DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 4 Joined: 17-Mar-2011 Last visit: 26-Apr-2011
Hi, a FOAF wanted to know about any reports people have about either theirs or a friends struggle with psychosis. He has always had an interest in "baked goods" of the mind expanding category. His first taste was a large dose of that fungi infected wheat product that was so popular in the 60's and found it as beautiful as the hype claimed. It was logical and calculated and seemed to definitely seed thought as opposed to provoking delusions. It was only until recently that he was mature enough to realize that in his mind he had idealized baked goods long before every even having a chance to try it, and because of this realization he began to question if he truelly liked it or was simply fulfilling a predisposed paradigm about what these goods were. He still had fun with them but after a bowl of "cream of mushroom soup" that his college brother had grown and made himself which led to an accidental suicide attempt, and a very religious experience (he is still an atheist) these baked good were beginning to lose their sacramental (not for religious but for philosophical growth) value. It was only recently that he began cooking his own cookies (the Keebler elf brand) but has had difficulty enjoying them. After eating these cookies he began fearing for his sanity, something no other baked good has done. while indulging in a rather heavy dose of cookie he began feeling that he was at the doorway to something divinely greater but had the profound feeling that he was being burned or rejected. He felt the pressence something else which he later equated to his own psyche which he was almost completely but not fully detached from. In all his attempts at enjoying his homemade cookies, he gets overly scared and cannot eat enough cookies to feel "full".
I realize this story is i lil personal and overly convoluted but the main point is to simply gain insight into the risk associated with these tasty mind treats. Is it playing russian rulet with your sanity or is there the requirement of some predisposition. Any information on psychosis or schizophrenia would be helpful such as causes, prevention, and the neural chemistry behind it. Philosophical answers on how to have a more enjoyable sacrament are acceptable such as state of mind, or would one having the intention of making money of his cookies end up burning him. but scientific answers beyond the obvious answers of too much or too little dopamine or serotonin or preferred. is it down regulation or over production. any insight would help.
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 14191 Joined: 19-Feb-2008 Last visit: 06-Feb-2025 Location: Jungle
Please check our Health and Safety sectionIf you are having psychological trouble when taking these substances, take a break, or stop altogether, maybe they are just not for you. It doesnt make you a lesser person if you feel that you dont get what you want from these substances and if they are not your way. If psychological problems persist after discontinuing use, please visit a professional about it. Good luck!
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 497 Joined: 02-Jan-2009 Last visit: 29-Aug-2024 Location: Hyperspace, USA
Yes, What Endlessness said is right on. If you are already feeling on shaky ground spiritually, psychologically, or otherwise, then starting an earthquake under yourself with these baked goods is not a good thing! Swim might use baked goods to purposely shake up his all too stable life and mindset for the good of spiritual growth, but he can easily withstand being shaken and quickly get over it. If you cannot do that then I would find other wonderful things in this life to do ( arts, sports, love, travel, etc..) until such a time these baked goods really feel right for you. Peace
Mad Banshee
Note that the poster of this message would never actually use or recommend to use illegal substances. He is just an attention seeker and should be considered to be lying about everything he posts and his posts are only for the sake of generating discussion.
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 4 Joined: 17-Mar-2011 Last visit: 26-Apr-2011
thanks for the responses its good to know there is a community attempting to create a safe otherworldly sacrament. he is curious. In several places he has read that an underdose could cause the extreme experience without losing ones ego, leading to extreme fear. Is there a certain point where one simply ceases to exist (or at least where the functions behind ones internal voice simply breaks down leading to a lack of true observation/analysis of the universe)? He remembers on his first mushroom experience there was an unmeasurable period of time where he lacked true memory of event but distinctly remember (at least have an image in his head which seems to be the closest to the event as he can recollect) almost existing on an atomic level. This is the closest he could say he has come to ego death. would taking the appropriate dose of spice facilitate a fearless journey or would more simply cause a more fearful/overwhelming experience? He thinks he is fine psychologically, he his overall happy, although there is splotchy history of depression here and there on his mothers side, coupled with drug addiction and suicide (but for only a few cases, no immediate family). He realizes that responsibility would dictate he doesn't take the risk, but this experience was the first that actually induced spirituality. Past experiences with cid were cold calculated, and completely logical, Mushrooms brought euphoria and with the help of jane, causes ludicrous, but profound delusions. Spice, was the closest he would call a religious epiphany, while still being cynical as he considers/perhaps considered religion the explanation to everything for those who understand nothing. I am sorry for long ranted messages but appreciate the advice of anyone who would read through this. Is the risk of irreversible mental trauma not worth the possible lessons to learn?
