I am hardwired to Hyperspace/My Real Self. Permanently. No turning back now. Options
#1 Posted : 9/5/2010 7:25:09 PM

Russian-Orthodox Christian

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Hello everybody!

I have a few things to share which will be of great importance for all of our fellow DMT travelers.

Let me begin by saying that I am permanently hardwired to the Hyperspace. I have broken through to my Real Self/The Inner Voice/Hyperspace/The thing we talk to when we are speaking to ourselves/The conscience/The IT. I will describe it in detail, so anybody who know will know Pleased

Let’s start from the beginning.

On my DMT breakthrough of 5-6 June 2010 I had broken through to I don’t know what. Now I realize, that it was everything that provides us with the meaning, thoughts, conscience for life. It’s that Inner Voice to which we are talking to, when we are talking to ourselves. Have you ever asked yourselves anything? Something gives a response, so we presume, we are talking to ourselves. Who else, right? Smile

Well, HOLY SHIT MAN. I discovered the thing where we are talking to, when we speak to ourselves. The Source. Our (my) Real Self. The Sub-consciousness. The underlining Consciousness. Our collective Consciousness. Fucking crazy shit, I must admit.

Below, I will post a description of how I figured it out. HOUSE (member on this forum) – I UNDERSTAND you. I really do. Once you know, there is no turning back. It’s absurd and amazing at the same time. Fucking unbelievable.

From 5 August 2010 until 29 August 2010 I was on vacation in Russia and Ukraine. I haven’s smoked marijuana or used any drugs at all, while being there. Only alcohol.

Yesterday, 4 September 2010, I smoked marijuana for the first time in 1 month. At first, it went as usual. Usual being ‘stoned’ and all. I was a very regular smoker before that time for like 8 years, so I know the feeling. Also, I knew, that the first joint after vacation is the strongest one. Always having something very psychedelic in it. When you smoke marijuana every day, like I did, you don’t notice it. But after stopping for 1 month, you get a full blow.

But, before I smoked that first joint after vacation, I was very eager to come to the DMT-Hyperspace. Especially, after reading some chapters of Feanor’s book and realizing, there was nothing to fear about DMT Source. The voice in my head was ‘simply Elf Goddess speaking to me real-time’. WRONG. IT’S YOUR OWN VOICE/SUBCONSCIOUSNESS WHO SPEAKS TO YOU ALL THE TIME and it gets amplified while on DMT. So, you have a conviction, that something else/alien is speaking to you. Since it gets the ability to produce some very nice visual special effects and other means to get your attention.

Now starts the interesting part. I and 5 of some of my best friends were sitting at on of my friends houses. Watching a movie, smoking weed and drinking beer. I smoked only 2 joints split upon 6 people, no alcohol.

While watching the movie, I went in some kind of trance. It started at 23:55 and went on and on. The Psychedelic, the Elf Goddess, The Source of all psychedelics returned. And it was everywhere. RIGHT IN MY FUCKING FACE. It was speaking to me. And it showed me everything I had forgotten from my 5-6 June trip.

I totally freaked out. I showed nothing to my friends, who remained peacefully watching the movie, while I was talking to that Source. It said to me something like this: “I know you see me, I am everywhere. Are you sure you want to come back? Because, when you do DMT, you will come back in the same Square Room and we will be talking to each other. This is the turning point, after this, there is no coming back. I guess, you start to understand, what others mean with being permanently hardwired to Hyperspace. Being permanently hardwired to your real self. To your Conscience. To your Real Self if you want.”

My first impression was like this: “Hyperspace somehow cracked into my head. Probably, it’s the Source of all Psychedelic. Now it’s able to hack on my inner voice to which I speak when I discuss things with my self. Now, it tries to drive me crazy. Maybe, it’s some evil demon I got warned for so many times.”

