Spice has been communicating with me the past week the first time in a year since ive tried it. ive had 3 dreams in a row where i have been on LSD or DMT, i cant really tell. CRAVING is an understatement.
i get massive emotinal rushes when looking at dmt artwork lately, smiling just thinking about it. wanting to reach out and touch 'it' but its not there

now and again i feel im entering hyperspace without it, but its too hard and panicy.
For the first time yesterday i felt my chakras opening like it was giving me an oportunity to sperate or somthing.
when people said you feel a sensation running up your spine, DID I FEEL A FUCKING SENSATION. it was, un-humanlike.
my perception of three dimensions was slowly turning into something else.... like... extremely detailed layers of 2 dimensional objects on top of eachother isntead of the regualar sense of 3d. Then of course it all fell apart due to panic.
A question has been burning in the back of my mind though
If you muster enough will power, can seperate from this dream reality we are currently in right now and move to the position of god cell and create your life, literaly? bend reality? just like becoming lucid in a dream? like a mutation in a group of cells changes the whole, sort of concept?
thinking about it gets my heart ticking. Something is hanging over me i cant really describe it.
Its like, everyone is potentialy a god cell, but you dont have to worry about things like 'what about everyone else?' because you are the only one observing and only one that ever has or will, and theres his whole battle idea between 'them' keeping you in the dream and 'mother spice' convincing you to wake up.
then again 'the powers in control' where put there by you to wake you up? also syncronicitys in my life getting BEYOND funny.
Correct me if im going mad, but drugs are INCREDIBLY well-organized and some are EXTREMELY cleverly promoted over overs....the drugs pyramid if you like... a human filter system type of thing... i duno. it rings bells. mckenna really hit the nail on the head with what im trying to describe here. before i even read one of his articles about the idea, soon as i read it my heart was going again! i felt like neo in the matrix.
Theres this other thought thats come to me, the 3D 'out there' we see is actualy the inside-out (or outside-in, not sure of the best term to use) of reality and inside your mind you contain, literaly, the enitre universe.
Guides welcome
everything is just, happening.