Hello there DMT-Nexus,
After recently being gifted some DMT and having tried it a few times i found that it wasn't what i expected, yet i've become even more interested... I'd now love to extract my own DMT and generally learn more about it, this certainly looks like the best place for it.
My main interests in life are meditation and trying to understand life itself, i pratice hatha and jnana yoga, i also
love music, getting fresh air out in nature, and star gazing when the night sky clears. I have plenty of previous experience with psilocybin mushrooms and have also tried LSD a couple times before, i hope to try it once more in the future.
When i recently tried vaping DMT freebase for the first time i accidently went a bit overboard with dosage (a little less than 100mg) which needless to say was
way too much! I'm now looking forward to restarting from scratch, working my way up with dosage and becoming more aquainted with this magical molecule. I also hope to explore the different ROAs as i found vaping it was quite intense at times and difficult to find a sweet spot.
I already love the mature vibe of this community and look forward to particpating in the forums...