Mapping out the reactivity of compounds Options
#1 Posted : 4/23/2011 7:09:28 AM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 4
Joined: 17-Mar-2011
Last visit: 26-Apr-2011
Hi one major reason I believe alot of us are interested in mind altering drugs is the inherit interest in how our supercomputer brains function. 5ht-2 agonist cause a specific set of effect which we conclude 5ht-2 receptors control. So i am very interested about what this community knows about the wiring of our brain based on the effects of different receptor activity. Any qualitative or quantitative information is acceptable no matter how ambiguous its relationship to the topic since the overall purpose of this post is educational.

Mainly what I am looking for is info on how different physical features affect the psychological aspects. such as any information on serotonin and its effects, and of what receptors enact those effect. Then how adding two methyl groups to it eg dmt, affects its affinity for different said seroginic or dopaminic receptors. Its been said that elongating the carbon chains decreases its affects. Is this due to a change in receptor affinity or from change from total to partial agonism of receptors. for this reason information more off topic is desired such as any info on the mechanism of how exactly gcoupled recptors work, are activated, cause the cell to fire ect.. All info that would help unravel the mysteries of the brain would be much appreciated. Also this question also extends into phenythalamines such as why mda is psychedelic while mdma is lovy dovy. Thanks in advance. And i know this would go better in the science section, note to mods, the sooner i am granted membership status the sooner i can post in the appropriate place.

Also off topic but one thing that has always confused me is the balance of electricity verse chemical neuro transmitters in the brain. I here neurons release neurotransmitters but at the same time understand they conduct electricity by producing an influx of Na which electrons can jump along. Are these two different types of cells or does the electrical current cause the neurotransmitter rich vesicles to dump their goods..

Thanks in advance for any information passed on.

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