Hey Felnik

I know that your experiences are not exactly like my experiences. It is very well possible, that ‘they’ have chosen another path for you, another way of communication, more appropriate for you. So, you may not hear any voices at all

But anyway, I am completely sure that the closer your connection will get, more intense it will feel. So, I see it as my duty to warn you for the fear that you may encounter. The fear is the thing that colors an experience as dark or negative. Getting rid of fear (by changing the belief system if necessary, like not believing in ‘demons’ or ‘spirit possession’ anymore - helped me personally quite a lot

) will make your progress a true way of love and light, as it’s supposed to be


Hey Vision farmer

I guess you can put it this way, yes. However, it wasn’t as quick as it may sound.
First, I got that The End of the Line type of breakthrough. Maybe, you can call it ‘getting in the Loop, merging with the Loop and going with the Loop’, if it does make any sense to you. I totally got it, the meaning of life, my Real Self, direct communication with that female entity (which is probably my Conscience), answer to all my questions and what not. I saw the world as it really was, with energy flowing and spirits all around me. But then, when I was out, I almost completely forgot it all. Like I got out of a deep trance or dream.
In the following months, I desperately tried to remember, what it was. Did DMT one more time, received a communication again with that female entity (I saw her + she talked directly into my head). Got a few flashbacks in the following weeks.
Now I understand, that by ‘trying to remember’ I tried to ‘tune in’ on that specific frequency on which such communication is possible. Since there was nothing to remember, except for that state of being (doesn’t make a lot of sense, does it?

And then, I ‘tuned in’ with only using cannabis. The ‘tuning in’ was complete, or it were ‘they’ who finally found their direct way to me? I don’t know at this point. I posted a trip report about it though.
By the night of 18-19 September 2010, I almost completely forgot that experience of 4 September 2010. I even started wondering, if the connection was real and I didn’t make this all up somehow. So, I bravely took 3 massive hits of a cannabis joint (no DMT!) rolled by my friends after a great hardcore (style of house music) party. Within 15 minutes, I was back in that tuned in trance. It lasted for like 30-40 minutes, during which I was able to communicate to ‘them’ again. The experience is best described as: ‘vision becoming blurred and hearing a female voice in my head and talking to it’. ‘The voice’ was quite perplexed on how I managed to almost fully forget my previous experience
And guess what, when I was out of that trance, the memory started to fade away as it was ‘just a dream’. Now, 5 days later, I want to dive back in again, but at the same I know that it’s VERY intense, when I am in that trance. So I better wait a couple more weeks

I hope this made some things clear, but at the same time I realize that to fully understand what I mean - you will have to experience it yourself

Love and Light to all!
I took the red pill.