Spice showed me Yoga or Tai chi chuan moviments!!! Options
#1 Posted : 3/12/2011 3:42:15 AM
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Ok...what i am about to tell now its so bizarre i can hardly imagine someone having the same thing.
I was in the midlle of the tunnel, and when i got to there...i felt this amazing energy running thru my body, and that energy became moviment.

I started to do involuntary movements with my arms, but very cordinated moviments,extremelly similar or identical to some kung fu, yoga and tai chi chuan moves i saw.
It was like all the visual was changing according to my movements, like i was grabbing
and changing all those patterns, objects and "waves" with those moviments. The crazy thing of course, i couldnt control my movements, they where controling
It was amazing...i was so happy, and the fun thing, i coudlnt stop laughing, like my friend Endlesnnes said:
" You were laughing from the most inner soul, the thru laugh"
The cosmic laugh!!!
I swear, i dindt had time to look for more information on kung fu or yoga move, and when i mean kung fu, i mean not the fight, i mean the exercices the Shaolin Monks do.
It was my last trip living in Europe,i just came back to my country.
Beautiful, so bizzare, Hyperspace was showing me something i could never imagine. I remeber my friend was in the living room, and, in the middle of that whole dance, i stop laughing, and said
" Please come here know...ahahahah...they are showing me why oriental people and all they diferent kind of schools, al diferent kind of moves, from India to China, they know something we dont..."
I dindt mean that in the classical psycodelic inocent guy that think that any indian or chinese guy is a guru. I meant that in a way that what was showed to me, all the moves they have a reason for exist.
Its the moviment of the Universe.I dont know a lot about Quantun theoris, and the superstrings, but remember one of the theoris is that the strings have these waves passing thru them and this is what define those points, define if they are matter or energy in the particular moment that the wave pass thru that point.
This theory matched perfectly with my experience. I felt like Mickey Mouse, in that movie Fantasy, where he is the maestro of a color orchestra, the diference was that my orchestra was the patterns and waves of the Universe, and i wasnat leading them, it was more like it was leading me.
I am still amazed whit that...If someone had something similar PLEASE SAY SOMETHING!!!

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#2 Posted : 3/12/2011 6:01:44 AM


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It is common for psychedelics to spur spontaneous mudras in the user.
Big Inhale
#3 Posted : 3/12/2011 6:58:05 AM

The Enlightend One

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۩ wrote:
It is common for psychedelics to spur spontaneous mudras in the user.

Any known reason for this?
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#4 Posted : 3/12/2011 7:12:20 AM


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I can only speculate...
Do you see hyperspace in the way that it flows?
Play around with them, see how they feel.
Some make for perfect energy circulation in meditation,
while others, like palms pressed, seem to evoke a strange power.
(I can recall a LSD trip doing that, closing my eyes, and the tension was pushing gigantic stone gears in the sky depending on the pressure.)
it's also a good place to start.
another is the 'ol thumb to the pointer finger circle mudra-

It happens to people spontaneously because of that energy that builds up ... it has to go somewhere ... I'm not sure why it chooses the hands/arms, and in such a mysteriously elegant way.

I've had visions in hyperspace of ...beings.... who were doing the most insanely flawless kind of communication with their arms and limbs and I became one with it and understood the absurd perfect beautiful completely weird form of expression/communication. I wish we understood this more, I think it's a phenomenon worth trying to explain. It would explain a lot about that insane electric energy we can posses as beings, and how that effects us... we don't even really have words for it in our language I don't think!

#5 Posted : 3/14/2011 7:35:34 PM

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yep, every so often i feel it building in me on the come up and if the conditions are just right i can break into this state of being you describe. I never really hear anyone talk about it, but i know it happens to others too. it is an amazing state and i consider it one of the higher peak experience states...
aumumano wrote:

I felt like Mickey Mouse, in that movie Fantasy, where he is the maestro of a color orchestra, the diference was that my orchestra was the patterns and waves of the Universe, and i wasnat leading them, it was more like it was leading me.

kinda reminds me of making a clay pot on a potters wheel, or holding onto a gyroscope toy, you can hit these energetic grooves that feel sooo right and pure, and you feel/know something amazing is being channeled or created...

so very special when it manifests, it is sooooo beautiful to witness too. These are motions that the gods make when they are moving planets of forming new galaxies, pure creation at your finger tips, like a tuning fork that is also an instrument of creation and destruction, this pure manipulation of energy, reality, time..... everything. i have seen others in this state of being, writing ethereal messages that glow like electric fire in the air with there hands and bodies opening and closing the very fabric of reality around them as they dance the cosmic dance for all. and some people iv noticed seem to know what they are doing in this state, and can open up space for all to dance and revel in to bring the group higher'.

very special that you got to experience this state IMO, i feel very honored when i am able to witness this taking place... and when i have the reins of creation thrust into my hands and get opportunity to be a conductor... its an amazing gift, though the potential that is suggested is a bit intimidating to say the lest....

