Last night I had a dream which was the most magnificent, magical, and just plain incredible dream I believe I have ever had (that I can remember).
This may sound un-extraordinary to some people but I loved every second of it!
Basically, I was in an area that in my mind I knew to be Asia. The thing is, it was a different type of Asian culture, it was a mix between extremely high technological advances mixed with older styled Chinese architecture and a bit of (anime?) thrown in. In the dream, I was with my grandmother who in real life is a very avid and enthusiastic traveler. We were in this sort of "airport" so to speak and I was about to embark on a journey to some lands far away to learn more about the people and to experience a different walk of life. My grandmother was the one that arranged the trip for me.
What I was boarding to go on this adventure was a flying cruise ship and train mixed. It sounds crazy but what dreams aren't? The ship had gigantic propellers and engines, and the inside was as big as an entire city! THOUSANDS of people each with their own little cabin with sliding door so to speak that reminded me very much of a train. I was to live on this magnificent ship for many months! It was rustic and orange and looked beaten down, but was beautiful and highly advanced at the same time. Walking around this flying ship was one of the best feelings of my dream life, I cried because it was just so darn beautiful.
I never made it into the air with the ship, just got to walk around it and experience what I would be living in for the next few months and thinking about all of the amazing places I was going to visit. I cannot articulate with words what kind of places I was going to see, but the information was definitely in my head throughout the dream. All I can remember is they were places of wonder, culture, and true advancement. There was much to learn and experience.
Thanks for reading my dream report, I would love to see others write about their experiences in the other 1/3rd of their life

It's incredible how dreams can manifest on what I believe is anything that has ever been in your brain throughout your entire life. Much like DMT in a way, but not at all.
I hope to one day take off on the ship (: