My first break thru (long time ago) Options
corridors of my cells
#1 Posted : 9/12/2010 1:42:26 PM

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Helo i thought i might share it here, it was a breakthru i had very long ago but it doesnt matter i think ... so here it is. Smile

~70mg dmt freebase, smoked via "the machine"

I layed down on my bed, chosen Shpongle as music to trip with, the lights were on. I have filled the machine with nearly 65-70mg(not exactly sure coz my scale was 0.01) yellow-orange dmt freebase that i had. It would be my first breakthrough experience but i just didnt know it yet. I have smoked it in 2 puffs. I was used to loosing body weight feeling from my previous DMT trips, but once i started feeling my arms are starting to loose the feeling of their solidity like mixing inside air around me, i noticed its gonna be an intense trip. It is very hard to explain the body feeling i had; more like feeling your body weight no more than 100grams and feeling the gravity and air like a liquid that surrounds you just like moving inside the water.

Then i have closed my eyes, i was expecting to get lost in visuals. But when i closed my eyes i could see my room like my eyes were open, but they were not open for sure. Then i started to feel every single cell in my body and i used to feel my body like an Alex Grey painting. The carrierwave sound was so loud and i started to understand it is actually the sounds of spinning and orbiting atoms or particles around. I totally lost the feeling of my body, time and the dimension, and the intense viuals started, it wasn't like any other visual experiences i had on DMT. I could also feel the vibration of the visuals and my whole world sometimes.

The trip was on the peak and and i started splitting and dissolving into my cells or atoms. That was the momnet i totally understood why do they call DMT "the spirit molecule". Like a bird out of its cage i was so free. The feeling was like a mint freshness between my atoms, like they are not connected anymore so i feel empty space between them like a freshness just before they totally split. And then my spirit was free. My trip was going so good, visuals were mostly spirit related feelings of myself that were pictured by my brain. I was trying to understand and learn about my own spirit and spiritual world around me.

Then suddenly the music stopped and i started shifting into a bad trip. Not exactly a bad trip but it wasn't pleasant like the trip while there was music. Friends tried to put another music but that was a very bad coincidental glitch that prevented media player from playing, never happened before. I started feeling pain like pins touching to my body, in certain symetrical parts of my bod like they are some junction points of my nerves or something i really dont know how to explain. Then my visions started goin wild. like i started seing corridors are rising from my atoms or cells and walls of those corridors moving and squeezing a little square wide area. Then i realized that squeezed parts are actually having that pin touching feeling.

Then visuals started to change into common intense visuals and i understood that i am starting to come down from the trip. But they were still so intense, I remember seing more plastic or liquid shapes that gave me a feeling as i was wet. A woman face appeared in my vision and was floating in that liquid vision. Then the rest of the trip was like a common trip and i came down.
My tripping time was around 8-9 minutes i think. And that was one of the most intense trips of my life. I came to the conclusion that DMT can have intense and hard to handle trips sometimes, but never as chaotic as high dose acid trips.The settings for using are important such as music and environment, comfort of the place you are laying down. Always try to find the best setting and time for yourself for using DMT.


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#2 Posted : 9/12/2010 2:48:10 PM

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I now see why you chose the name "corridors of my cells". Thanks for sharing your experience. I all ways find that music helps drive my trips in a certain direction, but if the cd skips or something similar happens, the trip can sometimes take on a different tone and it can be hard to get back into a comfortable mindset.
#3 Posted : 9/12/2010 4:47:16 PM

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Music disruption has also set me back a few times as well. I've lost internet connections in the middle of the flash or accidently popped out one of my headphones and was "flung back" so to speak. I have used certain on line binaural tones several times kind of on a rotation with music. Shpongle really hits the spot for me most of the time as well.

I think that sound or musical vibration must have some major significance when visiting the "other side" (although i have had some beautiful silent trips:lolSmile. I've also had times where i'd sing or chant a free flowing song (usually not quite english:lolSmile just to feel the vibe. Also just another quick note (sorry) some might be interested in this youtube video i stummbled accross. (im not very computer savy, please bear w me) Just type in "sacred geometry with sound and rice," its a black and white video thats 2min 6sec. pretty interesting......

I never experianced carrier waves such as the one you and several others have described. I get no tone, hear no static, feel no wave. Usually just ripped right out of this space to another. Maybe its just so quick i can't remember....

Anyways, that sounds like an extreamly powerful first time breakthrough however long ago it was. The whole experiance sounds breathtaking. Could you go into anymore visualization details reguarding the feminine face at the end? I know it was a while ago and may be hard to recall at this point....

thanks for sharingVery happy
The tragedy of life isn't that it's too short, it's that we take too long to begin it...

