Welcome to the nexus EsolcNesral,
sounds like you've hit quite the rough patch with your experiences there.
I don't see why spice would lead back into some kind of cycle of addiction, unless maybe you either associate dmt with the other things that had you addicted, or you want to go back to using again anyway - but then the latter wouldn't be the dmt leading to it.
I have only very limited experience with addiction so I have no real advice... but I'd say keeping a critical mind about oneself goes a long way, always asking the difficult questions and not relenting until there is a satisfying answer or a resolution of the question. Also having things here in this world aside from the searches in the *other world*, to anchor one in the physical existence one is bound to anyway, undeniably, by matter, seem to help a lot. Balance seems to be key in all things; balance between metaphysical and physical existence and desires, balance between creating and destroying, progress and convolution...
I hope you find what you need in order to know what you should do.
Strength and courage for your endeavors
Buon viso a cattivo gioco!
The Open Hyperspace Traveler Handbook - A handbook for the safe and responsible use of entheogens. ---
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