my glimpse of the Godhead Options
#1 Posted : 11/29/2010 8:31:00 PM

everything is becoming

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During my most shocking, ego-depriving, all sense of reality blown away breakthrough I thought I had a died. Yet a sliver of something I could call "myself" remained and listened to the constant voice guiding my journey. It was trying to tell me all the answers to my happiness. It was trying to tell me everything at once. I could only hear so much, but from what I remember it said:

"My Son, do not fret. This place will soon be yours. For now, your beauty will unfold one day at time. Do not worry about the race to finish line for you will soon rest here with me. Now is not your time for your reunion. You my glimpse at my glory, the glory within you. However, you may never reach this place again in this lifetime. But do not fret, this beauty will be yours. One day at a time my Son."

Everything inside me screams "YES!" As the vortex of light and energy pierces my entire being, faster and faster and faster. Suddenly I am cast out of the beauty back into my room.

It feels so good to know I am home. It feels amazing to know your heart's path. Now my journey continues to glorify all things.

~peace and love brothers and sisters
Nothing lasts...nothing lasts...everything is changing into something else...nothing is wrong...nothing is wrong...everything is on the right track

In an interstellar burst
I'm back to save the Universe


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#2 Posted : 11/29/2010 9:13:25 PM
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Thanks for sharing Smile
olympus mon
#3 Posted : 11/29/2010 9:32:45 PM

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all i can say is wow! thats a special one for sure.
I am not gonna lie, shits gonna get weird!
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#4 Posted : 11/29/2010 9:39:37 PM

Harvie Krumpet

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Love it.
Every tool is dangerous when misused. That is no reason not to use tools.
Isn't it strange that a gift can be an enemy?
#5 Posted : 11/30/2010 5:47:15 AM

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KwisatzHaderach wrote:
"My Son, do not fret. This place will soon be yours. For now, your beauty will unfold one day at time. Do not worry about the race to finish line for you will soon rest here with me. Now is not your time for your reunion. You my glimpse at my glory, the glory within you. However, you may never reach this place again in this lifetime. But do not fret, this beauty will be yours. One day at a time my Son."

YES! So familiar. I was completely taken aback and blown away, as I'm sure anyone would be, after taking dmt and I found that there actually seemed to be communication with something. I expected to see psychedelic lights, things of great beauty, but I was shocked and amazed to actually experience coming in contact with something. Something all loving and out of this world. And this being tells you that everything is ok, and that you will return someday, and be at peace, but for now just appreciate the life you have. It's not a made up experience. It doesn't come about from wishful thinking or previous belief in God. It happens all on its own.
#6 Posted : 12/1/2010 7:18:45 PM

everything is becoming

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Thank you brothers and sisters for the replies,

Yes Apoc, my work with the spice has utterly destroyed any notion of atheism within my being completely. I know there is something greater beyond us; this place, these clothes, etc. Yet, we are part of that greater beyond and likewise, it is part of us! The Divine Mystery! To me, I find that to be God.

It is much like a play with actors and an audience. Does the play exist without an audience? Can their be actors without spectators? What is an audience with a blank stage? These questions seem like redundant thought exercises because in truth, they exist reciprocally. One needs the other, the other needs the One. Together, audience and actors, they make up the Grand Theater of Life.

~peace and love
Nothing lasts...nothing lasts...everything is changing into something else...nothing is wrong...nothing is wrong...everything is on the right track

In an interstellar burst
I'm back to save the Universe

#7 Posted : 12/1/2010 7:55:18 PM

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Location: Earth, of course??

Booms in my chest.
"Within your heart is a lotus, and within this lotus is a diamond. This diamond is the source of creation, and in all the creation, there is only one lotus."

"Only from the Heart can you touch the sky." ~ Rumi
olympus mon
#8 Posted : 12/1/2010 9:06:07 PM

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KwisatzHaderach wrote:
Together, audience and actors, they make up the Grand Theater of Life.

~peace and love

so is God the writer/director of the play.

or are we? hmmm.....
I am not gonna lie, shits gonna get weird!
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The Art of Changa. making the perfect blend.
#9 Posted : 12/2/2010 6:23:44 AM

everything is becoming

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olympus mon wrote:
KwisatzHaderach wrote:
Together, audience and actors, they make up the Grand Theater of Life.

~peace and love

so is God the writer/director of the play.

or are we? hmmm.....

We are It. You are God. The play is only a machination.

~peace and love
Nothing lasts...nothing lasts...everything is changing into something else...nothing is wrong...nothing is wrong...everything is on the right track

In an interstellar burst
I'm back to save the Universe

Nature Boy
#10 Posted : 12/2/2010 12:44:12 PM

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Love it. Agree wholeheartedly. Also, love the user name Kwisatz Haderach(!)

#11 Posted : 12/2/2010 5:51:47 PM
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congratulations with this wonderfull experience man!
#12 Posted : 12/2/2010 6:27:01 PM

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One of my friends was telling me of an experience the other day that he had that was somewhat similar in that he was in this completely bizarre place and he saw himself, and the other him said to him "you'll never reach this place again." I wonder if anyone has ever been told that and then did manage to revisit it (without dying first lol).
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
Rising Spirit
#13 Posted : 12/2/2010 6:43:06 PM

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KwisatzHaderach wrote:
"My Son, do not fret. This place will soon be yours. For now, your beauty will unfold one day at time. Do not worry about the race to finish line for you will soon rest here with me. Now is not your time for your reunion. You my glimpse at my glory, the glory within you. However, you may never reach this place again in this lifetime. But do not fret, this beauty will be yours. One day at a time my Son."

