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#1 Posted : 6/7/2011 3:02:27 PM

London Shaman

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Quick question ,

I made my first aya brew in the forest last weekend.

Used Mimosa and Red Caapi, found it extremely difficult to keep down caapi and the mimosa.

I cooked both for 10 hours,

Drank the caapi than awaited half hour,

After this half hour i proceeded to drink the Mimosa, which as soon as i drank puked up ! Very hard to keep down

Any suggestions?

Would it be worth mixing the caapi and mimosa brew after cooking and drinking it in one??


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#2 Posted : 6/7/2011 5:06:50 PM

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stick it in the fridge and let the sediments drop out and decant and filter in a day or 2. That should help but keep in mind they call this stuff "la purga" for a reason.
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#3 Posted : 6/7/2011 5:27:48 PM

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Instead of cooking for 10 hours, simmer them (or boil on low fire) 3x for 1 hour or so each.. Powder/break them down as much as possible before. If you cooked for too long/strong, while the alkaloids are not at risk, some sugars from plants can have caramelized and it tastes very bad, harder to keep down. Be gentle with boiling.

Then you can let it cool down to room temp and filter or decant away from precipitates.

Also, I suggest eating some ginger (dont make tea, gotta eat the pieces) helps with nausea

With mimosa specially, you can try doing the egg white tannin removal, it helps a bit too.

You could drink both together, but I suggest first finding your caapi dosage. What dosage of each did you take? I suggest first find your caapi dosage, try maybe 40g. You want to feel the caapi by itself (light headedness, light tracers) but not be overwhelmed (very dizzy, etc). Then next time add just a small amount of mimosa to the brew, equivalent to maybe 3g or so

Good luck and tell us if something works for you

#4 Posted : 6/7/2011 6:43:53 PM

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^Im going to have to disagree with that endlessness. Boiling for 1 hour 3 times really is going to be a poor aproximation of a tea that is brewed for much longer. Longer brewing always results in much more potent brews for me and anyone else I have given it to.

I dont think brewing longer makes you any sicker, other than that it is stronger. As long as you let it sit long enough to decant and filter properly it should be ok. Drinking that sediment always makes me sicker. Those sugars tend to come out when you actaully burn the brew.
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#5 Posted : 6/7/2011 6:59:41 PM

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hmmmm ok.. But a few questions: How powdered is your material? The bigger the pieces, the more you need to boil, so if you dont have it powdered naturally its gonna take many hours. Also did you ever check gibran's thread on this:

The other thing, I know you are a conscious person and def take care of sustainability, we already talked about this frac, but personally I find it a huge energetic waste to boil for so many hours. Sure if you make a bigger batch at once its better, but if energy costs can be diminished, I def preffer. Each one finds their own way. Maybe some longer and acidified soaks after the boiling and then extracting afterwards could be an interesting option to get the last bits of alks out without having to insist on all this boiling.

As for brewing longer, I dont think the longer one boils necessarily makes one sicker, I just think that the longer you boil (if its not light controlled boil), the more sugars will caramelize and while a lot of that can be decanted, I dont think all, imo it def affects the taste and digestability afterwards.
#6 Posted : 6/7/2011 7:48:55 PM

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Could there be any value in prepping with an anti-emetic drug, does anyone think?
#7 Posted : 6/7/2011 8:18:19 PM

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endlessness wrote:
hmmmm ok.. But a few questions: How powdered is your material? The bigger the pieces, the more you need to boil, so if you dont have it powdered naturally its gonna take many hours. Also did you ever check gibran's thread on this:

The other thing, I know you are a conscious person and def take care of sustainability, we already talked about this frac, but personally I find it a huge energetic waste to boil for so many hours. Sure if you make a bigger batch at once its better, but if energy costs can be diminished, I def preffer. Each one finds their own way. Maybe some longer and acidified soaks after the boiling and then extracting afterwards could be an interesting option to get the last bits of alks out without having to insist on all this boiling.

As for brewing longer, I dont think the longer one boils necessarily makes one sicker, I just think that the longer you boil (if its not light controlled boil), the more sugars will caramelize and while a lot of that can be decanted, I dont think all, imo it def affects the taste and digestability afterwards.

The vine I have now is finely shredded but usually I bust up whole vine. Powdered is a bit faster. If you are using acids then I guess less brewing can work, but I dont use acids because whenever I brewed with them they made my stomache turn more, I am not sure why. I never could fully boil out that acid taste.

You are right though about the energy it takes. I tried shorter boils to save energy but the brews just seemed weeker. I just make sure I brew at least a kilo at a time so i dont have to do it so often. I dunno who it was but it may have been shadowman who told me that pressurecooking it spead up the process, I just dont have a pressure cooker yet.
Long live the unwoke.
#8 Posted : 6/8/2011 12:41:54 AM

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Does anyone know a good source for recipies? expesially wieght recipies
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#9 Posted : 6/8/2011 1:00:37 AM

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#10 Posted : 6/8/2011 5:53:36 PM

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Several of us are on a similar path! I'm currently awaiting supplies to brew yellow caapi and mimosa. Some shall be brewed in the forest, no less, and the balance will be brewed beforehand and taken way out in the wilderness the following weekend.
olympus mon
#11 Posted : 6/8/2011 7:38:18 PM

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there lots of ways to skin this cat.Wink i always recommend starting with the all about aya instructions until you have had some sucess then try new methods at the suggestions of others and your own ideas. this way if your not having good luck you can eliminate one major factor, that being the brewing method.

