First off
BIG thanks to the members of the Nexus for all the information I've learned from you all!
Finally my MH arrived today and I was able to start my first extraction! Woohoo

I followed Noman's Tek using NaOH and Zippo fluid for solvent. Started with 50 grams just to test and see that everything worked ok. After first pull with solvent I let it sit in the freezer for about an hour and a half, checked it and to my surprise the bottom of the glass was covered in them! I really thought it would of taken a lot longer.
Well being impatient n all of course I couldn't wait and filtered it through a coffee filer, adding the solvent from the first pull to the second and put that in the freezer

I've taken some pics but havin trouble uploadin them so I'll edit and put them in later.
I let them air out for about an hour or so and couldn't smell any solvent. Seperated out the yellow crystals and weighed them, white crystals came in at 96 - 98mg. Not sure if it's completely dry so I've let it air out for about another hour and now it's down to 92mgs, still don't smell any lighter fluid. Gonna let it sit for a few more hours just to be sure its dry then get the bong out

I also have 68mgs of yellow crystal. I'm thinkin I'll do a calcium carbonate wash and see if that sorts it. I'm sure I read somewhere that you can convert baking soda by putting it in the oven? Anyone know how I could do that? I've no money till thurs to go shoppin for the right stuff so if I could use baking powder just now it'd be handy

Pics will follow soon!
Edit: Ok the pics worked fine, turned out I just didn't know how to use them

Digi123 attached the following image(s):

(803kb) downloaded 20 time(s).
(873kb) downloaded 20 time(s).
(905kb) downloaded 19 time(s).Joined at the soul with a pair of headphones
In an ocean of music, we move with the flow
You think that's air you're breathing now?