My friend, your revelation encapsulate many volumes of Christian theology, in but a few simple sentences. I marvel at the frequency of reports from other sentient travelers, describing our relationship to the Divine Being, as a loving Omni-parent. Sure, ultimately we realize that we are the whole totality; not separate nor divided by the limitations of finite self. I/you/we are One. The source and seeker, individuated worshipper and indivisible Deity, awakening soul and eternally awake Godhead. :idea:

Apoc wrote:
YES! So familiar. I was completely taken aback and blown away, as I'm sure anyone would be, after taking DMT and I found that there actually seemed to be communication with something. I expected to see psychedelic lights, things of great beauty, but I was shocked and amazed to actually experience coming in contact with something. Something all loving and out of this world. And this being tells you that everything is OK, and that you will return someday, and be at peace, but for now just appreciate the life you have. It's not a made up experience. It doesn't come about from wishful thinking or previous belief in God. It happens all on its own.

Yeah, isn't it beautiful that often times, we embark upon this Sacred Journey from a stance of open-minded curiosity and the sheer adventure of it all? You know, enjoying the party and wanting to reach for the next level? Whether we have thought and thought about the true meaning of existence and sought some kind of "purpose" to this plane of being or not... SHAZAM!!! When our subjective sense of self is shattered into a billion points of blinding light particles, we are quite out-of-sorts, from the perspective of the transient personal ego. Suddenly, the boundaries which define ourselves as "real", are blown wide-open and our awareness exponentially expands to realm beyond temporal mind. Thus, the lone soul is temporarily reborn on a higher frequency of Being. Amen to that! A state of pure Everything-ness, eclipsing the individuality of one's ordinary self consciousness, so releasing the symbiotic nature and interconnectedness of this entire living universe. True enough?

Upon awakening to the realization of the Omni-self, the idea or concept of "God" (which we were schooled to have unswerving faith in), dies right before one. Now, this "God" dies to the individuated ego, as a subjective witness... only to be perceived directly, as a living and compassionate, supremely-universal-consciousness. As God is not above nor apart from the totality of physical creation, rather, God is both, ALIVE within each wave of energy; each particle of creation and also beyond the limits of the knowable universe. On the fringes of the Void. And we've all been at this point before, right? Shocked

Our lack of understanding is the only veil that shades our eyes (the one eye). This is perfectly natural. Sacred Medicine gifts us with a temporary taste of the nectar of the eternal Spirit. Our very own personal sense of self dies upon the alter of dissociation, along with duality (illusion), before arising anew as the Indivisible Godhead. "I am that I am." Piercing the tiny bubble of self consciousness and expanding one's definition of I-me-mine, to a singular frequency of innate Oneness (or zero mind?). We arrive where we have always been. Finding a lasting home within the unbound field of Indivisible Unity, it is the purest frequency of love unbound, within the spiralling Omniscient center. Yes, there is a purpose!!! To simply be. To know one's true self! Self? Err... Who am I? Wut?

"Hallelujah" So too, this reassures the Wounded Healer of the accessibility & attainability of the universal, Cosmic Consciousness/ Uni-self or Omni-self, hidden within all of existence (for all of time & timelessness). All is One. The dissipation of the illusion of an isolated, finite self (alone and destined for eventual death), opens the door to the immortality of the Soul. Ahhh... The Grand Paradox. No beginning, no ending, no lasting darkness; a realm of infinite light.

Out of Divine compassion and/or a kind of alien intelligence, the Sacred Medicine unites the seeker to THAT which has been sought, since our species rose from the seas. Born of such love, the living Godhead grants a sweet view of the ONENESS. The pilgrim thus remembers his/herself as having been God, not ego, the whole damn time! Re-birthed, as the Omni-self, dreaming of not knowing itself. Personal self is destroyed, ever so briefly, dissipating the mirage of ignorance and all limitations fall away. I/you/we become what we have ever been, all along: One-and-the-same with the living causality (radiating the Word, within the folds of Spiritual unity). So too, the spontaneous awareness/"enlightenment" of THAT which is beyond any human description (and yet we try). Laughing

Yes, we FEEL the living presence and so, merge within the grid of it's infinite field of all-knowing being. And that's about as sweet as it gets!!! Eventually, we must release even this sweetness, as even the worship of the true God, is a layer of separation between the mortal and the immortal; another veil of illusion. Within the Great Void of absolute Being, no two point of reference are capable of simultaneous existence (when you peel away the lines of our mind's division). Aye, even the Deity must be released from the voyager's perceptual conception, for the seeker to fully know him/herself, as THAT Divine frequency of formless Spirit, which has sought by advanced souls for millenniums. A grand play of light and darkness, chaos and the supreme field of the All-knowing, Loving, yet terrifying Force of the Godhead. All is One. In other words, "Ditto." Cool

Peace, Light & Love... Rising Spirit.
There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.
#14 Posted : 12/3/2010 2:22:00 AM

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Good Trip. When everything inside you screams 'yes', that's great!

ॐ भूर्भुव: स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं । भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि, धीयो यो न: प्रचोदयात्
Love, Gratittude, Compassion, Fearlessness!
#15 Posted : 12/11/2010 1:01:04 AM

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Godspeed along your heart's path KwisatzHaderach.

Peace be with you brother!
"Blinded by their own sight, hearing, feeling, and knowing, they don't perceive the radiance of the source. If they could eliminate all conceptual thinking, this source would appear, like the sun rising through the empty sky and illuminating the whole universe." - Huang Po
#16 Posted : 12/21/2010 6:33:52 PM

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Thanks for sharing this one! The YES-expression came on me the first time I took the spice and it's a very complete feeling indeed. All the best
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