Two mindblowing journeys Options
#1 Posted : 10/25/2010 3:31:56 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 103
Joined: 05-Jan-2010
Last visit: 20-Feb-2011
Location: Hyperreality
So I got around to doing another extraction and this time I'm not nearly as reluctant to smoke it. Which is good because I wouldn't trade these last experiences for the world.

First one was on Friday, I had had quite a few beers and was feeling giddy and relaxed. I get home and decide to see where the DMT takes me. I lost my base pipe so I'm doing this out of a glass bowl with a little nug in the bottom. One nug seems to last many many DMT trips so this is a pretty convenient way to consume actually, although perhaps a bit wasteful. I'm sure there's a ton of DMT actually still in the nug at the bottom of my bowl but I always reload the pipe with DMT (50 mg) so if anything, it's adding up each time and I'm getting stronger and stronger trips. It certainly seems that way.

So I put on a little dubstep and smoked a bowl of DMT, and then fixated my eyes on a visualizer. I've found this to be very grounding and reduces the anxiety as the DMT first takes effect. Everything surrounding the visualizer is morphing and changing but the visualizer, already being a trippy morphing kaleidoscopic show of color, looks perfectly normal. I just stare at the visualizer for this trip and have some really negative thoughts about life and end on a bad note. I decided to try again, this time putting some Shpongle on. I take my three rips and again look to the visualizer, letting it guide me into the trip. This time I set my head back after a moment and close my eyes to see a spectacular sight. With my eyes closed I can still see the room around me vividly as if I had x-ray vision through my eyelids, although it soon turns into a series of patterns that are trying to rip down the middle. This is a beautiful visual experience and when I sober up I am beaming, staring at my carpet as it looks spectacularly clean (it's actually very dirty and in need of vacuuming but it looks beautiful post-DMT) and retains a stationary gemlike pattern.

This gets me excited to try again today, when I think I had the most intense DMT journey I've ever had. This DMT came from a bulk extraction and unlike the DMT from Friday night which was yellowish white, this DMT is a clumpy orange. I thought this would be worse in quality but I loaded up the same amount and let er rip. Lots of anxiety building up as I hit the pipe but I push through and take three huge hits. My mind is moving extremely fast now and before me I see lots of memories/plans for the near future that have gone through my head recently until all these thoughts are filed away like a drawer slamming shut. I can't remember to keep my eyes closed and I look out my window off my balcony. I'm on the 6th floor but outside just looks like the most impossible cartoon animation I've ever seen, I don't remember exactly what I saw but very simple geometric shapes mainly consisting of squares go by, like racecars. My Buddha tapestry looks very very simply constructed out of shapes as well although it keeps morphing and changing. I feel the presence of several others in the room with me and I seem to be communicated the message "We are immortal and everlasting beings, constantly in change and creating new and unique experiences" and after a little while the presences (which I can't exactly see, so they are hard to describe, they are more like disembodied thoughts represented by images of my memories) seem to be saying goodbye and leaving, and the cartoon imagery dies down very slowly over the course of the next several minutes.


I've never had visuals like that, they were very un-DMT like compared to my previous experiences. I wonder if the quality of the extraction had anything to do with it, or perhaps just the strength of the hits since my pipe is probably covered in DMT resin. I've felt presences before but never have I received such a clear message from them. It was absolutely incredible and renewed my faith in the other worlds that DMT grants access to.

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