Just saw this link in Essential Lemon Oil topic and was wondering why nobody paid this any attention... seems like worthy of breaking news
Got a few of those seeds lying around without much use(working with them proved to be inconsistent in practice) and I am wondering if that post has any truth/science behind it because before it was agreed upon that eating seeds alone was not viable due to extreme nausea overpowering any psychedelic effect.
Basically guy toasts the seeds, mixes it with calcium carbonate, preloads with essential lemon oil and gets a ephoric dmt-like experience, without MAOI. Seems to be simple procedure, except perhaps getting a better source of calcium carbonate(pretty sure tums or any OTC would be loaded with a bunch of chems). Also it would be interesting to know a resultant of this reaction to make it "dmt-like" orally without MAOI, and whenever something else could be used instead of calcium carbonate for this reaction.
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