I should mention too that this state is def. not substance specific, as it has manifested from a number of different experiences...

remember though the performance seems to be leading you... its your reflection that is casting out, its your version of the song thats being played, its what YOU the conductor choose to create... to manifest with this energy, and those who are are aware to witness this this state unfolding around them can feel it all too, so please be pure and kind let the heart lead, please show us the ecstatic joy of existence and not just the monsters you have neglected, because we all in it together ya dig'....Wink

ok done ranting, just a crazy person in the corner here waving their arms and yelling about cosmic energys... probably just ate too much lsd, dont worry they'll come down eventually.....

hope something resonates...Laughing
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#6 Posted : 3/15/2011 12:32:20 AM

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Exactly this. I have periodically even taken a bowl and a bostaff outside and done regular exercises. Usually just before sunset. Very dangerous behavior, probably, but my staff form is doing rather well.
Rising Spirit
#7 Posted : 3/15/2011 12:40:50 AM

'Tis A Looooooong Wind Blowing Cosmic Dust

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Big Inhale wrote:
Any known reason for this?

If you've read any of Dr. Carl Jung's writings, he often speaks about the 'collective unconsciousness'. He speculates that there is an area within the brain of every human being, which can tap into and directly access knowledge which would otherwise remain unknown to the individual having the breakthrough. Call it a deep memory into our core genetics? :idea:

Anyway, having practiced hatha yoga and Yang family taijiquan (tai chi chuan) for quite some time now, I can say emphatically that none of these moments are particularly spontaneous or natural to humankind. I'm talking about body mechanics and difficult to learn postures.

The same can be said for hand mudras, which are quite specific systems of hand posturing, each posture containing deeper meaning and representing universal aspect of existence. It would be absurd to view these hand postures as anything less than an exacting science.

The older Shaolin gung fu is clearly based many of the movements and fluid motion of animals. Most of us are familiar with the Hong Kong kung fu movies about mysterious styles like: Tiger, monkey, snake, crane and dragon. These are very, very specific mannerisms and accompanying headset (attitude, characteristic and proclivity).

As we all well know, animals move instinctively. Perhaps this is why it is so difficult for contemporary human beings to learn? As we have traded instinct for reason, this is certainly not surprising. So too, it becomes a game of unlearning our fixed rationale in favor of instinctive, more natural ways to navigate through time, space and dimension.

Paradoxically, under the profound spell of psychedelics, we open some doorway into this reservoir of collective knowledge (usually without even knowing it). I propose the idea that aumumano tuned-into an area of collective knowledge which gave him instant access to manifesting them, within his rushing experience on Spice. Well, I assume it was DMT but having the experience of the tunnel, might just as easily have been any tryptamine or phenethylamine. Spice is just way quicker and more explosive. Shocked

I will venture to say this, while yogic posturing and the fluid movements contained within taijiquan take years of practice, to effortlessly actualize. Granted these movements and non-movements are the perfect natural balancing with the Earth's gravitational field, they take years of training to do it properly. Ironically, what is the most efficient and expressive way of holding our physical forms, is only possible by meticulously relearning one's entire center of gravity and one's balance. And as one would imagine, it is a lifetime endeavor to understand exactly how to do these postures and stances.

To access this through the Magik of psychedelics, is one of the truly miraculous aspects of the incredible flight of the psychonaut. It is the seemingly spontaneous and effortlessness of this phenomenon which is so incredible. It is only possible through the dawning of an acute knowledge and understanding. This is why it takes most people so many years to perfect these practices.

First our mind opens up to the idea of the form and then it translates into our bio-mechanics. It is a special thing indeed, when this happens without prior foreknowledge and quite a stretch of intentional training.

Exactly this. I have periodically even taken a bowl and a bo staff outside and done regular exercises. Usually just before sunset. Very dangerous behavior, probably, but my staff form is doing rather well.

Paradoxically, the use of weapons in our training (like staff, spear or sword), transmutes the violence by which they are know, into a purely spiritual extension of one's Qi (Chi), directed by the focus of our dantian (center) and thus cultivate Shen (enlightenment). These are references to the triad energies which make up the internal Chinese martial arts: Jing-Chi-Shen. Together, they are called by Taoists, The Three Treasures.

One more thing, don't you just love the vortex your bo create as it spins figure-eights and large circles in the empty sky? In a milder way, it is the same as the tunnel in aumumano's vision, as it is the unbound creative force, The Tao. It's like being in the center of the cyclone... the eye of the hurricane. Gotta love it!!! Cool
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Rgeular Dudess
#8 Posted : 3/15/2011 2:21:30 PM
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There's a word for those movements. They're called kriyas in sanskrit language:
#9 Posted : 3/15/2011 2:30:36 PM
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I remember once on LSD i saw the silhouettes of humans 'flicking' through hundreds of Yogic asanas, i'd never practiced Yoga before then so didn't have memory of Yoga positions stored in my mind (unless they were past life impressions/memories).

The afterglow of DMT for me is as if i'd done a lot of Yoga & Meditation, that's how it feels in my body, light, clear and free.

