Help: What Caapi and San Pedro to buy Options
#1 Posted : 4/21/2011 12:12:00 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 20
Joined: 08-Apr-2011
Last visit: 02-Sep-2016
Hi fellow travelers,

SWIM is planning to buy Whole Caapi Vine and San Pedro.

1. San Pedro:
SWIM saw San Pedro from 2 online vendors (both very reputable according to people here), say A and B (I would have posted it in the Supplier section, but don't have the privilege).
Vendor A sells 500g of dried green tissue from T. Peruvianus for $80 no shipping charges.
Vendor B sells 3 X 12" cuttings from T. Peruvianus for $57 plus $10 shipping.
Given that both of these are high quality product, which one is a better deal?
SWIM wants to trip hard and also wants to know which method of consuming it will be the best. (acetate, free base, resin or just the reduced tea).

SWIM recently bought 4 X 12" cuttings from a different vendor (no mention of that in this forum). He made a tea out of it (cut into pieces with spine, skin and core, and boiled in water and lemon juice for around 6 hours) and it was an OK trip when divided in between 3 people. It was a smooth trip (after 2-2.5 hours of really bad nausea) that started with acid like feelings and transitioned into mushroom like introspection.

2. Caapi Vine (I heard white and yellow vines are for first timers, so that's what I am listing here):
SWIM saw Whole Yellow Caapi vine from the same 2 vendors.
Vendor A sells 500g for $78 shipping included.
Vendor B sells different kinds of Vines (they charge $10 extra for shipping).
------->Hawaiian Yellow vine: 450g for $68.
------->OLD Growth Peruvian WHITE vine: 450g for $68.
------->YOUNG Brazilian Yellow Vine: 450g for $55.
Which one should SWIM go for?
What is the difference between vines from different places (Hawaiian, Peruvian, Brazilian)?
What is the difference between OLD growth (they say harvested every 5 years) and young vine?

PS: The reason SWIM wants whole vines is because he procured 450g of powdered vine and it was a serious pain in the butt to brew it. It was impossible to filter out and eventually spilled over almost 3/4th during final boiling for reducing it. There were a lot of particulates which made it through the filter.

Thank you for reading this long post and thanks in advance for the replies.

Love and peace.
Om purna mada purna midam That is the Whole, this is the Whole,
purnat purnam udachyate From the Whole, the Whole arises,
purnasya purnam adaya Taking away the Whole from the Whole,
purnam eva vasishyate The Whole remains,
om santi santi santihi Om Peace, peace, peace.

Om asato ma sad gamaya Lead us from untruth to Truth,
tamaso ma jyotir gamaya From darkness to Light,
mrityor ma amritam gamaya From death to Immortality,
om santi santi santihi Om Peace, peace, peace.

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