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#1 Posted : 6/24/2011 4:54:55 AM
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Are y'all ready to let me back on this site? I've got lots of good stuff to share! I hope y'all let me stay! If not, just ban me! Peace.


STS is a community for people interested in growing, preserving and researching botanical species, particularly those with remarkable therapeutic and/or psychoactive properties.
#2 Posted : 6/24/2011 5:00:22 AM

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Coatl <3 Smile
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[url=]Tobacco Disinformation

PM me about personal Herbalist consultations.
Can do it over PMs as to not reveal personal information.
#3 Posted : 6/24/2011 5:01:28 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Welcome back!
It's been fun. Thanks for all the wisdom.
#4 Posted : 6/24/2011 5:02:00 AM

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welcome again coatl =]
#5 Posted : 6/24/2011 5:06:22 AM
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Hooray! A warm reception! Sorry for any past drama I caused, twas not my intention! Smile
#6 Posted : 6/24/2011 5:06:34 AM

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you have stamina, I will give you that. To come back here, again, after repeated slandering of the nexus on other sites and saying really horrible things about some of the other mods here. You took things way too far coatl and acted very immature. I will leave this thread as it is for now and hope that you have come back to us a bit more grown up and ready to play nice for the time being.
Long live the unwoke.
#7 Posted : 6/24/2011 5:06:53 AM


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i'm glad to have you back, for one. Smile
idk shit about slander idk shit about shit talking idk shit about anything
i like your posts about cactus.
They don't think it be like it is, but it do.
#8 Posted : 6/24/2011 5:08:58 AM
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Well it seems I am already banned from the chat.


you have stamina, I will give you that. To come back here, again, after repeated slandering of the nexus on other sites and saying really horrible things about some of the other mods here. You took things way too far coatl and acted very immature. I will leave this thread as it is for now and hope that you have come back to us to play nice for the time being.

Stamina? You have no idea. I been doing this for over 6-7 years now...

I contributed a lot to this site and was treated very rudely. I stand by EVERYTHING I said. Get over it. Ban me if you'd like, your loss.

i like your posts about cactus.

I'd prefer to talk about noting but ethnobotany and not get caught up in drama.
#9 Posted : 6/24/2011 5:16:07 AM
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Is 69ron gone?
#10 Posted : 6/24/2011 5:16:50 AM

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―λlτεrηιτγ→ Forum
​Internet Security Walk-Through
[url=]Tobacco Disinformation

PM me about personal Herbalist consultations.
Can do it over PMs as to not reveal personal information.
#11 Posted : 6/24/2011 5:17:43 AM
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#12 Posted : 6/24/2011 5:21:11 AM

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"I stand by EVERYTHING I said. Get over it. Ban me if you'd like, your loss."

Personally it is not my decision if you stay or go. It is Travelers. Doesnt seem like a good start though coatl. You were not treated rudely IMO. The responce you got here was quite consistant with the responce you got on many many other forums. I know you are a wealth of information, but that does not count for everything. You continue over and over to break the rules and disreguard what Trav asked of you. The guy was nice IMO and gave you numerous breaks and you basically showed zero appreciation and spat in the face of those who tried to help you.
I am not sure why you are back here if you stand by everything you said. You said alot of horrible stuff about the site and about other people here. You went far enough to start discusting threads on other sites about certain members here. You have noone but yourself to blame.

Long live the unwoke.
#13 Posted : 6/24/2011 5:23:58 AM
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I am here because there are many brothers and sisters on this site I love and I have information to give/spread.
#14 Posted : 6/24/2011 5:29:33 AM
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I am, what I am.
#15 Posted : 6/24/2011 5:34:05 AM
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A community so supposedly enlightened seemly should be able to forgive. I hold no anger in my heart for any person here. You may ban me now if you still hold a grudge, I'll be back in a year or so to see if y'all are over it. I really don't see what the big deal is...
#16 Posted : 6/24/2011 5:55:29 AM

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" You may ban me now if you still hold a grudge, I'll be back in a year or so to see if y'all are over it. I really don't see what the big deal is..."

You are still here, aren't you? If I was going to ban you, I would have banned you. For now I am giving you the benifit of the doubt..not up to me anyway.
Long live the unwoke.
#17 Posted : 6/24/2011 6:03:43 AM
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Thank you very much.
#18 Posted : 6/24/2011 6:05:23 AM

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'Coyotl wrote:
A community so supposedly enlightened seemly should be able to forgive.

I wasn't involved in the whole thing back whenever it happened, but might I point out this comes across in a very negative tone. Not a good way to win hearts and minds in whatever effort you're making...
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
#19 Posted : 6/24/2011 6:08:36 AM
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Using proper "Tone" is not one of my strong points.

I do not require your respect, nor should you seek mine.

Why do I get such a sense of ego from this site? Concerned with using proper tone and attitude and such? I thought the idea was to dispose of the ego?

#20 Posted : 6/24/2011 6:13:53 AM
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I'm positive y'all will find a reason to justify banning me if y'all choose. Be it my "tone", attitude or the way I type y'all will find something if you focus on it...
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