Internet shut down in Egypt Options
#1 Posted : 1/29/2011 4:12:37 AM

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Any 1 know about it what are your thoughts?
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#2 Posted : 1/29/2011 7:11:25 AM

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Here is an interesting news article out of the bay area about it:

Pretty wild that a government would do something like that. The world is becoming pretty interesting right about now...
#3 Posted : 1/29/2011 8:22:24 AM

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Yea well i guess since all of the rioting that has been going on they shut the internet down the reason they are rioting is because they want a better government and don't agree with the one they have.

Protest link-

internet shutdown-
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#4 Posted : 1/29/2011 8:27:08 AM

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Auzzie07 wrote:
Here is an interesting news article out of the bay area about it:

Pretty wild that a government would do something like that. The world is becoming pretty interesting right about now...

Hey Your link does not work if you did not know.
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#5 Posted : 1/29/2011 3:52:20 PM
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I hope that the people of egypt will experience real freedom soon. The people of egypt don't deserve to be opressed by the current regime, but a possible regime of the muslim-brotherhood could also be quite unpleasant for many. That organisation plays a marginal role in the current unrest though. A real democratic egypt would be a realy good thing for the whole region. If egypt no longer behaves as a slave of america, that could actually give a boost to peace in israel/palestine as well.
#6 Posted : 1/29/2011 4:06:18 PM

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polytrip wrote:
I hope that the people of egypt will experience real freedom soon. The people of egypt don't deserve to be opressed by the current regime, but a possible regime of the muslim-brotherhood could also be quite unpleasant for many. That organisation plays a marginal role in the current unrest though. A real democratic egypt would be a realy good thing for the whole region. If egypt no longer behaves as a slave of america, that could actually give a boost to peace in israel/palestine as well.

What is 'real freedom'? Have you ever been to Egypt? Just curious. What do you define an oppressive regime? What is democracy, how does it compare to other forms of government? How is Egypt a slave to America? Do you know what the Fund and the Bank are?

I am asking these questions to you rhetorically, for your own benefit; your own edification. My hope is you will fill in a few gaps for yourself, and look beyond what your words are demonstrating - at least to my eye.

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#7 Posted : 1/29/2011 4:15:54 PM

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Here is a good documentary of sorts of it..

and here's a link to a lot more videos on the issue

It's always heartening to see a people standing to fight against repression.
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#8 Posted : 1/29/2011 4:26:08 PM

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FiorSirtheoir wrote:
What do you define an oppressive regime?

Well I know the potential is there when the controlling power is so concentrated that one man can 'dismiss' the rest of the government...yet he can remain in power...


If your religion, faith, devotion, or self proclaimed spirituality is not directly leading to an increase in kindness, empathy, compassion and tolerance for others then you have been misled.
#9 Posted : 1/29/2011 6:26:12 PM

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Yeah... I think it's a pretty strong sign when a country's own people risk their lives to overthrow their governors, something aint right in that government.

The people have spoken!
#10 Posted : 1/29/2011 6:33:14 PM

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soulfood wrote:
Yeah... I think it's a pretty strong sign when a country's own people risk their lives to overthrow their governors, something aint right in that government.

The people have spoken!

From what I understand of the situation this is over an idea or ideology, as opposed to the past where the issue was food prices, inflation, or some specific action by the government. So I have been told.
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#11 Posted : 1/29/2011 6:55:15 PM

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FiorSirtheoir says that the situation in Egypt is about 'an idea, or ideology'.Could you elaborate on this?
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#12 Posted : 1/29/2011 7:27:37 PM
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The 'ideology' of the current movements is related to the foodprices. It's just not fair that the whole country is owned by only 12 men.
So far this has nothing to do with islam, if that's what anybdoy's thinking. If any islamic organisation would have been behind it, the regime would have made sure we=the west knew about it. They have always legitimised their corrupt regimes with 'the threat of islam'.

As for the questions i've been asked by fiorsirtheoir: I could answer them one by one, but i find it more interesting to ask him what exactly he's suggesting.

Would you suggest that there's a secret conspiracy going on behind all of this?
#13 Posted : 1/30/2011 12:26:33 AM
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polytrip wrote:
Would you suggest that there's a secret conspiracy going on behind all of this?