So I responded: “Go fucking away out of my head. Ok, I believe you – you are the source of all psychedelic. Now I used marijuana and it hit me pretty strongly, you got some power over me. All right, guess what. From now on, I will never use any psychedelic in my life. Fuck you. FUCK YOU. GET OUT OF MY HEAD, GET OUT FROM MY INNER VOICE CHANNEL. AHHHHHH. I am going to sit this out until the effects of marijuana are over.”

And it responded with something like: “We expected this kind of response.”

But it didn’t go away. It simply was there. So, after some time, I asked: “Can I kindly ask you? How long will be the duration of this particular marijuana trip? How long will it take to return to normal? ‘Normal’ being the time, when I didn’t know, that the Inner voice to which I am speaking, is actually YOU. I want my normal life back!”

In the same time I was thinking: “I will never do psychedelics again. I have done some permanent brain damage to myself. I want to have a family, kids and never think about this shit again. AAAAAAAAAHHhhhhhhhhh (shivering, uncontrolled body-movements)”

“So you can sit it out and then tell everybody that DMT is some crazy shit and never come back here again?”

I said: “Exactly. I am not ready for this. I need to become stronger mentally and maybe over 10 years I will do a psychedelic and visit you again. Please, leave me alone now, ignorance is a bliss and I am not ready to become a conduit for you, to accept your presence. To be hardwired to you.”

Now, I need to tell you, how the talking is taking place. I ask something and they respond. I ask questions and they give answers. The way I normally speak to myself, but now I was convinced, that it was Hyperspace/Psychedelic who was talking to me. Really weird. It was me talking to myself, while I knew that the other person to whom I am communicating, has an intelligence of it’s own. FUCKING WEIRD, to say the least.

I tried to focus on the movie, but anytime I tried to discuss something in myself, I KNEW that that thing was actually responding. It was using my vocabulary, my intelligence, my knowing of the world around, but it wasn’t me.

It played even a few jokes on me. One of them being this: “We know, that on the internet, you have a signature telling ‘I took the red pill’. We know, that you imagined yourself being in that position, like the Neo back there. Now you have a choice: the blue pill or the red pill.” I saw an image of me, standing in front of a table with the blue and the red pill on it. They knew what I was going to choose, even before I yelled: “BLUE PILL, I TAKE THE BLUE PILL FUCK FUCK FUCK, please give me the BLUE pill, I want to forget all of this ‘truth’!!! Please have mercy with me, I will never ever disturb you again." I even imagined myself taking a blue pill.

No effect, they laughed they ass off of me, how unready I was to accept the real shit they were showing me. And they I got a really nasty feeling – I understood what House meant. After you learned this, you can’t go back. A good metaphor would be our inability to unlearn the alphabet after we learned it. When you see ‘A’, you automatically interpret it as an ‘A’, and not some meaningless symbol of 3 lines crossing each other. Same goes for other letters like ‘B, C, D etc.’ Of course, you could try to fool yourself into believing that it were some meaningless lines, drawn on your monitor, but you would know that you are fooling yourself, because you KNOW that those are in fact the letters ‘B, C, D etc.’. And you are only pretending, that they are not, aren’t you? A person, who never learned an alphabet, will never have that kind of problem.

They same goes for the inner voice; your Real Self, if you prefer. Once learned what IT REALLY IS, it can’t be unlearned. I mean sure, I can stop doing psychedelics and such and pretend to never known the truth, but I will be only fooling myself.

So, at some point, after having more then an hour of inner conversations with that thing, I accepted it. I closed my eyes and tried to focus on it, but the movie and my friends were distracting me. So, I went outside to the garden. And that’s were the true magic began.

First of the things that I figured out, was that I am asking questions and it gives responses, the way I talk to myself all the time actually.

