but i see no murkyness, so you should be good to go!

Remember 5 grams to start!
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#8 Posted : 6/29/2012 9:00:50 AM

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Awesome, thanks for the advice!
#9 Posted : 6/29/2012 10:48:12 PM


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No problem brother, i wish you an amazing and positive experience
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