Reading through the wealth of posts here regarding DXM, I noticed that quite a few important things about this substance were missing. Furthermore, there are a number of very useful tips about how to use this chemical properly that seem to be relatively unknown and un-talked about. This is my attempt to set the record straight.
I don't want to start an unfriendly debate here, resurrect stuff covered in older threads, or g*d forbid... violate the discouraged drug talk ammendment. I think we can do this without falling into any of those traps.
1st off...
I am not recommending its use, or encouraging anyone to try it. About 5% of the general population is lacking sufficient amounts of a specific liver enzyme to use DXM recreationally as it is.
DXM is broken down by a P450 enzyme called: CYP2D6. Furthermore, a wise man once said that 1/3rd of the people absolutely hate DXM, 1/3rd are indifferent to it, and 1/3rd absolutely love it. It may be the most polarizing drug in the psychedelic medicine pouch. While it is often labled "merely" dissociative, it can be profoundly psychedelic and entheogenic even. It is NOT an opiod (despite being a mirror image of one), and it has very little in common with any other drugs... even Ketamine, which is probably its closest relative.
There has been a lot of talk on the internet about how dirty, toxic, or dangerous DXM is. Much of this is hyperbolic and unproven. Still, it clearly does have some cognitive effects, but IMHO short-term memory is damaged more from daily marijuana usage than it is from monthly 3rd plateaus. Also remember that this chemical has been used safely in every country on the planet as an OTC w/o perscription. It is in so many different cold preparations, that probably anyone who has ever been sick has ingested it already. This, of course, doesn't mean that mega dosing the stuff won't come back to bite you in the ass...
It is my feeling that
all drugs can have very different effects for different people... even for the same person at different points in time. DXM is even more variable than most, given the variety of sources, the variety of neuroreceptors it bonds to, and the vastly different effects based on mg/kg ingested.
Other than to say that anyone interested in DXM should find a way to consume it pure and never admixed with any other medicines, I won't get into where you can find it. Just remember, Acetominophen, Guaisenfen, Antihistamines, Decongestants etc. etc.
BIG no-no's... nothing but pure DXM as an active ingredient. Better to have no extra inactive ingredients either. Slogging syrup is no fun, and is one of the main reasons for the perception of DXM as a cheap buzz.
So, if you have found some pure stuff, and are determined to try it... what are the magic secrets that unlock this molecule?
First off, know your dosage:
1.5mg/kg = 1st plateau *** 2.5mg/kg = 2nd plateau *** 7.5mg/kg = 3rd plateau *** & 15mg/kg = 4th plateau. Disregard all the talk about
plateau sigma. IMHO it is merely the prolonged dipping in and out of 4th plateau due to redosing.
2nd & 3rd plateau are the only ones that anyone should be shooting for. 1st is just a barely noticeable version of 2nd, and 4th is just a somewhat stronger version of 3rd which is thoroughly unnecessary if you follow the protocols for 3rd plateauing. The line between 2nd and 3rd is like 2 different drugs, and the plateaus are not gradual. They switch from one to another basically to the mg. 2nd is anti-depressive, mildly euphoric, and mildly psychedelic. 3rd is fully dissociative, heavily psychedlic, and blissful in a detached sort of way... with definite entrance portals to a hyperspace that is far more "real," if somewhat fuzzier and less intense & neon than that achieved with DMT. It can certainly be far more hallucinogenic than mushrooms, cacti, or even LSD.
The main reason many people miss the psychedelic glory of DXM is that they don't know its single biggest secret:
DXM is hallucinogenic only inversely proportional to the amount of light that reaches your eyes.This is extremely important. Whether going for 2nd or 3rd plateaus, you must be in COMPLETE darkness to fully appreciate this chemical. Even the tiniest bit of light creeping in from under a door can reduce visuals by 50% or more. Closing your eyes is not nearly dark enough. Thus we reach
protocol #1:
Prepare your tripping space beforehand by making sure it will be a light free environment. This usually means waiting until it is dark outside, and hanging thick blankets over any windows, laying towels over any door gaps... and even covering up any light giving electronics. Even a single LED will vastly diminish your experience. Under no circumstance should you waste a trip watching TV, staring at a computer, or even going to a party. At 3rd plateau, this becomes extremely difficult anyway due to light-phobic responses. DXM is not especially social at this level (the level that true trippers will only care about). It is difficult to share a 3rd plateau with more than one other person actually.
There are a couple side effects that you will probably have to contend with at some point in your relationship with DXM, but they are easily counteracted. They are present in small degrees at 2nd, but can become pronounced at 3rd.
