Hi and welcome.
I can relate to much of your story, including age, past use, reclusion etc... I have been dabbling in these waters for some time now, and would only like to pass on that SWIM found DMT to be unlike any past psychedelic experience SWIM has ever encountered. While it seems to have been said a lot, SWIM has a hard time labeling DMT a drug, but rather someone, a process, a portal, an intelligence, or who knows what. Words and language fall pitifully short in describing it, yet it is not cheapened by the inability to be condensed into language.
I too am looking to use this forum to reach out to the other recluses, questioners, explorers, and seekers. I hope you find what you are seeking on this path... for me it has somehow provided validation and security beyond my imagining.
A curious yet open mind, pure heart, good research, good dose, and a bit of courage will take you far. How far is ultimately up to you.
Happy travels
There exists precious little outside that in which you believe, and thus choose to see.