Make sure for MDMA you add Seratonin Syndrom for the side effects, and point out how severe the consequences of this are.
Also, point out that not all phenethylamines are contraindicated with RIMA. For example, it is the amphetamine group in MDMA that makes it a no go with RIMA.
Mescaline and RIMA, for example, is perfectly OK.
DMT + Harmala = OK. Oral activation. Potentiation. Slowed-down effect. The two go hand in hand creating a perfect synergy.
DMT + MDMA = OK. Euphoric, not as deep of a trip, but there is zero anxiety present which can be useful and awesome in it's own right.
DMT + LSD = OK. Profound synergy. Really adds another more controlled layer to the hyperspatial flow. Highly recommended @ the peak or after the peak.
DMT + Mushrooms = OK. Another profound synergy that seems to unlock the potential of the mushroom. Either @ peak or after.
DMT + Mescaline = OK. Great synergy here. Potentiates the mescaline and smooths it out.
DMT + EToH = Not OK. I find that combining the spice with a carcinogenic neurotoxin like EToH completely negates the experience and masks it with toxic nullification (Yes, I am quite biased)
DMT + THC = OK, although some people don't like it. If you are a daily smoker it shouldn't be a problem, but if you get anxiety from using THC occasionally it may be wise not to mix it with DMT.
DMT SIDE EFFECTS: Some report disphoria at lower doses. I do not find this to be the case I find low doses incredibly euphoric. Higher doses can be known to go beyond human emotions and concepts. Higher doses of DMT are also known to cause strange bodily hallucinations like the feeling that you have stopped breathing, or that your heart has stopped beating. These hallucinations are common and can be countered with conscious relaxation and meditation prior and during the experience. You do not have to submit, per se, but beware that you may have to let go of certain intensities during the experience. It can easily be the most "intense" experience of your life for some people, and this is *NOT* a bad thing!
HARMALA SIDE EFFECTS: Side effects include contraindication with certain substances. Make sure you understand interactions with substances before using them! @ Higher doses users experience nausea and vomiting, but this also isn't necessarily a bad thing, since harmalas are anti parasitic purging is often considered cleansing to both the body and the mind. Chest pressure is also common with ayahuasca. Feelings of having something heavy sitting on you. This is normal and if experienced just relax and let it be, it's part of the serpents coil.
LSD + Harmala = OK. You MUST make sure you have pure LSD, however! You do not want to mix harmala (RIMA, MAOI) with an unknown drug laid on blotter. It's great taken with a dose or taken after the dose has kicked in, as the vasodilation of the harmala counters the vasoconstriction of the LSD.
LSD + MDMA = OK. Classic Combo. Take at the same time or let the acid kick in then take the MDMA. Profound synergy!
LSD + Mescaline = OK. Nice synergy but it's hard to tell how each drug is affecting each other. A bit like LSD + MDMA but a deeper, so to speak.
LSD + Mushrooms = OK. A lot of people don't like this combination for some reason- both drugs are just so powerful they may not need to go together, with that said however some people like the combo and it is OK to take.
LSD + THC = OK. THC vasodilates the vasoconstriction of LSD especially if taken orally. Potentiates and smooths out the trip. Great for daily smokers. Has been known to cause anxiety in those who don't use THC too often.
LSD SIDE EFFECTS: LSD is a potent vasoconstricting substance. This means it causes an increase in blood pressure by tightening the blood vessels in the body. This can be countered with vasodilating substances. Some find that oral hash completely diminishes the vasoconstriction. I like using transdermal magnesium prior to a dose to also help with things like jaw tension. Also, conscious relaxation, deep breaths, and massage (even done by the self) can help curb tension experienced from the drug. If you feel over stimulated or uncomfortable, you probably need to "Flow", so to speak. Get up, stretch, dance around, laugh, have an orgasm, be creative, play a musical instrument, take a hot shower. Things like this help with getting energy flowing and making meditation easier. Eat a bit of fruit on the come-up if you feel some unease! Many people find cannabis greatly eases the transition, but of course not everybody.
MDMA + Harmala = See above.
MDMA + Mescaline = ?
MDMA + Mushrooms = OK. Profound synergy. Great for meditation and dance.
MDMA + THC = OK. The THC is a neuroprotectant and helps against the neurotoxicity of the MDMA. Take before, during, and after, or whenever you feel comfortable with doing so.
MDMA SIDE EFFECTS: The most common side effects of MDMA are jaw tension, feeling burnt-out the next day, and it's minimal amount of neurotoxicity.
A lot of people "pre load" with substances that are neuroprotectant before, during, and after the experience. Neuroprotectants include cannabis, nootropics, vitamin C, 5-HTP, and others. Jaw tension can be countered again with transdermal magnesium, conscious relaxation, meditation and massage. As for feeling burnt-out, try to only redose a small amount one time or not at all. Constantly redosing can cause more burnout srensations. Also dosing too high. You might want to touch, hug, kiss, and tell how much you love everything around you, too.
Taking MDMA with MAOI and certain prescription medications can lead to seratonin syndrome and even death so plesse be careful!
Mushrooms + Harmala = OK. Tremendous potentiation. Some have reported far too much potentiation. I love the combo.
Mushrooms + Mescaline = OK. Incredible synergy! I would do this again in a heart-beat, I have broken through on it. Amazing.
Mushrooms + THC = OK. Same rules apply. It's great for daily smokers but could possibly trigger anxiety in those who use THC frequently.
MUSHROOM SIDE EFFECTS: I think the most common side effect I hear about with shrooms is stomach discomfort. A lot of people don't know that you really are not supposed to consume any kind of raw mushroom. It's a rare case in the culinary and medicinal fields where raw mushrooms are told to be ingested. (I can think of a few exceptions, of course.) So for some ingesting the raw material can be very nauseating, myself included. Making a tea or the lemon tek is the way to go. By soaking raw mushrooms in lime juice, the citric acid literally cooks the mushrooms breaking down the cell walls. This is also known as a ceviche in the cooking world. Personally I just slip the shot of lime juice with the mushrooms in it back, it tastes good and I don't experience nausea this way. Some people filter out the mushroom material from the solution. Experiment. Taking too many mushrooms can lead to a feeling of being poisoned, but afaik no one has ever died from taking them on their own. Dose accordingly!
50 micrograms of LSD the day after 1g of good Iboga bark almost floored me. Was profound, meditative, and greatly potentiated.
200 micrograms of LSD the week after 5g of good Iboga bark was incredible. Helped integrate everything Iboga offered. Potentiation noted.
1g of mushrooms with 1g of Iboga bark potentiated ~3x in strength. Was amazing. Euphoric, meditative, deep combination. Great for sorting things out in your life.
Iboga + THC is OK and even used traditionally.
Iboga + Harmala has had mixed reports. Some seem to take it OK and others seem to report difficulty. Seems like everyone reacts to Iboga differently so when it comes to combinations please start off low with everything. Health = wealth!
IBOGA SIDE EFFECTS: Careful with this one! Much research and tests must be done before ingesting this substance. It is clinically proven to slow down a rhythm of the heart beat and has killed people because of this. A heart panel and EKG are common tests preformed before ingesting this substance. Please beware of this and do a lot of research before even considering this very profound medicine! Side effects include disorientation, immobility, nausea, in high doses for very long periods of time. Some people still can't drive a car 1 week after a flood dose, for example.