The first thing I asked was: “What is your name?” They said: “Leroy or Ljeocha." (Russian synonym of the name ‘Leroy’ I guess). I asked “Why Leroy?” They said: “Does it matter? We really don’t know who we are! We are trying to learn ourselves as much as you are trying to learn yourself!!” So, I said: “You are some kind of an alien people trapped in the inside of my sub-consciousness?” They responded: “It can be, we are trying to figure this out don’t you see? People, who came in the contact with us, have dubbed us with various names: angels, demons, aliens, sub-consciousness, God etc. The truth is – we don’t know who we are for you.“ I said: “Well, if you said you were the God, I would be more happily to cooperate with you. Now I have a feeling you might be some kind of demons, trying to corrupt my soul!” They said: “And if we told you, we were the God, would you have believed us? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (very loud ‘haha’ echoed through my head.” I felt that they had a point there, I had to trust them or…well, there was no turning back now. YOU CAN’T UNLEARN THE TRUTH AFTER YOU LEARNED IT.

“So, let’s assume,” I said, “that you are some kind of intelligence, seeking to contact and explore me/us?” “That’s right and we are so fucking glad you figured this out!!! Now, we can have normal conversation! For instance, can we ask what is your name?” I said: “Shurik, it’s my name in Russian. In Dutch and English you can call me Alex.” I repeated it a few times, until they pronounced it as correctly as I wanted. “So, Shurik, let’s have a talk”, they said.

Also, there was a question, that I asked them many times during our connection: “How old are you?”, they said: “28, and you?”. “I am 24”, I responed. I asked again: “How old are you?” They said: “28, we already told you dumb fuck”. So I asked them for the third time: “I am sorry to ask this again, can you forgive me for this, but I need to know if this is for real that you are ingesting information into me and not myself fooling myself. So, how old are you?” “28 and we are not angry, we understand your position” I even felt a feeling of reassurance, like they backed me up.

So at some point I said: “Can you give me some kind of a proof that you exist and not a product of my own mind, because I believe you, but it still feels very WEIRD as if I became schizophrenic and have a conversation with myself/some inner voice.”

They responded, “Yes we can. We designed some newbie things to get even you dumb humans to believe in what you are actually experiencing now. Close your eyes. Prop your fingers in your ears to not get distracted. Now focus on what will be shown to you.”

I saw myself sitting in some kind of a car, riding through a green-black tunnel. Like I was having a ride through Hyperspace or my own consciousness or I don’t know what. AND IT WAS FUCKING INTENSE. Totally feeling like riding in a real car with 300 km/h!!! OH MY GOD. During the ride it asked me: “Do you enjoy it?” I responded: “It’s totally amazing! Thank you guys for showing me this!! So freaking intense and REAL!!!”

The ride continued. At first, I was stressed like hell. But after some time, I became pretty comfortable and enjoyed the ride very much. Very special feeling. At some point I started to lose focus and thinking about my life being changed for ever. The image of me riding a Hyperspace-car began to fade and I started to lose speed. The Voice said: “Maintain focus, you dumb idiot!” So, I re-focused again and the image/feeling became very real again.

So, when the ride was over I said: “Thank you guys. Now I have a testable evidence of your realness and not only me going totally insane. Have you any more tricks to show me? Since I know that the people on the forum will need more proof, as will need I when this connection is over and I will be questioning myself if it was for real or me going insane.”

They said: “Ok, we will show you one more trick today. Close your eyes. It goes like the first exercise, but now imagine yourself walking. Just walking.”

I imagined. With focusing on the walking I saw myself walking through some kind of an alien landscape. There were silhouettes of people applauding to me. The Voice said: “You see? You are walking through Hyperspace and they all applaud to you.” It took a lot of my mental strength to maintain the image, but it was very real, unimaginable real.

And then there happened something they didn’t expect from me and I didn’t expect it from my either. I somehow de-focused my vision, getting 2 different kind of visions on any of my eyes and that allowed me some kind of Extreme Connection to their realm. I was looking at a tree, but saw not a tree but some kind of hallucination. It looked like a small window. And there were figures of elves or some other funny creatures and they were waving with their hands to me!!! They said: “Wow look, he can see us! Yes he does, do you see us waving with our hands? Yes you do, wow so cool!!” Then they started to dance and make funny movements to get even more attention.

