Seeing someone as there past/true self? Options
#1 Posted : 5/16/2011 6:09:48 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I was recently studying up on past life regression and I remember a few accounts where I was seen as someone else. The first time this happened was during an LSD trip me and my friend were tripping together and he didn't tell me exactly when it happened but he told me as the effects of trip we wearing off cause me and my old group of tripping buddies had the tendency to shut up and sit back and enjoy the trip sometimes not talking for a whole duration of a trip(Usually on shrooms sometimes on lsd) and than talking about what we saw felt experienced learned ETC after said trip. So me and him our sitting and talking about our experience and he than he starts telling me at some point during the trip we changed apparently at some point we were walking down the street and he says that I changed into some kind of warrior that my jaw became more "manly" and subtle features of my face changed and that I was wearing some sort of armor he said it was kinda reminiscent of a samurais armor he said at the time that's the only way he could describe it.
Now I took this account very lightly and never really spoke about it when I would talk about my trips maybe once or twice I brought it up. But this is where it gets strange my girlfriend who I never told about this experience said the same thing during a shroom trip expect she described it a little differently she said that my face looked more godly (which I would assume is her way of describing the features of my face changing just like the previous account) and that I was wearing armor something akin to something in roman times. Now this is 2 times someone has told me basically the same thing. But there was yet another account expect one was a dream experience and another a dmt experience both from my girlfriend saying the same thing every time saying I looked like a god/warrior I would get into more detail but you guys I am pretty sure get the jest of it.
And before anyone says anything I don't think I am a god well at least not in that sense cause I believe were all gods but that's a different subject entirely. I just find it interesting that this happen so many times I mean can I really pass it up to coincidence? And my report is not the only report I have ever heard of someone changing into some kind of god like being during a trip.
I am just wondering have any of you nexians ever experienced anything like this? All feedback is appreciated before hand.

Edit: forgot to mention the first account he also said that he looked down on himself and he was changed as well said that he saw himself in robes but obviously he couldn't look at his face at time so all he could see was the change in his clothing

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#2 Posted : 5/16/2011 6:10:52 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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And if any of you are interested in past life regression here is a great interview about the subject

#3 Posted : 5/18/2011 9:41:33 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I've had similar experiences to you in the past.

I once saw my girlfriend as a blue skinned 'goddess' or some kind of divine prescence. this was during a k-hole though (which happen to be quite psychedelic for me, more so than a lot of other people's described experiences with it ) she also had a 'purging' experience during that particular time which she had never have and was desperately trying to clear her throat which she eventually managed and she saw the released stagnant energy

I think these natural /naturally enhanced 'tools' do help in revealing the divine nature of everything. and the intertwined echoes of your own energy/life force's previous manifestations.

Some people who are still projecting from the ego will obviously take these experiences in the wrong light for a duration of time.

For me personally, dreams have been the biggest key in revealing potential past lives...

I'm fairly sure my most recent past life was a young girl called 'Anne', and another was some type of tribes-man / hunter gatherer in some sort of amazon-esqe location. both of these were presented in very notable dreams/visions from around a year or 2 ago.

I think ultimately, we can learn from our (recent) past lives, about some of the behavioral tendencies and inclinations we have in this life and how best to release yourself from them, and in turn , return help move towards the original infinite and divine nature of ourselves.
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