What to do with my Chacruna? Options
#1 Posted : 3/11/2011 7:26:19 PM

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SWIM has ~200 grams of dried hawaiian Chacruna, SWIM kindly asks this knowledgeable community for their suggestions on how to best use the leaves for an enlightening Huasca experience. The leaves have been sitting in a ziplock bag in a closet for roughly two years Shocked SWIM got the material from an online source that is reputable, but unfortunately said to have poor quality P. Viridis. SWIM has made a few attempts in the past but has never been successful in fully experiencing a DMT containing plant (no dmt experience). SWIM is as afraid of the plant as SWIM is interested in learning its teachings. SWIM would like to have the first experience with DMT, if there is to be a first, be with a plant not an extraction, and definitely not an extraction made by a noob like SWIM, as SWIM would not trust someone so inexperienced with DMT, and more importantly chemistry, with providing a safe and meaningful journey. Nature is certainly more capable than SWIM. SWIM would like to approach the experience with the utmost respect, knowing that whatever amount of respect SWIM does manage to muster for this teacher, it will fall short of the amount it demands. However, SWIM's intentions are pure and hopes that this innocence will serve as an acceptable excuse.

My questions are,
Are the leaves still active?
SWIM could barely stomach 28grams of reduced P. Viridis tea with lemon, how much should SWIM try and what tek would you suggest?
Any input on setting and mental preparation, or anything else relevant to a first time experience is highly appreciated.

If you care to hear it, follwing I will report SWIM's previous attempts.


The first attempt took place 5+ years ago and invloved MHRB and Rue. SWIM prepared a simple brew with 8grams of MHRB and 2grams of Rue (x person) boiled seperately, with the rue tea being drank ~30 min before the MHRB. The purple pigment, tannins i guess, along with the hot vomit taste from the rue tea made SWIM's friends, and SWIM tbh, reluctant to drink all of the brew. After getting through half of the MHRB tea, SWIM's friends gave up and SWIM was left to ponder the idea of venturing ahead alone. SWIM was not strong enough to face the challenge alone, in retrospect SWIM would say it was evidence of unpreparedness and it all worked out as it should. No one else noticed any effects, but SWIM noticed a small effect 30min into drinking the tea, dissipating with the swiftness similar to that of a placebo at the 1.5hr mark.

Years later SWIM acquired this Chacruna. SWIM believed that while ingesting a mere 8gr of root bark sounded less difficult, the root was too loaded. SWIM naively assumed that a tea made of 30grams of leaves would be considerably less foul tasting (no offense to the bark) and more bearable than super concentrated purple root bark. SWIM was wrong. An attempt at another tea was made with a friend, 28gr Hawaiian Chacruna to 2gr Rue. As the brew reduced, and SWIM realized just how much leaf material 60grams is, SWIM began came to understand this was no shortcut by any means. With a bit of lemon juice the tea was not necessarily as foul tasting as the MHRB, but incredibly more "nutritious" (the best way to describe it i think). It was too much plant extract for my friend to bare, and too much for SWIM to bare as well. SWIM realized SWIM was unprepared again, so the brew was discarded and the rest of the leaves were stashed.

Since then SWIM has worked on Huasca brews without the intention of ingestion, but purely for experimental purposes. SWIM has come to understand that a sacrifice is necessary to experience Huasca, and is very grateful for the difficulties involved in enjoying (enjoying might not be the right word here) such a powerful medicine.


Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 3/12/2011 4:44:01 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hmmm, Not too sure about your chacruna. I think I would go for something more reliable. Chacruna being my favorite light, the only Hawaiian chacruna I'm absolutely sure about comes from Maya Ethnobotanicals and it is very active at 10g. My second choice would be to brew some mimosa tea, but be careful with dosage, no more than 2g to start with.

Are you working with vine yet? If so, You first need to find out your effective dosage with that so you're not floundering around trying to figure out which plant you may need to adjust. I haven't used rue but the same might apply. Quit using lemon to brew with. Use white vineger as it mostly evaporates in the reduction phase and tastes less horrible. Very slowly reduce down to just a shot glass of liquid per dose.

As for preparation, pay your respects to nature. Make a comfortable ceremonial space. Personally, I do a small native american pipe ceremony with tobacco and prayer on the day I journey but it just depends on how you want to create your own sacred space, it's all about intentions. Some sort of offering, say like the pinky finger on your left hand would probably be an adequate sacrificeWink . Good luck and I hope you have a meaningful journey.
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