I am not gonna lie, shits gonna get weird!
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#12 Posted : 6/9/2011 3:45:00 PM

London Shaman

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excellent, i think the main problem I had was the sediment roaming about in the aya, I used powered mimosa, maybe if i used the actual bark, wont have as much sediment?

I know about the purge, but i dont want to purge without actually holding the drink down...

#13 Posted : 6/9/2011 3:46:20 PM

London Shaman

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here is a more thorough explanation

I'll explain a bi more thoroughly,

I heaeded out to the forest with 3 friends, they all agreed to be my watchers and bless the brew with me as i was cooking it, the atmosphere was very calm focused and you could tell everyone was putting their good intention into the brew, I cooked the brew for 2 people as my friend was going to join me but decided not to whilst brewing as he didnt feel ready. I used 30 grams of powdered Mimosa with 100 grams off Caapi. I arrived at the forest at 8pm, we set up our fairly big 4 man tent and collected enough firewood to keep a fire going for 12 hours. I began by putting the mimosa and caapi in 2 different pots and putting volvic water in them just above the material level with 1 table spoon off white vinegar, I cooked on a flame from hazel and birch, not hot enough to boil but hot enough to heat it nicely for 2 hours on both the caapi and mimosa. After that i had a mini stove that I put both pots of drained fluids in. I drained these via a t - shirt than dumped the materials back into the orignal pots. The stoves were on the whole time through the process simmering and reducing while i was cooking again the material on the wood fire. I than covered the plant materail again with water a vinegar. Again cooking for 2 hours, this was repeated one more time after this. After this the whole gorup sat around the brew mediatating and putting our ntentions into the brew. The end result was I had 1 litre of Caapi brew and 1 off Mimosa brew. Baring in mind this brew was made for 2 people,. So in total I had to drink 1 litre of liquids all toegether ( about 2 big cups)

I started by drinking the caapi brew, which i felt slightly nausaus off within 20 minutes (but not majorly nausaus) , kind of light a psycobyline mushroom nausea.

I knew it was going to difficult to drink the mimosa thought with my stomach feeling the way it did at the time, which is why at that point i thought maybe i should have mixed them 2getha b4 drinking but neva mind. So half hour after drinking the caapi i went on to drink the Mimosa. After drinking half the cup, i started purging into a bucket for a couple off minutes and pretty sure i musta puked up the mimosa i just drank and maybe the caapi? (evebn thought i couild feel the caapi had already taken effect). So i tried to drink more mimosa. 10 minutes later i puked again, and wanted to lay on the floor. I started to lay on the floor with the earth communicating with me in a way that even trying to describe would b so inaccurate.

20 minutes later by body was freezing cold which was strange because I was laying next to a fire. Myu body only remained cold for 10 mionutes than after I felt fine and refreshed. I than sat up and starting talking with the group feeling so refreshed and so connected to the earth. My connection to this guy is so strong and I now have a somewhat confirmation that the earth is on my life to help me.

I also had a vision of a knight with a england cross on its chess in a Beaded iron armour thing with a big helemet, like some knights templar or something. He was circling the camp

As i returned bk to the camp by this time my 3 friends had dropped tabs of acid the same time i was drinkign the ayauscha. They were tripping and I was starving so I went onto cook a spagheti bolognese , ate this than went on to tabe 3 tabs of acid with them not affecting me at all!

Thanks for your assistance

#14 Posted : 6/9/2011 3:47:25 PM

London Shaman

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come to think off it... maybe I brewed 2 much mimosa, whats a recommended dosage for 1 person with the powdered mimosa, I was attemping to drink 15 grams... this is probaly too much Razz
#15 Posted : 6/9/2011 4:21:49 PM

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Anenergyhealer wrote:
excellent, i think the main problem I had was the sediment roaming about in the aya, I used powered mimosa, maybe if i used the actual bark, wont have as much sediment?

I know about the purge, but i dont want to purge without actually holding the drink down...

Ultimately the amount of sediment from powdered/whole bark isn't really the issue because if you let it decant overnight (or over two nights) then the sediment should all settle to the bottom, where you can do one last filter.
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olympus mon
#16 Posted : 6/9/2011 4:58:32 PM

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anergyhealer- if i am understanding you correctly you drank 15g mimosa and 50g caapi each.
with solid mao inhibition 2-5g mimosa should be enough. some people drink higher ammounts but until you get your feet wet with positive results i would throttle back on the mimosa. my first thoughts reading this were that it may have been a good thing your purged the mimosa up so quickly. for me 15g with proper maoi would have been way too much. Shocked

secondly, mimosa sediment is a known killer. actually mimosa tea isnt so great on the stomach for lots of people. 2things you should be doing is decanting over night or 2 and do not drink the sediment. you may also want to reduce the servings down slowly to a shot glass size portion.
I am not gonna lie, shits gonna get weird!
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#17 Posted : 6/9/2011 5:14:42 PM

I Eat Plant Magic

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Yeah, that's a lot of foul liquid you guys drank! That's pretty impressive in my book! But also unnecessary, you should definitely reduce it down to as small an amount as possible. It won't help the taste, but I bet it'll help the nausea to no end.



#18 Posted : 6/10/2011 8:11:27 AM

London Shaman

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thanks guys, this fills me with more confidence for my next aya experience
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