There are actually quite a few concrete things that we can do Apoc. No movement or push for change ever just spontaneously erupted into being fully formed... despite what you might see on TV from time to time. The whole "the people rose up and spoke" idea is a great meme for cable news, but it ignores the very real and essential grassroots efforts that lead up to any social movement.
Snozz might disagree with some of this (at this early stage anyway), but I think we need to do the whole "special interest" group song and dance. The sooner the better.
This entails:
1) Forming a PAC so we can take money and use it to buy off politicians.
2) Perhaps forming a connected 501 C3 non-profit (or local equivalent outside the US) for even more effective fund raising.
3) Forming a think tank and having regular meetings to shape a definitive course of action.
4) Hiring professional lobbyists to represent our interests to politicians.
5) Conducting workshops and seminars... symposia even.
6) Creating PSAs and other PR material to get the message out.
7) Attracting celebrities and experts to our cause as spokespeople or merely endorsers.
Distilling our arguments down to concise statements that are irrefutable and printing up flyers, circulars... even bumper stickers.
9) Getting a top notch Lawyer.
10) Getting a top notch Publicist.
11) Drawing up initiatives & propositions and getting them on the ballot.
12) Writing intelligent and thoughtful op-ed's (for newspapers) and magazine articles.
13) Funding, filming and promoting a documentary.
14) Getting politicians to sign a pledge that they support Entheogenic Liberty.
15) Talk incessantly to everyone about Entheogenic Liberty so the meme takes hold.
Obviously there are more things and I could go on & on. These are not in any kind of order either. It is possible that engaging in this action could turn up the heat for many people for some period of time. There are plenty who will respond with the old "why rock the boat, they mostly just leave us alone right now" tact. What do we really have to gain? Well, I believe that we are not criminals. We shouldn't have to associate with or act like criminals simply because we have found that entheogens actually do what the name implies.
We need people to recognize that responsible, adult use of entheogenic compounds is actually less dangerous to their users, as well as to them & to their kids, than beer drinking or junk food. Furthermore, it should be none of anyone's business what adults decide to do in the privacy of their own homes. Every person who gets their door kicked in and their dwelling overturned... their reputations and livelihoods destroyed, or g*d forbid has to spend time in a penal institution with actual felons, is an
unacceptable loss. It is a repugnant and indefensible situation that has to stop.
We're here. We're trippers. Deal with it."
That's my thoughts on the matter anyway..
"Curiouser and curiouser..." ~ Alice
"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." ~ Buddha