Shaman or friend/sitter ? (suggestions for a safe and effective experience with ayahuasca) Options
#1 Posted : 3/24/2011 2:02:40 AM

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Hello everybody,

I am a new forum member. I found this website (needless to say, great site !) a while ago whilst doing some ayahuasca research on the Internet and a few days ago I decided to register because I am in search of guidance/suggestions. I am totally new to ayahuasca and there's something about which I feel a bit confused.

So the thing is...I've always been interested in philosophy, spirituality & metaphysics. A few months ago I happened to read about shamanism and ayahuasca and I felt a strong wish to try ayahuasca because of its sacramental and spiritual use, so I talked about it to a very, very good friend of mine, a trusted friend I've known for more than ten years, and we decided we would try it together but not at the same time, so that we would be each other's sitter during the experience (this friend and I are by no means recreational drug users and, as I said, we are new to ayahuasca). We' ve spent the last couple of months trying to get as much information as we could (a number of books and videos amongst those available on the Internet), and then we got some Banisteriopsis caapi and Psychotria viridis from a serious online ethnobotanical supplier, but we haven’t tried it yet, as there's one thing we're still having doubts about. What is still not clear after all the search, is wether this do-it-yourself approach is safe or not and if it's still an effective spiritual healing technique. Somewhere on the Internet I have read that, ‘increasing numbers of people are going to South America to drink Ayahuasca under the guidance of traditionally trained shamans, who may help you to navigate the difficult psycho-spiritual depths in the realms and assist the healing processes of the Vine. But this is not feasible for everyone’. Unfortunately at the moment going to South America is impossible for us too...

So, I am curious and interested in knowing what you think about it, and thanks for any thoughts you are willing to share.

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#2 Posted : 3/24/2011 3:46:35 AM

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Sounds like you two are on the right path!

I'm sure taking it in the amazon would be an awesome experience, but you can explore these realms and have an unbelievably healing experience just the same in your own home. Thats why aya has been spreading her vines all over the world lately! You may be disappointed with P.viridis, as some people report inconsistent potency when taking leaf from online vendors. Mimosa Hostilis is a good alternative if that is the case. There are also other options like chaliponga

Check out the ayahuasca section of the forum, there are many glowing experience reports in there
and especially the 'its all about aya <3' thread

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#3 Posted : 3/24/2011 4:43:47 AM

I Eat Plant Magic

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Like universecannon said, I'd love to do it with a shaman, but it's not essential. You guys do sound like you're on the right path, as long as you keep doing the reading!

If your first attempt doesn't work, keep trying... you'll know when you get it right.

And welcome to the Nexus!


#4 Posted : 3/24/2011 7:16:43 PM

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There is nothing wrong about doing this in your own home. You both sound intelligent and prepared. You should each read the Psychedelic Experience by T Leary. I didn't read it before hand, nor did sitters (I've done it twice, once with and once without a sitter), but afterward when reading it, realized that it was a great guide for working through the dissolving ego.

If there is any worry about drinking alone just start small.

edit: and nothings impossible, highly inconvenient with small chance of success maybe, but c'mon, impossible to go to south america? like where's your legs at man? tickets from miami to colombia run $200??? (aware you maybe not state side, just saying) nothing impossible
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#5 Posted : 3/25/2011 5:24:23 AM

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Thanks for your answers !

I didn't know people have problems with Psychotria Viridis, thanks (universecannon) for the tip, and, yes, I'm definately going to read the ayahuasca section of the forum carefully before trying anything (so far I've only read parts of it).

And I didn't know about Timothy Leary either (Lavos). I've checked out his Wikipedia profile and I'll try to get that book, thanks.

As to going to the Amazon...well, I 'm not sure if I should say this but, ahem, we're actually European, so a round trip flight to Peru/etc. alone would cost - at the very least - € 800 per person (not to mention work and family commitments which would make it impossible to travel that far in the very near future). But that's not what would worry me the most, not because we're rich, but because we could spend a couple of grand each for an incredible trip and of course we could free ourselves from commitments later on. What would worry me the most is fairly well described in an article I've found on the Internet entitled, ‘Ayahuasca Tourism: A Cautionary Tale’ written buy a guy named R. Stuart, who claims he, ‘observed ayahuasca tourism while visiting Ucayali, Peru as part of a cactus identification research project’. He warns that in South America Ayahuasca is a ‘Religion and an Industry’. He writes, ‘Ayahuasca tourists are often bewildered by the fact that almost every shaman claims to be the only person in all of Amazonia who knows how to properly brew the magic potion’ and, ‘Unless a tourist spent a long while getting to know a practitioner, the character of a commercialized ayahuasca ceremony would probably be shallower than a ritual conducted solely for the benefit of the shaman’s relatives and community’. As we know NOBODY in South America, we really wouldn't know where to begin in finding a good and trustworthy ayahuasquero. In a couple of those videos that are available on the Internet they also show the more expensive American-led retreats...but we're not sure about those either (aside from the fact they're expensive, are they ok or just a a money-making venture? There seem to be different opinions about it ) . So...we've already decided we would like to visit the Amazon at some point because we do think it would be an awsome experience, but it looks like now it's too early to think about it and we should wait until the right opportunity arises.

Well, your words are reassuring and encouraging. Before submitting this post I already knew (because I had read about it) that there are many people doing ayahuasca without a shaman at home, or in a natural setting. Even so, the fact that ayahuasca ceremonies seem to be extremely turbulent with people screaming and crying, and the multitude of different opinions make us a bit confused. But I guess after all the reading we should just try and see what happens…

#6 Posted : 3/25/2011 3:04:53 PM

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psychedelic experience at erowid.

