Carrying it around Options
#1 Posted : 3/26/2011 7:35:43 AM
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A friend of mine had his car searched by the police in a complete freak random search three years ago.
They found 1 gram of DMT and got charged for possession. He had to go through the whole court procedure. He got a "spent" sentence -- apart from the $800 he had to pay between fine, court costs, etc., it was OK.

He really, really, really thinks that DMT shoudn't be illegal at all. The ringbarking of trees to make it should be, but the substance itself shouldn't. Anyhow...

Ever since being charged, every single time the police stops him, he gets his car searched if he's the driver.

Now... he's all excited because he melted some DMT in Damiana. He tells me that the experience is incredible. He really wants to be able to carry it around sometimes, and just smoke it at a party for example.

The "enhanced" Damiana leaves look exactly the same as normal ones. Now, he is saying: some people smoke herbs with a normal pipe all the time. If he carries a pipe around, with harmless herbs in it and a small quantity of "enhanced" herbs, and the police stops him and searches him, can he state that he's just carrying a pipe to smoke herbs?

How hard is it for the police to actually check the herbs and see that they are normal/enhanced? Could they have it lab-tested at your expense if they wanted to, in Australia?

What do you think? How do you carry it around, if you must?


Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 3/26/2011 7:50:33 AM
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If he already has s record and is being stopped and checked for drugs, I think it would be too risky to carry anything illegal. Next time he would most likely end up in prison.
The trees spoke to me through the wind. The more I listened, the more they spoke.
#3 Posted : 3/26/2011 8:01:47 AM

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He really wants to be able to carry it around sometimes, and just smoke it at a party for example.

I understand the wonderful feelings changa can give a person, but despite any feelings anyone has about sacred molecules, the law does not care one WHIT about how someone possessing, or openly consuming a scheduled substance feels.

If your friend already has a record, he is doubly endangering himself.

If your friend truly loves the molecule as a teacher, would he consider that his actions also place the entire community at risk, were he to be caught again? Unfortunately, no one has to look very far to find a completely ignorant "DMT bust" on behalf of some authorities somewhere.

If your friend's idea of a party is sharing spice with an intimate crowd of people, he should perhaps consider making an arrangement that would put him less at risk (invite some friends over for a ceremony).

There are also so many uncontrollable variables. What if your friend ends up in some freak car accident on the way to the party, and he's carrying illegal substances? What happens if the police end up at the party for god knows any reason? While unlikely, it's not best to tempt fate if you are putting your entire personal fate on the line. Confused

I understand how great the bliss is and how sweet it is to share. That is why I, personally, can't ever risk that bliss for anything, and will do what I can to protect it.
Some things will come easy, some will be a test
#4 Posted : 3/26/2011 12:05:58 PM

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Minx, you said it. But I would like to add that I too think that spice is something that should not be risked, or do I think it is a good party drug..

There is always that chance that they will just ignore the funny smelling "damiana" leaf in a jar or plastic bag.. But 9 out of 10 times that cop will take it, test it, send it to a lab, and the outcome will be that you were in possesion of a schedule 1 drug..

Ultimately your life is comprised of your choices, and if you choose to risk your freedom then so be it, but the more DMT related arrests that are made, than the harder it becomes for the rest of the world to enjoy it. The more people take risks with transporting DMT the more the authorities with learn of the drug, and the different ways people use and transport it.

I know a guy who was pulled over with 2 25mg doses of dmt in 2 capsules in his pocket, he also had a half pound of grass on him.. So after being searched and they find the grass they than pull out the 2 capsules and asked him what they were. He told them it was "plant food" and they emptied them out into a plastic chemical test bag, and nothing came up, so they dumped them into the ground and arrested him on charges of distributing marijuana..
He was lucky they didnt take it to the lab for further testing, but thats only becuase the small amount of dmt he had on him, and the large amount of grass. But if you get pulled over by a cop who is looking to arrest someone, and all you have is some enhanced leaf, than chances are you will be busted for it, and your life will take a nasty turn to a new chapter...

Much peace and love, make the right choice.

Everything I say is fictional, I do not support illegal drug use of any kind, SWIM is a fictional character.

The Traveler
#5 Posted : 3/26/2011 1:53:56 PM

"No, seriously"

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I would like to chime in here that this talk is in essence talk about trafficking DMT. It is clearly stated in the Attitude page that this is not allowed, there are not exceptions to this!
Attitude wrote:
• No discussion is allowed about selling drugs, buying drugs, procuring drugs, prices of drugs, trading drugs and trafficking of drugs. This includes all isolated psychedelic compounds and RCs (Research Chemicals), whether they are legal or not. The only goods allowed to be discussed in the Supplier's section are legal ethnobotanicals and legal/unwatched chemical supplies. See this thread for good reasons why we don't allow this.

As such I will close this thread.

The Traveler
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