Nausea *** Depending on the source of your DXM, this might be more or less pronounced. Best ways around this are to dose up to 3rd plateau slowly (100mg or so at a time seperated by at least 15 min), and to drink some tea with anti-emetic properties (ginger, sage, peppermint, fennel and more) [consider this
protocol #2]... or just smoke some grass. If you DO smoke grass, this should be the last time you puff until the whole thing is over, as once DXM comes on, weed has very little effect. In fact, while on DXM, tobacco will get you far higher than grass... probably because of the MAOI effect. That said, I don't recommend using ingested MAOIs to potentiate DXM. This could lead to Serotonin Syndrome in certain people, and it is thoroughly unnecessary. One of the benefits of DXM over say Ayahuasca is that you can eat whatever you want, drink a beer, and have a coffee with no adverse effects.
Diarrhea *** It is likely that you will have to let 1, 2, or more liquid hershey squirts out on your way up to 3rd plateau. Many people don't have this issue, but even if you do... it is not a big deal. It will be finished before you fully come on, and it actually makes you feel cleaner.
Heat Flashes & Itchiness *** This is a common occurrence, especially the first few times you try DXM. Fortunately, it also has a very simple solution.
Bathing. You could shower, but slipping and falling in the shower is dangerous enough without robo-walking. For 3rd plateaus, the very best place to trip is in a nice warm bath. The closer to body temperature the water is, the easier your OOBEs will be. Stay in the bath until you pass the peak, and real world stuff calls out to you. Or do whatever you want... but floating in the bath in a pitch black bathroom can take you places you might never otherwise reach. Thus, we shall consider a bath to be
protocol #3.
Flipping Vision & Moon Walking *** Only an issue while peaking on 3rd plateau, but if you are peaking on 3rd plateau you shouldn't be walking or have the lights on unless absolutely neccessary.
why would any psychonaut want to deal with these things? Especially when we all know a number of alternatives that don't have such horrific sounding side effects. Well... they don't seem horrific while under the influence of DXM usually, and certainly not at all if you follow the protocols. Furthermore, the natural euphoria of the substance generally cancels out any discomfort you might be feeling. (not always, and not for everyone) The main reason, is that if done correctly, this can be one of the most painless routes to full OOBEs, alien encounters, and other profound (possibly life changing) experiences.
2nd plateau journeys often have none of these side effects, but also don't take you much further than fascinating patterns and a floaty feeling while in the dark. It can become somewhat like poorman's MDMA, but the only real use for 2nd plateau that I can see is as a pre-dose life vest for other hallucinogens. The anti-depressive and boundary dissolving aspects of DXM can work wonders to elliminate any negatives spirals, pre-flight jitters, or melancholic experiences from such traditionals as shrooms, mescaline, LSD, LSA, DMT or whatever. It also potentiates those substances considerably and allows you to consume far less to get often much greater effects. (note:
do not take DXM on ayahuasca or any MAOI preparation of any kind)
3rd plateau, if done correctly, is so intense on its own, that mixing and matching is ill-advised until after the half-way mark of the journey. At this point, much of the DXM has converted to DXO which is a powerful psychedelic as well, but much less dissociative and cosmic. Well... it is still plenty cosmic in a pitch black room, but by this point you might be tempted to flip on the light occassionaly, and generally people
move from the bath to the bedroom. Once in the bedroom, and comfy (a nice robe helps keep your sheets from getting soaked)... you might begin to miss the bliss of the peak and find the diminishing trip somewhat tame.
This is the time to break out any admixtures you might want to try. Obviously,
DMT (or Changa) is the best. Half your normal dose will take you 50% farther here, and the dissociation and euphoria can eliminate, or at least substantially diminish, the awe and fear you might normally have in such breakthroughs. Salvia works, but beware... the beings that Salvia invokes are not nearly as friendly as the ones that DMT calls to you. (despite their legoland silly grins) Other suitable substances include most of the usual suspects, but you will probably be not in the mood for another lengthy journey. Jim Jam Changa or Normal Changa are probably your best bets. Trying to vape pure crystals can be tricky still... but doable if you can focus. On the slow slide back to normality, light & sound
Brain Machines are very very interesting, and can give visuals that rival those you might have had just after the peak. Of course, because they flash lights, anyone else in the room will find themselves coming way down due to your strobe glasses.
Nitrous *** N20 goes awfully well with DXM. This is not an endorsement of N20, and it is throwing one dissociative on top of another. That said, it and tobacco are the only two substances that can be used throughout the journey with nearly universally positive results. I don't smoke cigarrettes and find N20 relatively uninteresting on its own, but on DXM both of these substances really shine. If one is coming on to DXM and doesn't want to wait for the plunge into 3rd plateau, N20 will tip the bucket really well and stabilize the higher vibration all at once.
