SWIM is going to try his best to explain what happend...
I have only done dmt twice before today both of the times were quite chilled out even know they were very crazy
but this trip was alot more crazy compared to the two others the thing is i dont remember much.
Got my bong and about 30-40 mg of dmt, I inhaled and didnt have any time to sit back and shut my eyes, straight away i had strong conciousness shift a feeling of being in a different place but i could still see my room, very strong feeling of being on a ride it seemd as if i was in the middle of a tornado with everything around me spinning in a very fast motion and then as the feeling intensified i was getting a bit worried and was trying my best not to hold myself back, things started to get interesting, with my eyes open i was not seeing my room as i usualy see it, everything seemd to be me or my conciousness as if nothing other didnt exist in this place and i couldnt think of anything else and when i tried i couldnt and kept getting the feeling that i was everything that ever existed(all is one type thing), i was trying to stay alert as to what was going on, thoughts started running through my head that i had gone crazy and i wouldnt be able to return to my normal self, as that thought had manifested in my mind i felt so far out that i wanted to come back and be normal again but that wasn't going to hapen for another few minutes so my descision was to try and ride it out. After my thought of going crazy there was a very intense shift i felt like i was not coming back and i had a need to hug my mother, then my sarcasm came back so i knew things had started to calm down and i was able to get my sanity back together, I was left with a feeling that i just got of the most crazyest wierd insane intense roller coaster on the planet.
I'm still waiting to see and talk to a inteligent being allthough i know that the spice has a inteligence of its own.
(i changed a few bits because some of it didnt make any sence probably because i wrote it straight after i done the spice)