Has anyone done them? I am asking because I am extracting grass right now with a sort of makeshift tek and I want to use olive oil to defat..I want to use non toxic solvents if possible, and I dont want to waste my limonene on defatts.
I am starting with 3 vinegar water boils on the grass, and reducing that down to a small volume. Then I will defat a few times with hot olive oil..then reduce the defatted tea down to a resin in the dehydrator, base with calcium hydroxide and water, and pull 3 times with limo..then salt with acetic acid.
If I just skip the defats and do limo pulls I think the fats will compete with the DMT too much for the solvent, and I will need to use clean limo for each pull. With the defats I think I can just reuse the limo for each pull after I salt it.
I am not concerned right now with hordeninin or gramine etc..all I am concerned with is getting out the alkaloids with as little fats or oils as possible, without using naptha or xylene etc.. I can store the final product and play with gramine removal later on. I just want to get alkaloids out right now becasue the grass is in season so I can store the alkaloids..becasue storing grass takes up so much damn space.
Long live the unwoke.