I focused on them as hard as I could, they became even more clear. And then, the voice said – “Look a little bit to the right", it kind of guided my vision to the point were I should be looking. I saw the silhouette of the woman who was talking to me all the time!!! She was like: “Wow, you can see me!!! I didn’t expect such a progress from you! Can you focus more clearly on me?” I tried and it worked, I got some kind of tunnel vision zoomed up to her. There was a tunnel of light between me and her silhouette.

And then, I somehow did something, what impressed them/her even more then me. I created, by using my mental power, some kind of a Red Vortex, leading from my forehead directly to her/them. I was downloading my information directly to them. I don’t know what type of information, but it was very useful to them. She kept saying: “Wow, this is really good. Please don’t stop now, focus, we know you are by far not ready now. But this is really a very extraordinary opportunity, a very high level stuff. Totally unexpected, we can’t let this opportunity go. Focus, focus, focus!” So, I focused as much as I could, it felt as if I was pushing my soul out of my body or something like this. Red information fluid was flowing from my head to the Space. I saw it! SO FUCKING REAL! I never saw something like this in my life, I was completely perplexed. More voices echoed: "We can't believe he is doing it on his first time, so great."

It took a total of like 10-15 seconds, after which I was exhausted as a squeezed lemon. I didn’t have any power to transmit anything. A few times, I questioned if I was doing the right thing, if they are not stealing my soul. Every such a moment, the movement of the Red fluid stepped down. And immediately they said: “Please continue, trust us. This is the data we are looking for, please, you have to trust us.” And I trusted them, and re-focused. And the Red Connection Tunnel began to flow even harder.

This experience began at around 00:00 as I said and it remained until like 3:30-4:00 when I felt asleep. I saw and discussed a lot of things with this Phenomenon, too many to write down or even trying to describe. Maybe, I will add more things later.

Now, the next day, I feel me perfectly normal. Expect for one tiny little fact: “I KNOW FOR SURE THAT WHEN I AM TALKING TO MYSELF, I AM TALKING TO THEM.” It’s not so prominent as yesterday while on marijuana, but still very real, weird and COMPLETELY ALIEN.


I am hardwired, in constant, never-ending connection with Hyperspace/My sub-consciousness/Whatever it might be.

To talk to me, they use the channel of my sub-consciousness voice or maybe they were my inner voice all the time, but I simply didn’t know it?

They told me many times, that they believed in me, that I can figure it out. With my psychological background, having great skills at talking with myself, I have a good chance to understand how this shit really works without becoming a crazy nut, afraid of myself or delusional.

I am working with not a toy, but with a Key.

The humans have completely lost the connection to other dimensions, realms, entities and they are in fact trying to wake us up.

They are using immense resources to communicate with us, but we barely hear the message.

To get full connection with them, I could probably use any psychedelic, which can bring me in a specific kind of trance. I know now, what kind of trance they mean.

In 2 months, after integrating this, I am going to have a new connection with them. Probably using weed again.

Of course, I have a connection right now, but with a psychedelic, I can get it much more clear I feel.

Now I have no way to go back to my ‘normal’ life, I have only two choices: study this phenomenon and gradually integrate it. Probably making a scientific breakthrough or… well, the voice in my head tells me that I actually have no choice. The red pill is already taken and I can’t unmake it. Feeling like Cypher from the Matrix now, really.

I asked them about House and Feanor and got some very interesting responses, which I am not going to post.

When I asked about Felnik, they said literally: “He is a very clever guy, don’t mistake you on this. He already starts to suspect what in fact is going on, but he doesn’t get it as yet.”

The conversation with The Voice/My Self/Hyperspace/Psychedelic is happening in any language I want: Dutch, Russian or English. And it responds accordingly.

It told me to practice a lot in things like words associations and such, so they could communicate with me more precisely. It’s still me who is talking after all and not me at the same time, I have yet to figure out how it really works. And so do they, as my inner voice tells me.

