So i just thought Options
#1 Posted : 2/18/2011 2:53:03 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Spice has been communicating with me the past week the first time in a year since ive tried it. ive had 3 dreams in a row where i have been on LSD or DMT, i cant really tell. CRAVING is an understatement.
i get massive emotinal rushes when looking at dmt artwork lately, smiling just thinking about it. wanting to reach out and touch 'it' but its not there Sad
now and again i feel im entering hyperspace without it, but its too hard and panicy.
For the first time yesterday i felt my chakras opening like it was giving me an oportunity to sperate or somthing.
when people said you feel a sensation running up your spine, DID I FEEL A FUCKING SENSATION. it was, un-humanlike.
my perception of three dimensions was slowly turning into something else.... like... extremely detailed layers of 2 dimensional objects on top of eachother isntead of the regualar sense of 3d. Then of course it all fell apart due to panic.

A question has been burning in the back of my mind though
If you muster enough will power, can seperate from this dream reality we are currently in right now and move to the position of god cell and create your life, literaly? bend reality? just like becoming lucid in a dream? like a mutation in a group of cells changes the whole, sort of concept?
thinking about it gets my heart ticking. Something is hanging over me i cant really describe it.

Its like, everyone is potentialy a god cell, but you dont have to worry about things like 'what about everyone else?' because you are the only one observing and only one that ever has or will, and theres his whole battle idea between 'them' keeping you in the dream and 'mother spice' convincing you to wake up.
then again 'the powers in control' where put there by you to wake you up? also syncronicitys in my life getting BEYOND funny.
Correct me if im going mad, but drugs are INCREDIBLY well-organized and some are EXTREMELY cleverly promoted over overs....the drugs pyramid if you like... a human filter system type of thing... i duno. it rings bells. mckenna really hit the nail on the head with what im trying to describe here. before i even read one of his articles about the idea, soon as i read it my heart was going again! i felt like neo in the matrix.

Theres this other thought thats come to me, the 3D 'out there' we see is actualy the inside-out (or outside-in, not sure of the best term to use) of reality and inside your mind you contain, literaly, the enitre universe.

Guides welcome
everything is just, happening.

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#2 Posted : 2/18/2011 3:00:20 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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dosage wrote:
A question has been burning in the back of my mind though
If you muster enough will power, can seperate from this dream reality we are currently in right now and move to the position of god cell and create your life, literaly? bend reality? just like becoming lucid in a dream? like a mutation in a group of cells changes the whole, sort of concept?
thinking about it gets my heart ticking. Something is hanging over me i cant really describe it.

so are you asking if the reality we see is not there, and you can free your mind to enter a true reality?
asking if bending true reality is possible to make it life how you want it?

very interesting and im curious!
#3 Posted : 2/18/2011 3:16:47 PM

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Its really hard to describe.
Theres two things to bare in mind to see what i mean
- everyone is dreaming
- everyones dream includes everyonelse. simultanesouly in a paradoxical fashion that you cant put in words.

This cant be life, this cant be it. throughout the vastness and infinitely impossible-to-comprehend universe, this is what i get? REALLY?
i didnt belive it for one fucking second my life
now its becoming aparant to me, its my universe... but people will say 'you cant say that because what about me' then il say 'its yours too, we are in the most insanely complex rubix cube style of interlocked personal realitys.'
everything is just, happening.
#4 Posted : 2/18/2011 5:14:55 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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AS in everyone's reality is their own dream, but everyones dreams are incorporated, overlapping, and including eachothers dreams, and physical being, but your own dream is what you make of it, no matter how you appear in everyone elses dream?
#5 Posted : 2/18/2011 5:46:13 PM

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yes thats exactly what i mean, once you realize you are dreaming you detach from the collective dream yet remain connected to everyone else....
ahh launguage is shit.
i wish someone would share their thoughts.
this is like, basicly what buddishm teaches in a way an taoism if you look at them properly.
latetly ive seen also theres a pineal gland shaped statue/monument inthe vatican and every single civilization shows this shape in some way or another.
there IS something more to dmt. history is biological, we dont see that
science denys the importance of human history (be it power struggles, war, whatever) when looking at evolution
they say it doesnt matter.
everything in this world points to the same thing.
'what the fuck are we doing here'
how can anything be seperate from the great question...
how can their be any side storys to life and whats really going on here...
everyones always like:
'oh thats just history, nothing to do with science or the universe'
'oh thats just an illegal drug, its bad for you, its effects mean nothing in relation to the universe'
'oh thats just the driving force behind nature, it has nothing to do with humans'
'oh thats just religon, has nothing to do with biology or science'
everything is just, happening.
#6 Posted : 2/18/2011 7:10:16 PM

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Since when science denies the importance of human history? Arent you just projecting a person-like characteristic in a method?

Science is a method, a way of reaching a certain kind of knowledge, but it doesnt have any inherent property that denies history or whatever else. In fact one could use science to analyse history from different angles and from that information we can try to use to make our lives better now and for the future.

Maybe some scientists will deny the importance of whatever, and from these cases you might create a negative association to it, but thats not science, thats the psychological characteristic and prefferences (and personal weaknesses) of a person who might be using a method. Thats a misunderstanding of science IMO to throw these negative projections on it.

I agree in view of life there is alwayss the big question of what the hell we're doing here, and I think science can help us with that. But it has its limits, im not gonna look for science when knowing how to react in a specific moment in a relationship with my partner or whatever, for this I have feelings, and for other things I have my senses and body (im gonna dodge a dangerous incoming object from reflex/self-preservation regardless of what science says), etc.

So to somehow get closer to finding what this whole reality is all about (or at least making the best out of it now that we're already here) I think we need to listen to all the possible sources of information, each with their own relative weight, and science is definitely one of the valuable one in a lot of senses. In my view at least...
#7 Posted : 2/18/2011 8:45:53 PM

Harvie Krumpet

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Science says we are a mutating replicating interconnected genetic network of cells descended from a common ancestor. We are a way for the universe to know itself and work itself out.
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#8 Posted : 2/19/2011 1:18:52 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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hey dosage, i think you should consider reading the integration tips,


dmt is a wonderfull thing, but should not lead your mind away from the reality of daily life.
#9 Posted : 2/20/2011 9:59:05 PM

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I couldnt agree more 'Science says we are a mutating replicating interconnected genetic network of cells descended from a common ancestor. We are a way for the universe to know itself and work itself out.'
i absolutely believe that. i think the dmt entity(s) may be like the thing we descended from or US at out highest most developed point.
I may have exagerated some point about science turning things down, but i think my view came from that of 'general peoples' idea of everything.
mostly i mean like, science wont marry the importance of christ in regards to conciousness....which then relates to physics...etc etc. small example
as for the reality of the daily life, i actualy refuse to take part in culture. no thank yo siree Smile
i actualy like breaking people out of there hypnosis. not with this shit ,but you no, sly things about governemtn that makes them go hmmmmmmmmm
EVERYTHING in the society is the result of cultures' launguage's manipulation of the worldview of the collective in the particular society.
i cant find anything i look at that doesnt involve something to do with the worldview and needs of the self.
i can operate happyily, but im not being forced into anyting i dont want to do.
im a human being for christ sakes!
as for intergration, i know wat to do. to figure out the next best metaphor for describing this shit! work on some incredible brain sync video style thing.
marry the old with the new in understanding somehow.
time for some spice.
and more lucid dreams.
everything is just, happening.
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