LSD+DMT=KEY, how to manipulate mind mandalas Options
#1 Posted : 9/7/2010 6:53:02 PM

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has anyone else broken through to the golden patterned mind room and been able to actually control what changes?

on my 4th trip of the 5, i went right back into the gold mind room but instead of it showing me things and me being amazed,,,(i was!, most fun everrr!!!)
i consciously directed the intent of my mind and zoooomed in and out of the golden patterns trying to get a better look at what they are actually composed of...

when i looked as close as i could it almost looked like this lol


the golden fabric of the hallways of our minds...

this really intrigues me and i feel i have discovered
how to use DMT instead of it using me

i believe LSD can take away a barrier
(pre-flight jitters) and open your mind to potentials
that normally are closed just on DMT

input anyone?

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#2 Posted : 9/7/2010 8:07:48 PM

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Good to see you here Anuggs.
I look forward to the forthcoming responses here as most here have a lot more experience w/ the spice than I do as of yet.
I do know that LSD and DMT mesh really well and have some incredible and unique visuals and feel to it.
Looking forward to trying that combo out again real soon.
#3 Posted : 9/7/2010 9:03:13 PM

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I have been able to manipulate it both on DMT and psilocin.

The manipulation is subtle. For instance I think the color orange and orange becomes a dominant part of the Kaliediscope.

On shrooms I'm able to effectively see what I want as I'm coming down...say from hour 2.5 on down. Actually it seems the mental images follow my mind on psilocin more than DMT...but I'm certain this is dose related.

Typically on shrooms I will start meditating around the 2nd hour and as my mind becomes stiller and stiller the visual images become more and more condensed until I arrive at a place that I call the temple of the mind. This place I suspect is different for everyone, but for me it is a giant door. On the other side of that door is the clear white light. If I slow my mind down enough that I only see that door I can feel the energy on the other side. On the REALLY good days I stop my mind and the door opens up and I'm flooded with the light. Has happened 2x now....both relatively small doses. It is the only reason I do psychedelics anymore....well the main reason. I'm certain this is the state of Samadhi...and yes what you do on these drugs has the potential to open you up. I've seen this clear light on several occasions as I fall asleep, but it is a very brief flash. I also saw it briefly once while sitting in meditation..again it left quickly.

For me these compounds are the keys that enable access to certain brain states, but if you work those brain pathways enough you can access them sober...obviously many things are different when you hit them sober as your entire brain isn't filled with non-native neurotransmittiers. THIS IS THE KEY. If people think they will meditate and feel like the took acid that is' snot likely that your entire brain is just going to dump serotonin at the same time...and EVEN if it did Serotonin acts differently at the 5HT receptors that other psychedelics..meaning different affinities.

Anyway just wanted to let you know that YES you can manipulate the images. This is the beggining stage of working with the molecules and not being amazed by them.

At this point I work with psilocin...I'm mostly still amazed/terryfied of DMT. It's to fast to do much real work IMHO.

If your religion, faith, devotion, or self proclaimed spirituality is not directly leading to an increase in kindness, empathy, compassion and tolerance for others then you have been misled.
#4 Posted : 9/8/2010 2:02:38 AM

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thank you very much for the detailed reply joedirt.

the next step for me is mush + dmt

when you say "too fast to do much work IMHO"

i agree with that and i feel like the acid helped me use the dmt to a greater potential
#5 Posted : 9/8/2010 2:29:26 AM

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yes I have done this with dmt and its amazing. It all started one day of journeying where i started to turn things around and began to try and interact with it. When all things are aligned properly it feels like a very natural thing almost as if hyperspace is an open format for us to work with and manifest things.

Once I started this, I started to exercise a " muscle in my mind that I never used before that seemed to be ready for the task.

I found that i could will a full awareness of hyperspace into being with some deep part of my mind during a journey.

I started to treat it like a game, this approach has much potencial.

It seems as though I could modulate the intensity of this expanded level of consciousness with my mind .
Hyperspace was superimposed onto this matter reality and appeared in my upper visual field leaving this reality undisturbed and normal.

I will never forget it, and my journeys have changed ever since this took place.

I would suggest that you try to interact with hyperspace next time your in. Remember to be loving and sincere ,
this seems to play a role in making it a positive experience and allow for a playful approach to it.

I'm beginning to think that this is ultimately what we are supposed to do with it.
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke
#6 Posted : 9/8/2010 2:36:46 AM

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thank you so much felnik! that was the exact thing i needed to hear!
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#7 Posted : 9/8/2010 5:33:34 PM

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Damn really interesting dude.. i totally understand what you are talking about... but when i try to imagine how to manipulate it i dont see a chance for myself to do so really...

I can manipulate some things in DMT trips sumtimes through concentrating... manipulating mandalas or visuals, thats all fine but that is also one thing that i dont like... But what i understand from ur posts is you have really done some huge stuff...

That golden patterned mind room u mean is where ur walkin on the edge of the sanity.. so at that point i wouldnt really get control of anything personally... if anything specail other than using a bit of lsd pls let me know that would be fun to try someday.

U either have gud will power or doin a lot of meditation... i dont do meditation but i really wanna start sum day
#8 Posted : 9/8/2010 5:46:43 PM

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ill just say again ive never tried DMT while peaking on LSD until now

all of my trips on DMT before this ive always known it was myself showing me these things but i could never control it

something about the LSD allowed me to use the DMT instead of having it use me,

most fun ive ever imagined possible, felnik hit it right on with
" muscle in my mind that I never used before that seemed to be ready for the task. "

i was using my will power to direct the intent of my higher consciousness
to basically analyze whatever the fabric of the mind room looked like
i wish i would of never come down...
i could even open my eyes and see perfectly and smile at my girlfriend while i was peaking,
and as soon as i closed my eyes again i was back in the room,
but it would only move how i told it to, not just crazy patterns out of control...
#9 Posted : 9/11/2010 4:57:06 AM

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bump Smile
#10 Posted : 9/11/2010 10:57:55 AM

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LSD+DMT=KEY, how to manipulate mind mandalas
The only thing missing? Nitrous Oxide! Try it Neutral
Disclaimer: Everything I say is the truth.
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#11 Posted : 9/11/2010 6:21:39 PM

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i just remembered, that once i combined dmt and acid... like i smoked dmt before takin acid.. but i kinda had very interesting feeling.. like every second i closexd my eyes there was a flow.. like a river.. and i could zoom into it with my own will power, then i noticed its a very fast flow of some tribal or fractal shapes... and when i concentrate i could slow down and then stop the flow of the shapes. and i noticed actually there was a flow from both directions. and easily zoom into that stopped shape and watch is as i wish.. then recreate another random flow and stop it ... i was playin with my vision... that could may be something else than what you are sayin but i just wanted to mention that here...
#12 Posted : 9/11/2010 6:35:19 PM

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anuggslife wrote:
...this really intrigues me and i feel i have discovered
how to use DMT instead of it using me

i believe LSD can take away a barrier
(pre-flight jitters) and open your mind to potentials
that normally are closed just on DMT

input anyone?

My DMT experiences have always been very interactive and participatory. And the interactions go beyond just manipulating the visual field. I don’t think that the potential to participate in an experience is “normally closed just on DMT”.
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