MUSIC *** While this can't be considered much of a secret, it
IS essential. DXM spaces can seem frighteningly empty without tunes to propel them. And, while most substances are improved by music, DXM is ESPECIALLY sensetive to sound. Perhaps the adversity to light enhances the auditory faculties... Whatever the mechanism at work, make SURE that you will have your music needs covered for the duration of your journey. While you could conceivably be outside on a 2nd plateau/ shroom walk or whatever, you should certainly be indoors for any 3rd plateau experiences. Thus, it should be no problem to set up music in the bathroom and the bedroom. Best if you don't have to flip tapes or change CDs. Radio sucks, because you don't want random weirdness or commercials. iPods can be great, but if you have to mess with them, the light that they generate can blow your trip for a period of time even after they go dark again. Playlists on your computer can be okay, but remember to completely cover any LEDs or light sources of any kind. (a bit of play-dough or chewing gum works best) High ratings go to
premixed MiniDiscs. They don't have any backlight, so you can skip tracks or change volume without letting any light into your space ship.
Memory Loss *** It can be difficult to remember everything that happens on a DXM trip. Impossible, perhaps, in much the same way that you can't remember all of your dreams no matter how good you are. Furthermore, DXM seems to have a
heavy effect on short term memory. Some people say it is impossible to create short term memories during the peak, but this is not true. It certainly can be difficult to remember things though. Part of this is because the experiences you have do not fit into this dimensional space. This occurs with DMT as well, and is even more pronounced with strong Salvia extractions... again, not recommending Salvinorin A, B or Z for that matter. Many people attribute cognitive problems to potential brain damage. The jury is still out on this, but:
If you plan on doing DXM more than a couple times, or you are especially worried about hurting your gray matter, there are a couple secret tips that I can impart which seem to help tremendously.
GABA, Piracetam, Lecithin, Phosphotidyl Serine, Celastrus Seeds, Small doses of Iboga or Voacanga, as well as a number of other
Nootropics all tend to have very pronounced brain protecting abilities. GABA in particular can completely change the characteristics of the journey. Though, it can reduce the flipping and tumbling through hyperspace down to nothing, and many people enjoy that part of DXM quite a bit. You will have to research each of these things individually, and take a low to normal dosage before ingesting DXM. You can also load up on Nootropics for days or weeks prior to your journey, and you can use all of the Phosphatidyls (serine, choline, inositol etc.) to rebuild your neurochemsitry afterwards. Non-GMO Lecithin is a good source, tofu or miso will do in a pinch, but high quality supplements are the preferred sources.
Breathing exercise, chi kung, or other simple yoga techniques can deepen the experience of DXM substantially, and can mitigate negative effects substantially. This is true of all entheogenic experiences though. I highly recommend that you learn some these if you enjoy consciousness expanding. They can often bring you back to some of your deepest revelations even when done completely sober.
Well... that about wraps it up.
DXM can be one of the most effective
boundary solvents available. It can dissolve every kind of boundary with ease. Starting with self conscious thought patterns, working its way up to mind/body divisions, and on up to ego death and other high level things.
To conclude this lenghty post now, I will just say that entheogenic snobbery is not overly helpful. I KNOW that many of you have had bad experiences with DXM. Even those of you who are not allergic, and have the requisite enzymes often look at DXM as a bad, low-class drug. Many of you think of Ketamine as the superior substance in this category. Personally, SWIM has never enjoyed K all that much, and felt thoroughly poisoned the last couple times he encountered it. This could have been the quality (or lack thereof) of the K... but SWIM isn't overly fond of insufflating, IM or IV anyway. Furthermore, the quality of the lessons learned and the value for SWIMs psycho-spiritual evolution were always orders of magnitude higher for him with DXM. SWIM tells me that he has successfully used DXM for nearly 20 years (avg. once a month) without noticeable adverse effects. SWIM feels that his nearly 30 year cannabis habit harmed him far more (he's been quitting on & off for years now). And having said that, SWIM doesn't feel impaired at all compared to others his age who only drank alcohol. In fact, he feels that his entheogenic experiences (of which DXM is certainly included) have given him far more than they might have taken.
All of this is just highly subjective,
hypothetical ![Pleased](/forum/images/emoticons/happy.png)
, anecdotal wisdom. Take it or leave it. I take no responsibility for any frightful or fantastic experiences anyone might have should they listen to what is here. I presume the level of Nexus participants to be quite high, but this IS the internet, and there are likely to be people who come across this who shouldn't take ANY drugs whatsoever. A vast majority of people are either crazy, stupid or both... Sorry, no undue offense intended.
Be well my brethren.
Do your research! Always start off with micro doses... blah blah blah.
Try to refrain from flaming.
"Curiouser and curiouser..." ~ Alice
"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." ~ Buddha