Salvia and Spice, both in one night? Options
#1 Posted : 1/7/2011 6:29:19 PM

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SWIM is planning a night of exploration and art making, and has both Spice and Salvia on hand. SWIM would not mix the two, but might want to enjoy each seperately within the same evening. Anyone experienced with this? Might one teacher's realm lessen the vividness and/or complexity of the other? How much time between lessons would be optimal? Thoughts and suggestions are appreciated!
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#2 Posted : 1/7/2011 6:40:29 PM

The Enlightend One

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Ive done both together. 3 separate times in the same night. All resulted in maniacal convulsive uncontrollable laughter accompanied by floating around a land off carnation pink and white visuals. It lasted about 3 minutes of straight hardcore laughter with extreme face leakage(tears snot) I could see myself laughing and was helpless to do anything about it. I felt great afterwards like I laughed some negativity out of me. It was a great and healing experience. Andfor the record I dont really like salvia. Hope this helps.
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#3 Posted : 1/7/2011 6:49:27 PM

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Nice, Big...sounds like quite a ride! I don't think I would mix them together, but I'd like to see if spaced appropriately apart, some of the experiences will feed into each other. I guess I'll find out!
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#4 Posted : 1/7/2011 8:45:02 PM

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On one occasion I used salvia immediately after returning from a DMT experience. It was very nice โ€“ the visuals were still 100% salvia, but they were much more intense and vivid. I also seemed to remember the experience more easily than usual.
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#5 Posted : 1/7/2011 10:42:30 PM

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I did 2 sessions with DMT directly after 2 sessions of salvia before without any noticeably diminished affects.

But don't write off mixing the two. I find they can compliment each other nicely in a mix, especially if you use caapi and make changa with the salvia. I like my mixes light on the salvia and heavy on the DMT.

I have not tried salvia after DMT yet, I may have to try that. Smile
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#6 Posted : 1/8/2011 2:26:50 AM

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I agree. A small amount of salvia in a changa mix is very nice. I think it helps ease me into the DMT space and attenuates my anxiety a bit. I'm not sure what the ratio of cappi:salviaVery happyMT was in the changa that I had since a friend made it, but it was wonderful.
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#7 Posted : 1/9/2011 8:45:21 PM
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late reply but, i cut some enhanced pau with 10x? salvia one time, the salvia spirit was in the dmt space with me and very happy to see me there. id highly recommend it. Very happy

love, smee
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