It's been kinda fun lately... Swim is an amature ethanol distiller and during distillation the first fractions of your distillate are called the heads. The heads are a combo of methanol, acetone, and ethylester ethanol. These are generally tossed and never ever drunk. Swims been using these lately for the Evap process of infusing the changa with spice. Waste not want not!
Swims been known to poopoo the use of anything but pure ethanol for this process. The reason for this is that swim just doesn't trust the manufacturers of the acetone ect for the infusion process. Additives, pollutants ect. It's not like it's food grade stuff people are using here.
This way swim knows exactly what's going into swims changa. Hell he could use organic sugar to make the wash if he liked!
Distilling your own ethanol solvents is fun and easier then most teks. And the equipment is cheap and easy to get these days. For anyone wanting to have some fun give it a shot!
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