I CAN NEVER EVER LIE TO MYSELF ANYMORE, NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD MISS THIS. BUT I REALLY CAN’T LIE TO MYSELF ANYMORE. This is highly unnerving to realize any time now. I repeat: “BY HARDWIRING MYSELF TO THIS, I LOST THE ABILITY TO LIE TO MYSELF, TO HIDE IN MYSELF, TO HIDE IN MY MIND if you get me. I have a real connection to the sub-consciousness in which I tried to hide me before and therefore it’s like fooling yourself. Pretty hard to imagine unless you feel it.

To all new travelers: “Be warned, re-aligning with your Real Self is not something you can do and then forget. It’s forever. Ask yourself if you are ready for such a step. Because after you know, you can’t get back. Seriously, it’s some heavy shit.”

Light and Love to everybody Smile

p.s. the voice, while on weed, was always accompanied by visuals, telepathic images. Now it’s only voice in the back of my head, like in the good old times when I simply discussed things with myself, but now I KNOW.

I took the red pill.

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 9/5/2010 8:27:53 PM

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I hope you are really taking care of integration. Personally I dont find it beneficial to have any literal belief about Them. Hyperspace is indeed incredible and amazing, but there is no value in hyperspace by itself. It is only as beautiful as you can experience, realize and appreciate once you're back. You have been given the gift of being alive and interacting in this world, its not for nothing that we experience the 'consensus reality'.

Thats why Im worried when someone comes up and says he suddenly Knows It All, because with that comes delusions. The real spiritual masters also surrender to that which is beyond them, and know that whatever we can claim about an "Other Side" is just words, in the end nobody knows. I've had an amazonian shaman tell me how even with all their thousands of years of developing knowledge and techniques, they dont know what is really out there. They developed navigating tactics and general understanding of the surroundings and patterns, but they are humbled by the mysterious source of the river through which they row.

So as it says in the integration link, please be careful with finding a balance between your findings and consensus reality. Remember of the bills, remember of the effect you have on other people, the consequences of your actions for others and the world in short and long term, remember your health and of those around you. Chose your genuine path, but know how to mediate between that path and the path of the world. Just being in reactive contrary ways wont bring benefits, there must be some kind of synergy where your balanced presence in the world helps it being a better place, and the world and the difficulties help making you a better person.

Good luck, and please, consider taking a break from psychedelics and dedicating to life if it starts being unbalancedly the main reason for your existence! Psychedelics are tools, but if youre thinking they have inherent meaning, are a panacea, will give you all the answers, you are bound to be negatively surprised. Specially when one considers hyperspace more important than normal life, this is a very dangerous path.

All the best in finding a healthy balanced path

#3 Posted : 9/5/2010 9:06:27 PM

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I couldn't have said it better than endlessness....

Nevertheless...i enjoyed reading your report!
#4 Posted : 9/5/2010 9:52:36 PM

Russian-Orthodox Christian

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Hey endlessness, thank you for your response Smile

endlessness wrote:
Thats why Im worried when someone comes up and says he suddenly Knows It All, because with that comes delusions.

I wish I knew it all, but right now, I don't even know how I communicated to Them. Nor do I know who They are. I don't know anything. In fact, even yesterday, they made me to repeat and rehearsal the main points we discussed: the 2 exersices they gave to me, the dancing guys, the Red Vortex from my forehead to woman silhoutte and most importantly, the thing that the transmission, channeling if you want, was for real. They feared that I would forget and/or doubt the experience. I must admit, that even with the precautions they took, I managed to forget like 1/2 of the whole experience and start questioning another 1/2 Razz

All I have is that weird theory that we can connect to some other intelligence, other then ourselves, which maybe doesn't even exists in the way we think things can exist. Or physically very far away. Or inside our brain. I know what I experienced yesterday was true and even today I could focus on the transmission if I want to. Very unclear transmission compared to the one yesterday though.

endlessness wrote:
Good luck, and please, consider taking a break from psychedelics and dedicating to life if it starts being unbalancedly the main reason for your existence!

