Hypotheically Protecting Your Privacy Options
William Godwin
#1 Posted : 12/12/2010 2:37:38 PM


Posts: 13
Joined: 29-Nov-2010
Last visit: 29-Aug-2011
Location: Nowhere
I cannot be sure that what I am about to describe is legal. Therefore no person, including myself (WG) has tried this to my knowledge. Also, don't try it.

But it would seem that if a person was in a business that has one traveling from one location to another, and say there were a couple of hundred people at each location/event receiving cargo at those places this could work pretty well.

If a person was to buy gift cards and then set up separate e-mail accounts for each card and then used an assumed name with the billing address being the location/event the business was temporarily set up at, then it would be no problem to order MHRB, B. Caapi, and even D-Limo (especially if there are food vendors that would need such a cleaning product) without attracting too much attention. Craft fairs are good for MHRB as it is a great dye.

The only risk is that if one would have to pick the box up somewhere like the Post Office, that person would need ID to get it.

It beats having 5 kilos of Acacia Confusa show up on one's bank card in the course of 6 months. Of course the way the location/event handles cargo would be a factor, so one would have to check out protocol before attempting this, and because customs is going so hardcore in the U$A one would need a couple of weeks to a month at that place.

This method has been tested in a controlled experimental fictional setting and has been deemed successful.

It's probably not a great idea for home delivery.

Privacy is NOT a crime.

The whole order of nature evinces a progressive march towards a higher life.

- H P Blavatsky

Disclaimer: William Godwin is a figment of the reader's imagination. Furthermore, the author of the character named William Godwin exists in an artificial construct created by the reader which is commonly referred to as "reality." Nothing in any post by this character ever happened.

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