have you ever collected brugmansia pollen? this is heavy duty stuff! i keep it on me always in case of a toxic gas attack. it attaches to the same receptors, making you live another 2 hours or so to get to the airport
no seriously. this stuff is VERY potent. and it smells very mysterious. could be made into a perfume, i think.
try this: as the blossoms have just opened and the nectar is still wet, cut the blossoms open down the side and retrieve the nectar thingy in the middle.. dunno what its called. put it on a flat glass surface to dry fully. as it dries the nectar turns to pollen which if dry enough can be easily shaken off the thingys. i usually just stick the thingys in the container i wanna store the stuff in and shake the container. then just pick out the thingys, leaving behind the pollen in the container.
a friend of mine once did 2 lines of it and was quite out of his mind afterwards. it held up for about 6 hours then he was almost back to normal. he couldn't move.
this can be mixed with good nepalese temple hash to create quite a stonedness like never felt before.
this is a quite nice mix as well: mix 1:1:1 black hash, brugmansia pollen, opium. knead it well until it forms one mass. this is killer stuff! add some haloperidol orally(dunno if it can be smoked) and you'll have a chemical straight jacket!
haloperidol vs. scopolamine vs. morphine is the mix they inject into furious mentally ill patients to make em quiet. its quite evil actually!
I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees. I speak for the trees, for the trees have no tongues. And I'm asking you, sir, at the top if my lungs.. (all posts are fictional and are intended for entertainment purpose only)