Hi. I just thought I'd write about what I call "The Exploding Brain Phenomenon". If I take a high enough dose of oral dmt, at first the trip comes on nice and smooth and beautiful. You watch everything like an impossibly beautiful light show. But then, things start to get out of control. Your thoughts become confused and it feels like your consciousness is being pulled apart, where one side is pulling to stay connected to the everyday world, and the other side is fighitng to escape to infinity. It feels like if you don't fight as hard as you can to stay sane, your brain will be ripped apart and it will be the end of you. But there is no escape, as the gravity of the almighty is ripping you apart. Eventually, you lose the fight, and you explode apart in to inifnity. At the exact moment your brain explodes, there is a visual of a chrysanthemum type thing that gets pulled in every direction, and spins off violently in to eternity.
For the first few trips that I went on, this was a very scary part of the trip, but I have come to enjoy the part where my brain gets exploded. Now it feels like a rebirth, like my brain is getting reset and defragging itself. Ah..... the exploding brain. Good times.
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