Insane night (astral project?) So confused, advice sought. Options
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#1 Posted : 4/22/2012 8:19:29 PM


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I had sleep paralysis like 2 times last night, and over 5 different WILDS (wake induced lucid dreams)

I'm not sure why, but lucid dreams and the such are becoming very..frequent. It's not unlikely to have at least one a night, if not multiple, and when I hit number two, I don't stop till morning..

Anyways, I entered sleep paralysis and just let it happen as usual, I was having very vivid closed eye hallucinations and such and then I was in my room. Exactly how it was but to the right of me was a bottle of grey goose vodka (?!) Confused, I picked it up and took a sip. Mind you I was convinced that I was awake and in my room, it looked so..normal? Then I kept drinking the grey goose and felt very drunk so I got out of bed and walked into my bathroom and looked into the mirror where I could visually see how drunk I was by the look of my was melting and moving. "Okay" I said in my head, "what the FUCK is going on?" because again, I was convinced I was awake and this was happening. I considered to myself if I had taken any psychedelic drugs recently, it was insane. I crawled back in bed and closed my eyes and when I closed them I woke up. Shocked

So I thought I had just a sleep paralysis dream walk or something but whatever, I brushed it off. But thinking about it now I'm sure I astral projected from the sleep paralysis, no break in consciousness and my room looked exactly how it normally does and I could move around, then obviously some of the dream-state was brought in (grey goose, thinking I'm tripping, etc)

Another interesting aspect of the night was a sleep paralysis (dream?) I had that was so unbelievably close to what a DMT breakthrough is like. After the first hallucinations came on I was taken away from my body and could visually see thousands of memories of my life all around me in a swirling kaleidoscope like wave. As things progressed, I was turned into a soft of tribal like stick figure where I was standing amongst thousands of other tribal like beings. I great echoing voice was easily audible and it was narrating this whole trip. (this was a trip, not a dream?) and it was talking to me excitedly and we were beginning to reach a climax in thought and the voice said "are you ready to know the true nature of why you are here?" I was excited indeed..the whole crowd of thousands that I was apart of were standing, waiting in anticipation of the voice, he then said "nothing, you are all for nothing, none of this has any purpose in anything, it is all coincidence". The crowd seemed disappointment but I laughed, I had had this realization a many of times in mushroom voyages.

I then woke up again, that wasn't real? Wth is happening to me. This was so unlike a dream I really can't even describe it, it was more of an out of body journey than anything..

I just want to hear what some of you have to say about this, anything at all. I'm so confused!

Note: My amethyst necklace was next to me in bed, does this thing really have properties? I'm more convinced by the minute..

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 4/22/2012 8:46:10 PM

Moderator | Skills: harmalas, melatonin, trip advice, lucid dreaming

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Heheh, sounds fun! Don't be confused, dreams are naturally perplexing! Its best to just enjoy them and learn what you can. I've experience the same type of stuff pretty frequently, as i imagine many here have..I've taken so many odd psychedelics in dreams dozens and dozens of times, and other alien concoctions as well that just don't make any rational sense. They're affects are always much more exaggerated and profound than had i taken them in real life.. the only way i can describe it is like the fabric of the dream is a conscious living thing that doses with you

Last night i had a short paralysis followed by an out of body where i was in the same room, looking down from the hammock i was sleeping in. Only there was an entity on my floor that was a cross between a dragon, a pillow, a fractal, and a I couldn't even register the thing fully, it was just too far out from what i was expecting. It had a distinct syrian rue quality to it that i've encountered a lot. While staring at it, it started to drag my consciousness into hyperspace

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
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