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#1 Posted : 6/25/2011 9:53:01 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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All right guys, I am new to the subject of psychedelics and haven't really tried any of them yet, apart from cannabis, if you consider it a psychedelic. I will try to farm some psilocybin mushrooms and will also try to extract DMT whe the time is right.

But as I have tried cannabis on occasions and I went pretty high two or three times. First time, I didn't know what to expect so I became paranoid, first the euphoria was awesome, I enjoyed music like I have never enjoyed in my life, but when I was on peak I couldn't bear the feeling, it was confusing, I got scared. But when I thought abt it the other day, it came to me that I overreacted, I got scared just because I didn't expect something like that. But I was mentally prepared for the next time.

Next time, the setting played very important role, I was doing beach camp on the bank of the river Ganga, surrounded by mountains. So I enjoyed the same feeling from the earlier trip and I went more further, no anxiety till I reached a new personal high. At the peak I got stereoscopic vision and I could really see the shading of the environment in different plates. It was full moon and there was only shades of two colors were there, black and white. Everything which was highlighted due to moonlight got rendered in different plate and so are the midtones and shaded things. First I enjoyed the vision then again I feared that I ll lose my mind, so got scared again and got back to tent and slept.

Third time, the same place after six months of the 2nd episode. Usual euphoria, loved it, but this trip was more inclined towards audible part instead of vision. I got lost in the sound of the flowing water and at the peak, the sound sounded like a big hole in top of my head and somebody sucking me out through that hole. I again got scared and went back to sleep Sad .

Now I have two questions

1. Will I get scared always when I reach personal highest or is there anything I can do to enjoy the feeling/ tone which I have never experienced before?

2. Second is not actually a question but curiosity . I want to know the feeling/tone when you trip with mushrooms, LSD, DMT.
Will triping on these scares me when experiencing something unexpected? I know DMT will put you in fight or flight situation but the short time of onset is I think an advantage for DMT.

Every one talks about visions they had during mushroom/DMT trips but I m curious about physical feeling. And if some one can tell me what to expect while on these drugs, that can really help me.

Thanks and much love. Smile
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#2 Posted : 6/25/2011 11:52:50 PM
silently awaiting

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To answer number 1. I couldn't tell you. The best advice I can give is just to reiterate set and setting. Be somewhere comfortable. Definitely start with a low dose to become familiar with the effects of the drug. Your mindset will play a larger difference in a trip than it does when you get high so make sure you are in a good one.

For number 2. Set and setting. It will determine much of the trip. Getting high is like doing the same thing over and over. You become familiar with it very quickly and become comfortable there. It is a place you can count on. Tripping can change tone very quickly. You can be coasting along one minute in tune with the Universe, then a thought comes out of nowhere and throws you into a seemingly endless loop of mindfuck. If you are responsible with the drugs and use them with the utmost respect, you should be fine. Before letting someone trip for the first time I like to ask them, "Are you comfortable with yourself?" If the answer is yes, you will be fine. :-)

Read a lot of trip reports. Do research on the effects of the drugs. I had someone tell me once to forget about doing LSD until I could write a paper on it. Have an idea of what you are getting into, but don't limit your expectations because they will get blown out of the water.

As far as the body high, it varies. Unless you get really good acid, it will be kind of speedy. You will just feel like getting up and exploring everything. Shrooms are generally chill. You might walk around and look at things, but you could also sit down and the couch and not move. You will be so into your head that the body high will be an afterthought. It plays a bigger role in lower doses than the high doses.

I'm sure others more experienced than myself will throw in their two cents.

Also, if you are worried about a bad trip, have a xanax on hand. You should refrain from using it, and try to work through it, but have it there for the piece of mind that you can always get out.

"Will triping on these scares me when experiencing something unexpected?"

Tripping will be completely unexpected the first few times. It is a whole new way of perceiving the world.

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#3 Posted : 6/26/2011 12:44:07 AM

I Eat Plant Magic

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Yes... in my experience, almost every trip has different tones and feelings associated with it. It's really quite hard to describe. Mushrooms feel kinda funky. But in a good way. In a shroomy way. DMT is more indescribable...

I can't think of anything we could say that might prepare you in the way you seem to be hoping for; but then again, you'll make it through whatever happens, so why not just do it? Remember rule #1 in the psychonautics handbook: ride it out.


#4 Posted : 7/3/2011 12:50:24 AM

imagined clarity

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1. Will I get scared always when I reach personal highest or is there anything I can do to enjoy the feeling/ tone which I have never experienced before?