I usually end up with my hands in prayer position aswell during/after a psychedelic experience, my friends seem to equate this with praying to a God but to me it's just what happens, it just feels right like completing an electrical circuit and channeling energy.
Rising Spirit
#10 Posted : 3/15/2011 5:52:00 PM

'Tis A Looooooong Wind Blowing Cosmic Dust

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Rgeular Dudess wrote:
There's a word for those movements. They're called kriyas in sanskrit languag:

Chrism wrote:
Spontaneous movement given through a high, spiritual force. a movement which is not controlled from any of the five bodies...

The literal Sanskrit translation is basically: action. This action takes root in our thoughts, manifests through our deeds and perhaps one could say, through the expansion of our will? The raw force of the universal flow, this current extends itself through our human transmission as conscious effort? This implies mindful control and intentional action. The sutras of Patanjali are the best source for such specific interpretations and there is a direct reference to yoga (or union) of body, mind and spirit. Essentially, Kriya Yoga means: union through action.

Believe me, Kriya Yoga is quite specific and is not technically... the spontaneous embodiment of hand mudras or yogic asanas. And yet, these extremely complex mechanisms do take place spontaneously, especially when the kundalini (serpent energy) is suddenly released through deep meditation or under the spell of psychedelics.

Kriya commonly refers to a technique or practice within a yogic discipline, however, this does sometimes make reference to external physical manifestations born of an awakened kundalini energy. When this occurs, it can come totally out of the blue. I've never heard it put into a 4-6 month time-frame but I am unfamiliar with this fellow's spin of Indian metaphysics.

I don't personally believe that the phenomenon is the exactly same as originally stated in Sri Patanjali's famous sutras... but I see no need to split hairs over the applications of Sanskrit terminology. Everything has it's polar twin, it's reflection in the looking glass and it's the same for the word kriya. Somewhere along the line, this mysterious phenomenon was noticed and the 'action' became synonymous with spontaneous action and the activation of previously unknown hand and body posturing. It's rather ironic but such is the nature of existence.

The fact of the matter is that the action is generated from some direct and intelligent intention (personal or Omni-personal), either consciously or from tapping into a 'collective unconscious'. And I would even go one step further and suggest that the kriyas manifest from a supra-conscious level, which appear out of nowhere through intense sadhana or Sacred Medicines (magic of P. mushrooms, LSD or DMT). :idea:

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#11 Posted : 3/16/2011 11:16:11 PM

John Murdoch IV

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I think this is knowledge from past life's that surface. I think you probably did kung-fu in a past life.
I've experienced this many times and that's my most logical explanation Smile

DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction.
I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!

Rising Spirit
#12 Posted : 3/17/2011 1:23:51 AM

'Tis A Looooooong Wind Blowing Cosmic Dust

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DMTripper wrote:
I think this is knowledge from past life's that surface. I think you probably did kung-fu in a past life.
I've experienced this many times and that's my most logical explanation Smile

Intriguing thought, DMTripper. Perhaps this explains quite a bit about the content of our dreams and psychedelic visions? The first time I ingested magic mushrooms (liberty caps from Oregon, in 1977), I believe visions I had as the sun rose, were scenes from a Native American incarnation. I could see the village stating to awaken with the dawn and busy itself for another day. I logged this one away as, "an enchanted visionary experience" without committing to any final conclusions or negations in definitive belief.

To this day, however, I can picture the sun rolling over the horizon line, dogs barking, voices speaking an Indian dialect witness the hustle & bustle of yet, another day spent living in harmony within the Great Wheel of Life. I can still smell the campfire and marvel at the beauty of the scene, tee pees and all. :idea:

Still, you words ring true. Having been active in Eastern martial arts for the last 39 years, I have often marveled at the variance in individuals natural ability to snap into the groove and open themselves to learning new movements and alternate ways of holding their center of gravity. Some folks struggle for decades, while some almost instantly begin to excel, almost as if they had learned it before.

This got me thinking quite some time ago... how come? I have speculated for a good time now that there are essentially only 5 or 6 kinds of variance in martial artists. The categories are these:

#1. Those who have had prior training in another compatible discipline, thus excel almost instantly.
#2. Those who for no known reason behave as if they have had previous training and likewise, excel.
#3. Those who are of superior athleticism and eventually learn to incode the methodology and progress.
#4. Those who are challenged to step beyond their barriers and through perseverance and will power
alone, do gradually improve. Although, there are limits to their capacity. Even so, they develop noble character.
#5. Those who struggle with little progress and a hopeless degree of success, yet grasp a touch of the spirit.
#6. Those who will never grasp even an iota of the essence or experience any growth yet, do experience despair.

If one views the first two categories, either the second category contains members who are having certain kriyas manifest spontaneously, which I still wonder about... or they are actually remembering encoded knowledge from prior lifetimes? I think I am on board with you about the gung fu, taijiquan or yoga, which can appear to individuals who are otherwise, totally uneducated in their intricacy, complexity and degree of specificity in expression.
Just where exactly does this mysterious energy come form (I love a good mystery)??? Wink
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