#1 Posted : 12/1/2010 11:13:35 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 10
Joined: 08-Jan-2010
Last visit: 12-Apr-2012
Location: Holland
Here's an experiment I did that I'd like to share with you and would like to know if anyone has ever tried anything similar

Set and Setting:

At home, nighttime, dimmed lights, listening to Porcupine Tree's Voyage 34 and sifting to my Pink Floyd's Later on

Drug of choice:

10 seed Agreia Nervosa (HBWR)prepared by crushing seeds and adding lukewarm water, extracted for 3 days, protected from light untill moment of digesting
150 mg Harmala/Harmaline salt
250 mg DMT-Fumerate salt
5 grams Banisteriopsis Caapi boiled 30 min in tap water and used to make a coffee.

All was ingested at the same time with the Caapi-Cofee (still keeping the seed extract out of the light)


Strong, fast onset (20 mins tops). Knocking me completely of my feet. Its like the environment comes alive. Colours exploding all around and strong LSD like body/mind feelings, yet still not the same.
With closed eyes I have visions of kaleidoscopes and very bright colours. The peak stays around 4-5 hours and after effects last at least 10-12. With a joints effects return strongly everytime, a small joint with changa knocks me totally down and sends me back into hyperspace everytime.

This was a totally unexpected effect and I had to call in sick for work because sadly it was very hard to sleep and after 12 hours I was still far from sober.
Also knowing that I had to work the next day kind of bummed the experiment when hours passed and I realised there was no sleep coming.
Next time I must be prepared.


I tried this combination to see if it would be some kind of substitute for acid, and it kind of is. Only the DMT effect lasts shorter than the LSA effect but this can be easily overcome by some changa.
Insomnia was a pain but when you are prepared for it not such a problem, same as acid actually. It just takes some time, opiates and sleeping meds will work if needed.
Heartbeat was increased at some point, maybe by the Harmala's or maybe because of Clavines in the seeds.

I'm going to try this experiment again soon to learn if this increased heartrate comes from the seeds or the Harmala.

If the seeds are taken alone they create mere depression and are not similar to this experience at all.

Since I've been studying organic chemistry for myself for a while I will make it my goal to isolate the pure LSA without the clavines and make a "clean" mix of LSA and DMT and see what comes out. I know that there is a process that removes the need for MAOI's on the DMT molecule and believe it is possible to couple it to the LSA structure.

It will then become d-Lysergic Acid di-Methyltryptamine, sound yummy doesnt it?

And finally: All those out there that are saying that LSD is so,so,so diffucult to produce should examine peptide coupling since the Hofmann method is really outdated. This little sacrament should not be so easily dissapear and is worth putting some time and effort in its continuation.

I hope to get back with a new report quite soon
(( ( ( ( (( FIND THE OTHERS )) ) ) ))

I'm not present, I'm a drug that makes u dream,
I'm an earostar, I'm a Cutlass Supreme,
In the wrong lane, trying to turn against the flow,
I'm the ocean, I'm the giant undertow.

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