Hi all Nexians,
Having only recently joined, I have been checking out all the different type of fun to be shared and enjoyed.
While navigating around the site I found the games on offer. I used work for a large gaming company and have seen too many crap games doing nothing for their users, but waste time. I thought it might be nice to might like to check out the best spacial game ever made!(In my humble opinion, that is.)
It is a non competitive astral projection flight sim, That asks you to flow and relax to develop.
It is available for FREE download for
www.tqworld.com/I have both Mac And PC versions if you can't get on.
After a few minutes learning to fly you will see what I mean.
This game has the been developed by a real seeker. Part of the reason he can't afford to continue it's development
He has recently decided to shut down his sites continued activity.
This game generates it's own music as you play and has a universe of options for intrepid players and creators.
When you play set the blur level to at least 4 and enjoy the trip (the b key when playing)
Fellow Nexians unite and lets spread the word. find a crew to help keep this most peaceful of games alive and progressing.
synchroneyes attached the following image(s):

Tranquility screen shot.jpg
(414kb) downloaded 70 time(s).