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 497 Joined: 02-Jan-2009 Last visit: 29-Aug-2024 Location: Hyperspace, USA
dalegribble wrote: Is the risk of irreversible mental trauma not worth the possible lessons to learn? A common sound that I heard from many people who feel that they have psychological issues is the over dramatization of everything. The reason I'm pointing this out is not to mock you in any way. We all have grand ways of stating things, but people who seem to have the hardest time are ones who hang on to bad experiences or perhaps invite bad experiences by over-thinking and over dramatizing the experiences. I think the nice thing about spice is that it turns off a lot of that sort of internal dialog. Has swim had bad journeys that scared the crap out of him? Sure, but he knows it was but a dream and moves on. So, my advice is to proceed with caution and go with it a little more, let it take you where it may, and don't fret too much. You might be a bit scared or traumatized for a few minutes after a nasty trip, but you should know how to shake it off like you just awoke from a bad dream is all. Safe Journeys my Friend! Peace
Mad Banshee
Note that the poster of this message would never actually use or recommend to use illegal substances. He is just an attention seeker and should be considered to be lying about everything he posts and his posts are only for the sake of generating discussion.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 258 Joined: 23-May-2010 Last visit: 20-Jul-2022 Location: staticvoid
I agree about the moldy loaf being a bit cold. The Spicy keebler biscuits are warmer with more empathy. Have you tried journeying near running water such as a stream or river? I don't know why but for me that pretty much guarantees a sense of serenity. Actually eating the biscuits rather than vaporizing can lead to a more manageable experience as well. Do note that the dose should be started low and worked up. Too much is simply too much. It's all about that sweet spot -- be it some, all, or none. I don't think the question is how much can sanity take but how much does sanity want to take? These aren't the droids you're looking for.
Posts: 856 Joined: 12-Jul-2010 Last visit: 24-Feb-2024 Location: New Zealand
How do you vaporize a biscuit? Black then white are all I see in my infancy. Red and yellow then came to be, reaching out to me, lets me see. There is so much more and it beckons me to look though to these, infinite possibilities. As below so above and beyond I imagine, drawn outside the lines of reason. Push the envelope. Watch it bend.
Posts: 1808 Joined: 29-Jan-2010 Last visit: 30-Dec-2023 Location: in the universe
vaporising biscuits is easy , freebase the biscuit and load the biscuit in pipe and light away to wonderland , awesome much better than eating as stomach problems can cause the house to be messy and filled with puke ( speacially if inviting friends to eat the biscuits ) , Godspeed illusions !, there are no illusions there is only that which is the truth
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 150 Joined: 23-Jun-2010 Last visit: 22-Dec-2017 Location: Multi-versal Reality
^Another good way around the stomach issues is sublingual pharma. Gives SWIM a nice, smooth, 3 hour journey with no nausea. I am awake in a dream called reality.
Posts: 856 Joined: 12-Jul-2010 Last visit: 24-Feb-2024 Location: New Zealand
Jin wrote:vaporising biscuits is easy , freebase the biscuit and load the biscuit in pipe and light away to wonderland , awesome much better than eating as stomach problems can cause the house to be messy and filled with puke ( speacially if inviting friends to eat the biscuits ) , Godspeed I was asking in a literal sense I was just amused by the idea of vaporizing a biscuit. I like to vaporize dmt. prefer to eat my food. Black then white are all I see in my infancy. Red and yellow then came to be, reaching out to me, lets me see. There is so much more and it beckons me to look though to these, infinite possibilities. As below so above and beyond I imagine, drawn outside the lines of reason. Push the envelope. Watch it bend.