Realm of the sexy shadow people. Options
#1 Posted : 10/21/2010 6:56:21 PM

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This was my second experience with DMT (technically the fourth, but the first times I count as one experience together). The first was enough to convince me there was something completely new to be explored. This time I went deeper still. I'd like to go into detail a little more here, but feel free to skip to the fourth paragraph.

It was late and I was alone. After ensuring every light was out, everything switched off and my bedroom was being heated, I decided I was ready. But I wasn't, something was bugging me about the light. I wrapped the light in orange craft tissue paper, in thick layers, not touching the bulb but enough to cast a pleasant dim orange glow through my room. (No real fire hazard, these bulbs stay quite lukewarm on contact). My lava lamp was on, but as the wax was still melting I didn't get much of the light. I played the album 'Coma Cluster' by Altus on my ipod dock. IMPORTANT for me that i play very relaxing music, too vibrant or heavy a beat adds an undesirable over energetic 'silly party' quality. I think this album definately played a large part in my experience. (Hope that's not considered advertising there?).

I was rather exited, I needed to calm down. I knew that I was about to have more DMT than before, 29mg this time, and by my calculations the last time must have been more like 17mg, if that. I took some deep breaths, lay completely still, then had a smoke (a cigarette). Sounds odd but it works for me, like a little ritual. Then I just couldn't wait any longer, so bong to the lips, light, inhale, light inhale (there's the i go.....), hastily light again and take a BIG breath.... Going...


GONE. I was immediately transported to a room, with similar lighting to my bedroom, with a calming orange glow. I could see someone, I think it was me, laying down on a blue mat. I/he was meditating, or in some kind of trance, but he wasn't alone. This time, I swear, I saw BEINGS. They were human in shape, but composed of a transparent dark matter. One stood with his (definately felt to be male somehow) back to a small wall, like a stone backdrop or a tall gravestone shape attached to him, like some statues of Buddha. Of course it was made of transparent energy, like him, with a wavy blue outline. He even had that kind of divine buddha-like aura about him. There were others, Without the stones, standing around the me/him on the floor. The Buddha shadow man reached out to me (the viewer) and tried to sway me in some direction, to the right, to divert my attention or to show me something else, I can't be sure. I was aware of the buzzing high pitched tone, and I could feel it as a tangible force, like being gently electrocuted (!?).

I began to be assaulted by lights, small circular lights buzzing around and around in a circle in my feild of vision, and one of them struck me, stretched itself into my forehead, right between the eyes. My teeth were buzzing, I could feel energy buzzing through me, like electricity, and I could hear myself making odd noises in my mind. Like disoriented 'eee' 'ah uhhh' sounds, but I wasn't afraid at all. I don't think I made these out loud. I became a little confused, and I think if I had smoked more, I would have broke through at this point. I pulled the blanket over my head and this COMPLETELY changed the experience.

Next I was seeing boxes, or rooms, made of a web of blue light. With the darkness under the blanket everything became self-illuminating, it's own light source. Inside these rooms, more shadow people were doing various tasks, Again I cant' be sure, but at one point it looked like one was cooking? It was standing at some square device with circular panels, I associated these with electric hobs, but they could have been anything unknowable.
Then the shadow people were dancing, a sensual exotic dance, and I think I saw a female, although again, I could only sense the gender. They had no sex organs or breasts, or even hair, but she seemed sensual, maybe even sexy?. These faded and I saw small disks of light, like a crystalization on my eyes.

My breathing was heavy and by this point I became aware of it. The visions became less vivid but I made sure I lay still and enjoy every last bit of it. I saw beams flowing down to me from an opening high up in a crystalline cavern. Everything after this was the 'is it still happening or not?' phenomena. After this had subsided to a point where I could barely see it, I surfaced, smiled, the smile became a grin and I laughed out loud, on my own, to myself. Laughing I was VERY impressed. I was also filled with a new energy I didn't have before.

I must have been out for a while, because at least 15 minutes of the album had played by before I recorded this experience by voice on my phone. Whether or not I need to is uncertain, I do seem to be quite good at remembering.

And that's that!
So I hope you enjoyed my second report.
This stuff is absolutely 'beautiful crazy'.

Everyone should experience this at least once, for sure.

Have a slice of peace and a bite of love Smile And energy, a LOT of that!Razz
Art Van D'lay wrote:
Smoalk. It. And. See.

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#2 Posted : 10/21/2010 7:12:45 PM

DMT-Nexus member


Posts: 1538
Joined: 24-Nov-2009
Last visit: 31-Aug-2024
I think sometimes we travel to similar realms... Pleased Thanks for the beautiful report! DMT is amazing! Very happy
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