A wikileaks leak claims that the CIA is behind it. You can look for other sources, but here is a quick video.
They say that shit floats, but mine sinks....why?? I guess i'm just into some heavy shit!
#14 Posted : 1/30/2011 12:44:29 AM

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Hello good people,
if we could tell where to start and what to do because I am a layman as far as the whole story and I have a distinct desire to expand personal consciousness, I live in Serbia and I would not know where to start and how to get materials for my first trip and research itself.
talking monkey
#15 Posted : 1/30/2011 1:11:15 AM

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Dragan wrote:
Hello good people,
if we could tell where to start and what to do because I am a layman as far as the whole story and I have a distinct desire to expand personal consciousness, I live in Serbia and I would not know where to start and how to get materials for my first trip and research itself.

Hello Dragan,

I would like to help. What kind of info are you looking history like Sadat in the 50s, strategic forecasting, copts/muslim relations, The Muslim brotherhood, etc etc. Let me know I will give links without bias.

As far as the internet/cell phone shutdown peaks my interest due to current events regarding Obama's implementation of kill switch. I figured this is what it was for exactly. There is no way to organize a revolt if communications are down. CB is very limited range and the ham radio operator is no longer in vogue. If we did not need this "killswitch" before why do we need it now. Unless some fear is there amirite.

I will not place any bets on CIA starting revolt.
1.Mubarak has kept the country western friendly (tourism etc etc)
2.We allot 1.5 billion in arms sales to Egypt since Camp David accords with Sadat, Begin, and Carter
3.Its a crapshoot as to what government we will get.
4.Even though the Muslim Brotherhood has been the long time boogeyman I am not sure they are that organized still.
5.Egypt has been a voice of reason to a degree in keeping the Israeli/Arab situation from getting out of control sharing a border with Israel if a "caliphate" or Islamic rule was established (most likely scenario IMHO)that would mean trouble. At this point I think military escalation is inevitable.

#16 Posted : 1/30/2011 1:17:10 AM

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wow, that's really interesting.

whoever wrote that is doubtful of the activist's ability, but it may have just happened... does this mean the us would still be involved somehow?

even if we remain openly close to egypt, as the RT video analyst said, we could always be closer. to be fair though, i haven't read much regarding egypt/us relations in a long time.. soo.. yeah

also, i haven't read many cables directly (i just looked this one up), so i'm not sure exactly what/who is writing it - some context would help i guess
#17 Posted : 1/30/2011 1:32:04 AM

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i cant see them doing that in the us i think the world would not know what to do all the facebookers and myspacers would die but i feel maybe other countries might follow on this idea
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#18 Posted : 1/30/2011 5:42:10 AM

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The Wikileaks papers on Egypt do not say that the CIA is behind this;they simply postulate how succession to Hosni Mubarak may proceed.

Helping one individual(as apparently mentioned in The Telegraph) to allegedly organise the events we are witnessing is not going to work in a place such as Egypt.Personally I cannot see the CIA having a major hand in this but if and when the Egyptian army takes over, then the CIA will be able to exert some greater influence on subsequent events.

Hosni Mubarak has prevented any de novo threat to Israel arising in Egypt and has also had a major hand in preventing Hamas succeed in their conflict with Israel- why would the CIA want to change this?
I am paranoid of my brain. It thinks all the time, even when I'm asleep. My thoughts assail me. Murderous lechers they are. Thought is the assassin of thought. Like a man stabbing himself with one hand while the other hand tries to stop the blade. Like an explosion that destroys the detonator. I am paranoid of my brain. It makes me unsettled and ill at ease. Makes me chase my tail, freezes my eyes and shuts me down. Watches me. Eats my head. It destroys me.

#19 Posted : 1/30/2011 3:05:12 PM
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Exactly, I don't see any reason to assume a conspiracy behind the unrest. Especially not a conspiracy of western making.

I think that we are witnessing an arab version of socialism being invented here: i doubt that all those people have read marx, but their ideas are probably very simmilar. All of egypt is being owned by only a handfull of billionaires and the regime is merely a machine to facilitate their needs.
And the people are tired of it.

If this revolution fails, then you may expect many people to 'dissapear' within the next few years, and the chances for a new revolution will be gone for a long while, except if hosni dies and the military doesn't want his son to follow in his footsteps. But that's the sort of regime egypt is.

So to answer the first question fiorsirtheoir asked me about 'real freedom': there can be many definitions of 'real freedom', but living with the risk of 'dissapearing' into thin air if you're too critical of the government would probably not fall into any of them.
#20 Posted : 1/30/2011 10:41:16 PM
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It's happening. It started in tunesia and there's no way of telling where it will end. But there's a real chance that the arab world will liberate itself. It's happening more quickly then i ever would expect. But it's not that much of a surprise either: for all the people on the streets there's no way back now.
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