"Just when I thought I was out, they pulled me back in !!!"

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#4 Posted : 9/12/2010 5:28:14 PM


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I've only heard the carrier wave once, and that was my first time. Ever since then (MANY TRIPS!) I have yet to hear it again. I still say my first trip was one of my best, red everywhere just beautiful.
blooooooOOOOOooP fzzzzzzhm KAPOW!
This is shit-brained, this kind of thinking.
Grow a plant or something and meditate on that
corridors of my cells
#5 Posted : 9/12/2010 5:31:57 PM

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DoingKermit wrote:
I now see why you chose the name "corridors of my cells". Thanks for sharing your experience. I all ways find that music helps drive my trips in a certain direction, but if the cd skips or something similar happens, the trip can sometimes take on a different tone and it can be hard to get back into a comfortable mindset.

yea that was the most interesting feeling i had in a dmt trip so i thought thats how i should appear on nexus Razz thx for reading.

Soulshine wrote:
I think that sound or musical vibration must have some major significance when visiting the "other side" (although i have had some beautiful silent tripsLaughing). I've also had times where i'd sing or chant a free flowing song (usually not quite englishLaughing) just to feel the vibe. Also just another quick note (sorry) some might be interested in this youtube video i stummbled accross. (im not very computer savy, please bear w me) Just type in "sacred geometry with sound and rice," its a black and white video thats 2min 6sec. pretty interesting......
I have watched the video, i have watched it long time ago also, and now i can relate somethings a bit. its very deep subject that it should be argued under another topic but to summarize i believe in frequencies that our heart beat or even blood flow rate have a big effect in forming shape and color of our spirit..

just like different sound frequencies have proven to have different effect on particles.. btw really cool patterns in these videos below, let me give the links while you have mentioned this subject Razz

Soulshine wrote:
Anyways, that sounds like an extreamly powerful first time breakthrough however long ago it was. The whole experiance sounds breathtaking. Could you go into anymore visualization details reguarding the feminine face at the end? I know it was a while ago and may be hard to recall at this point....

I couldnt find anything too similar to my vision but lets say the woman head was like this one... but in more pink colors and the similar smile on her face..
#6 Posted : 9/12/2010 6:46:05 PM
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Nice report. I too have had the few and far between intense trips where it's just so overwhelming and the vibrational visionary state that comes over you can get so out of the point where everything (even in your open eyed field of vision) is soo heavily vibrating/shifting/morphing that its all almost indistinguishable from having the eyes closed.

For me it felt like every part of my self was being ripped up and dissolved into space.........then it would regenerate and start all over was very interesting. And keep in mind this feeling of "dissolving & ripped up" was going hand in hand with the visual aspect/vibrational state. Coming outa the experience thankfull for not being trapped into an insatiable abyss of light/tunnels/vibrating liquidy ether....yeah...have had a few of those Smile
corridors of my cells
#7 Posted : 9/12/2010 6:57:04 PM

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DMTtripn2Space wrote:
Coming outa the experience thankfull for not being trapped into an insatiable abyss of light/tunnels/vibrating liquidy ether....yeah...have had a few of those Smile

Yea i totally understand by what umean in this sentence Razz eheheh...
#8 Posted : 9/12/2010 9:52:50 PM

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Aaahhh, yes, its a similar face to the one i pictured, but of coarse im sure that it was much more detailed in depth at the time.

Thanks for those youtube suggestions. I'd never seen that particular David Ike clip, and the second was very informative as well. I watched a few more clips that were on the suggestion list afterwords.

Sorry, i guess i should have put a bit more thought into this, and posted this topic somewhere else it just came to me when reading the segment about the music. Damn i love music!

The tragedy of life isn't that it's too short, it's that we take too long to begin it...

"Just when I thought I was out, they pulled me back in !!!"

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corridors of my cells
#9 Posted : 9/12/2010 10:03:32 PM

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Soulshine wrote:
Aaahhh, yes, its a similar face to the one i pictured, but of coarse im sure that it was much more detailed in depth at the time.

Thanks for those youtube suggestions. I'd never seen that particular David Ike clip, and the second was very informative as well. I watched a few more clips that were on the suggestion list afterwords.

Sorry, i guess i should have put a bit more thought into this, and posted this topic somewhere else it just came to me when reading the segment about the music. Damn i love music!


its all fine man Smile it was also teaching for me to look for those videos, if u didnt mention i wouldnt see them and some other on suggested video links.
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