Low dose lessons Options
#1 Posted : 6/13/2011 10:00:37 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Nothing particularly crazy or valuable here, just wanted to share a bit of a low does mushroom trip I took the other night, the most interesting part of which is the beginning. Also, fair-warning, there's a little bitty boojum in here so anyone in an altered state beware.

I had about 3g of mushrooms that had been in the freezer for a few weeks, not really enough for an experienced fat guy like me to go to the moon, but certainly enough to play around and have some fun, so I threw em on a pizza and munched those suckers down. Then I put on my Cowboy Bebop discs and cozied up on the couch.

About 1 uneventful hour later a storm started blowing in, and I wasn't feeling much due to the pizza crowding the goods out as expected. I opened the window to enjoy the cool air and relaxing sounds of wind and rain, and soon began to feel the familiar pull of my old girl Gaia, but distinctly different than ever before. There was a lot of confusion and uncertainty about what exactly she wanted. I've often had low dose trips, but never one in which I felt an entity's presence, that has always been restricted to high doses. Trying to focus on the show wasn't working, I couldn't quite sync up the way I so easily do with acid, so as the storm's intensity grew and technology failed me, I finally gave in and went to gaze out the window and see what she wanted to show me. Even at the window I felt confused, like a child waiting for mom to wake up, unsure if she wants me to let her sleep longer or maybe she has a man over or HOLY SHIT A HUGE NASTY CENTIPEDE LOOKIN' THING IS IN MY FACE!

I leapt up, shouting a collection of curses, flicked the lights on and sat back on the couch to collect myself and figure this one out. I now definitely felt the familiar butterflies of coming up, but was nowhere near where I would have to be for such a vivid and solid hallucination, and I've seen those little bugs around here before so I knew it wasn't some alien beast, but geez. What the hell? Fortunately for me my girlfriend heard me and got out of bed to give me some hugs and kisses, and the fear rolled away.

The rest of the trip was a pretty minimal, low level thing, the occasional rainbow trails or time dilation, a more enhanced perception and comprehension of experience, mostly centered around Bebop. Points of note include Bohemian Rhapsody wherein the characters find an old man hiding deep in space while he is distracted by a game of chess against a carefree child who deliberately ignores a winning move; Mushroom Samba, where at one point you can seriously pull mushrooms out of the screen, provided you had enough to begin with of course; and Black Dog Serenade which is totally about vaporizing DMT. There was also a point where I was washing my hands and got the idea to play with the bubbles. I cannot recommend this highly enough. It was completely harmless and fun, the only dangers of which could be eating the bubbles, or on a heavy dose seeing something unpretty in the mirror or coming up from the drain.

Towards the end of the journey I was going over one of the primary lessons of the trip, that as hard as I try I can do much more to provide a comfortable home for my love and my pets. I realized that I am all too eager to put my hands into the world to change it and don't focus on making sure I'm doing good when I do. This was coupled with a very humorous and slightly foreboding image of my coffee maker resembling Darth Vader's helmet.

This is the point where I suddenly understood why I had gotten the bug in the face earlier. I had completely forgotten that on my last powerful journey I had been given a task, to propose to my girlfriend, and this task had been tied to a rubber band around my wrist to help me in remembering. I was also not supposed to share any of my trip experience until after I had done so. I broke all of those promises. I told my girlfriend about it and shared a chunk of it in my introductory essay on here, and the rubber band broke and flew away several weeks ago. I had lied and broke my promises, so the lady jerked me around and threw a bug in my face. Thankfully it was just a warning, a higher dose or poor timing could have gone much worse.

So there it is, a bit wordy for such a mild little thing, but the lessons and fun were there and I felt they were worth sharing. Even an experienced space marine on a low dose can get shook up for making the wrong decisions. I hope you enjoyed the tale guys!
You'll never take me alive coppers!

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#2 Posted : 6/13/2011 8:05:57 PM

John Murdoch IV

Posts: 2038
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Thank you for sharing Smile
I too like low doses sometimes and what you wrote here is very familiar too me Smile

wet_rabbit wrote:

Towards the end of the journey I was going over one of the primary lessons of the trip, that as hard as I try I can do much more to provide a comfortable home for my love and my pets. I realized that I am all too eager to put my hands into the world to change it and don't focus on making sure I'm doing good when I do. This was coupled with a very humorous and slightly foreboding image of my coffee maker resembling Darth Vader's helmet.

Shrooms can clear my head and show me what to do and how to do it.
I'm a happy man today and shrooms play a big part there. I respect and love these little fellas Smile

DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction.
I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!

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