Just read it there if you want.

I understand that going to South America not the easiest (or even best) idea for many. Wasn't trying to be condescending or anything, just not a fan of impossible. Laughing

And on turbulent trips, funny thing. On a salvia breakthrough (much shorter duration of course) I was flipping the fuck out, and eventually screamed at the top of my lungs, "OMG IM DYING!!!!!" At like 3 in the morning, in old apartments. I was so sure someone was gonna come knocking, so was my girl. No one ever said a thing. But I screamed as desperate and tragic as anyone could. Sounds like you know what you want to do. So with good faith and a strong step, do it.

As far as in nature VS inside. Me and my friend both found indoors quite preferable. Unless you are very familiar with your area, and experienced with tripping outdoors, I'd say stay at home.
My ego is insane, but I'm alright

The path of excess leads to the palace of wisdom. -William Blake

Lavos is a fictional character, a dream inside a dream. Don't take what he says to be true or representational of reality in any known form. He is inspired by pure fantasy.
#7 Posted : 3/25/2011 6:00:14 PM

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It sounds as you are taking this step of your life very seriously, which I can not stress enough. The effects from mama aya are extremely long lasting if she decides to grant you on an experience. The respect you pay to her will be returned upon your journey. Not before my fifth time was I truely given a memorable teaching. So be patient, perhaps taking it at your home spawns the desire for an authentic amazon experience?

As for journeying to south America, it is not, so to say "necessary" but highly recommended. The ayahuasceros truely are able to channel their power through the plant to offer you a deeper experience. The deeper into the jungle the more meaningful the experience. In citys and around the surface of the jungle you find middlemen leading you to family relatives so they can share the wealth. This doesn't negate the experience, as you will surely recieve a teaching from the plant, but the teaching and/or lesson will surely be less authentic than you would find from a practinioner of many years. A guide would easily be found to navigate the rivers for a few days to reach a native tribe where the aya would gladly be given/traded for an offering. a much more authentic experience with the plant, without the alteration of society/civilization bias would be found this way.

If you would like to experiment with the plant from home, feel free. Be aware of your expectations for without a guide you will be only able to venture so far. Definitely have a sitter for the experience, I'd recommend a home away from loud city noises/cars with as few distractions(computer,phone, tv) as possible in the environment. Safe travels , peace, and respect for this important branch of you and your loved ones life.
"So the bodhisattva saves all beings, not by preaching sermons to them, but by showing them that they are delivered, they are liberated, by the act of not being able to stop changing."
-Alan Watts

"Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering its a feather bed."
— Terence McKenna
#8 Posted : 3/26/2011 12:58:23 AM

I Eat Plant Magic

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My first time (for any psychedelic) was 3g rue and 2g mimosa by myself, at night, in silent darkness. Crazy-ass ego-destroying wonderful experience... A sitter might have been comforting, but I wasn't in danger of hurting myself or anything. A good and bad side of harmalas is that you don't at all feel like moving around (in my experience).



#9 Posted : 3/26/2011 2:35:32 AM

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Hi Elin, You can have a very meaningful experience right in your own home. I know I have. It's nice to have a sitter, someone who knows you well and you are comfortable with. What you may want to do is make enough brew for several doses because it really is something that you should build a relationship with over a period of time. I would also encourage you to drink a caapi only brew at least for your first time. It will help you recognize and tell the difference between the plants and make it easier to adjust your dosage. You will be rewarded with patience.

Ive used chacruna and like it a lot but I've heard of folks having mixed results with it. Maya is the only chacruna ( P. Viridis )vendor that I can personally vouch for and the Hawaiian variety is far superior. Happy Travels.
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#10 Posted : 3/27/2011 3:48:18 AM

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Hi guys,

sorry for being in hiding, I've had a rough couple of days...and again, thanks for (all) your responses.

Just read it there if you want

Wow, this site looks...useful !

I understand that going to South America not the easiest (or even best) idea for many. Wasn't trying to be condescending or anything, just not a fan of impossible. Laughing

Oh, it's ok...I wasn't annoyed by your reply, I was just trying to explain more in detail why going to South America is impossible for us at the moment.

I was so sure someone was gonna come knocking

Though I forgot to mention, that's another thought that has crossed my mind... unfortunately I also live in an apartment where I overhear my neighbours all the time. Neither my friend nor I own a beautiful, secluded house on the lake, like you see in the movies... Sad

A guide would easily be found to navigate the rivers for a few days to reach a native tribe where the aya would gladly be given/traded for an offering. a much more authentic experience with the plant, without the alteration of society/civilization bias would be found this way

I can imagine this is the best way. That's what I also thought after watching those videos available on the internet. (As to navigating the rivers for a few days with a guide, forgive my ignorance - I am new to this, like I said - where would we sleep ?) Right now I feel still anxious, though, about going to a country I don't know, whose language I do not speak, whose level of security is definately lower than in the Western countries to venture into the jungle... I mean, even if I love nature&camping, I am still a city girl of the Western world Sad

Be aware of your expectations for without a guide you will be only able to venture so far

Mmh...I am not sure I understand exactly...
#11 Posted : 3/27/2011 9:14:19 AM

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I like to wait to drink until late at night (usually midnight), because even in noisy situations, most everyone is asleep! Coming down as the sun comes up is also gorgeous. Smile

Good luck!
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