With psychedelics you don't want to go the highest. It could be dangerous. I recommend starting out with what is considered one dose at a time. I personally tried drugs in this order: marijuana, LSD, Magic Mushrooms, Stimulants, Dissociatives, DMT.

The times when I did increase my dosage out of curiosity mixed with excitement, wonder, and a pinch of courage it was after talking with other people about my experiences, and getting more curiosity as well as sharing caused me to better integrate from feedback, and then reflect some time. I think the magic tincture is share, listen, reflect, learn more, gain more curiosity, set your destination point (after you feel whole again and after you have learned more about life's mysteries) and then go at it again with a different perspective to learn more. I say trying lesser first would be intelligent. If I could do it all over again, I would have done Magic Mushrooms, LSD, and then DMT in that order from weakest to most potent. (In My Opinion)

To make an experience more enjoyable doesn't work. Usually you surrender, and interact with it the first time taking any drug. Focusing on your white light of consciousness throughout the experience makes it more palatable while repeating the mantra "It only lasts x long" to yourself if it gets too intense. Plus you can keep an antidote around for whatever drug it is. (Or what ever makes the effects lessen) I think just knowing you will come out the other side in one piece is the best mindset when taking them in order to ensure you do, however the people you have around you have as much to do with it as anything (For first couple times) It's far more relaxing to be around somebody else you trust (preferably in nature) the first time you trip out on anything. The only exception would be DMT where you want a sober trip sitter. Reading about the effects you should come to expect throughout the trip usually is all the preparation one needs.

2. Second is not actually a question but curiosity . I want to know the feeling/tone when you trip with mushrooms, LSD, DMT.
Will triping on these scares me when experiencing something unexpected? I know DMT will put you in fight or flight situation but the short time of onset is I think an advantage for DMT.

Shrooms - happy giggles! Happy spot!

LSD - Everything is melting, dimensional consciousness oh my god.. don't look in a mirror j/k I figured out the universe! I understand DNA I just had sex with my brain. (Make sure you don't do tape loops. My brain is changing, My Brain is wet, I feel super intelligent, I'm feeling overtaken by this experience, oh my god I feel overwhelmed, what happened to reality! I hope nobody sees me like this! Evil giggles! Can't stop laughing! I don't feel human, oh my god my pupils are dilated! Light hurts my eyes! I never knew I could think like this! Am I getting stupider, or am I becoming a genius? (The later) and Oh My God It's Hard To Walk!


Fight or flight? Yes physiologically blood pressure / pulse wise for a couple of breaths in, and a couple breaths out.

I= SWIM = Not Me. The I AM I Does Not Exist, and is Referenced to SWIM Who Is Not A Friend I Never Met, Nor Hallucinated While Imagining The Is-ness of Suchness That Is SWIM Who Is Not Me, Myself, Nor I As The Expression Of Non Dual Aspect of Non-Dual Reality Subjectively Denied By Swim, or accompanying Me-Anti-ness'es. =) All Credit Goes To The ANTI-SWIM'ness of SWIM's cousin's room-mate's uncle's deceased cat's in-law's second removed nephew's aunt WHOM authored SWIM's 2000 Year Old Desert Scribblings from a drunk rabbit in the Serengeti desert found in an insane asylum under water, on Easter eggs, crucified by the on fire pagan music listening christian maniac from India running around believing he was Jesus repenting this bush he called the Acacia tree; So I Heard from a bum who claims to be SWIM, But I Forgot... And Again, "I" Refers To Someone Who Is Not Me.
#5 Posted : 7/5/2011 7:54:04 AM
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I have studied human psychology for 40+ years. In particular, I'm interested in its influences on buying behavior, sexual interests, long-term relationships and religious beliefs. I'm also interested in how events or situations during childhood & adolescence affect adult behavior. I've also studied intuition (gut feelings) and have written several academic papers on the possible causes / origins for these seemingly random thoughts.
#6 Posted : 7/6/2011 8:00:13 AM

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With psychedelics, it depends on the person and your experience with it. I have personally done it many times, you must first find out for yourself, and remember to respect it, just go in it with a positive attitude. And also, make sure you are having a good day, like no stress just be completely calm and relaxed, I usually meditate before I do them.

For your 2nd question, I really cant answer that, every persons experience is different, its perspective really. Some people get great eurpophia out of it, some people have vivid visuals and feelings, some dont. A friend has done it multple times and just got a good feeling out of it, no visuals at all. Like i said, you just have to experience it for yourself, be sure you have someone too chaparone you.

I suggest you do shrooms for your first time, psychedelics, in my personal opinion can be a great trip. You get a good body high out of it, and many visuals go along with it, depending on what strand you get.
Most of all have a great time be positive all the way through Smile
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