So I'm sure everyone has that one moment or trip that they can see clear as day and feel that they'll remember always, what's yours?
Mine would be one night where there was a large group, probably about 10 of us camping out in the woods around a campfire with a small soundsystem, a few spliffs had been passed round earlier on but after the weed had calmed down we decided to get some changa out, in total we probably smoked half a gram of it, 50% dmt 50% peppermint mixed with caapi alkaloids. By this time the sun was starting to set and notably it was totally light at the start but pitch black by the end, transitioning into the night.
About 7 or 8 got involved with it, and I can pretty surely say that what followed was my most memorable and grounded experience..
We started rolling changa spliffs with more peppermint as a filler, and started passing them around, a few light ones first bringing us up into the psychedelic realm, resulting in a lot of happy faces and learning and bewilderment as for many people it was their first time with spice.
Then we went for it, rolled a 1/2 / 1/2 changa roll and I just kept pulling on it as much as I could until I was barely able to follow on.
Everything around me just jumped into life, morphing and folding in on itsself, all in synchrony with the woods around and my friends and the music and the atmosphere around, everything just folded into infinite dimensional lines of energy, and I remember myself surging upwards in a huge towering infinity of energy, soaring up and above anything else, surging up into a rotating 'dimension' of rolling squares and my energy flowing upon alien landscapes, but I'm flittering back and forth between this space and reality, picking up on everything around me whilst simultaneously being plunged deep into the ocean of life.
I'm feeling the most incredibly serene, the most calmest and the most content with my life I've ever been. I see myself as dead and getting reabsorbed into the soil underneath me, at this time I was lying flat on my back.
Flittering back and forth, condensing into myself and slowly starting to fade back to my present self I start purging. I'd never experienced the purge before but it was the most serene, painless and beautiful vomit ever

I felt like all the negativity was just being washed away from me into the earth where it fell and being reabsorbed.
Once finished purging I lay back on my back and open my eyes, and I swear I'll never forget the look of the trees as I looked up towards their canopy's, the small ash leaves just fading in and out and interlacing and unravelling in the twilight summer's night.
Afterwards a friend's dog just came over and sat on my lap the whole night, sharing mine and their energy in a very calm manner.