Be sure I do! From my 16 years old until 24 years I smoked marijuana every day, many times a day, without any noticeable psychedelic effects. Just usual 'high' or 'stoned'. Yesterday I realized, that my connection to Whatever-It-Might-Be has become so great, that even 1/3 of 1 normal joint is enough to cause a full blown breakthrough/connection/transmission/channeling to the Other Side for at least 4 hours straight. I repeat: I don't know what the Other Side is, I simply know I can do it.

And this means I stop (already stopped) doing marijuana and/or any other psychedelics. Never thought weed to become a psychedelic for me until yesterday. Until the time, when I think I will be ready for a new transmission. And that will not happen any time soon.

Believe it on not, those creatures told me (and are still telling me when I focus on them) that I should be very careful and prepare myself a lot. They know a lot of examples of promising individuals like me, who understood a little bit how this stuff worked, but rushed up and ended up very badly. They don't want the same fate happen to me. When I told them, that I will come back over like 1 month, they told me that 1 month is a way too early.

And in the end a real-life example from my life. I know a guy called Danilo, who used heroic doses of mushrooms like 6 times in 1 year. And he 'tripped out'. Became what you could say delusional and VERY anxious. Now he is back to 'normal' life, taking some heavy medication every day. If he smokes even 1/20 of a weed joint, he will immediately get a heavy anxiety attack for at least 24 hours.

Now I understand, that he opened the Gate more then he could handle. Once opened, it can not be closed or unlearned, I understand that now VERY CLEARLY. I have still to have a talk with him in light of my recent experience.

I am warned, so don't worry about my mental condition Pleased I know I am 'playing' with Fire and Hurricane at the same time, so I am super cautious. Even They told me to have a very very long break before coming back and doing my homework in the mean time. Insane AstraLex is of no use for them, because they want me actually to figure all this shit out. They asked, you could say begged, me about this a lot while we had a clear transmission, I remember it perfectly.

I took the red pill.
#5 Posted : 9/5/2010 10:04:50 PM

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Interesting report

I'm not going to say what your experience means or could have been because i have no idea and it seems ridiculous to me when people do that. This new entry of yours though at the bottom of the wiki lexicon-which you said you added, in feanors thread- concerns me https://wiki.dmt-nexus.m...pace_lexicon#cite_note-7

snippet-"The End of the Line

This is the absolute reaching point you can achieve while using DMT. You can not go farther than The End of the Line, so it’s being seen as the Ultimate Breakthrough. This is the place where you meet The Source of all psychedelic experiences caused by DMT (and probably other psychedelics)."

I don't think we should have such things in there that claim to be the 'farthest absolute truth' or whatever..because, as endlessness said, we really have no clue ultimately on the solid truths of these matter how deep our experiences are. Many people report this voice with many different psychedelics.. Myself has had very similar experiences with cannabis to what you described actually.. But i think its unwise to believe that ANY psychedelic experience is 'the ultimate breakthrough and as far as you can possibly go'..As bob wilson said; once you think you understand something fully, you stop thinking about that aspect of reality. or 'belief is the death of intelligence'

be well brother

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#6 Posted : 9/5/2010 10:16:59 PM

Russian-Orthodox Christian

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Hey UniverseCannon Smile

I took your note and changed the Wiki-entry accordingly Pleased

Please let me know if there is anything else to be added/changed/modified - I am always open for comments Razz I will focus myself on the paperwork, since I am having a break from the fieldwork for at least 2 months Pleased
I took the red pill.
Bill Cipher
#7 Posted : 9/5/2010 11:42:02 PM

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UniverseCannon wrote:
It's unwise to believe that ANY psychedelic experience is 'the ultimate breakthrough and as far as you can possibly go'.

Amen. To believe you've achieved some kind of arbitrary ultimate level of experience is a bunch of arrogant nonsense. This isn't a video game. You don't defeat the God Boss and then win. Perhaps you reached the limits of your own ability to experience it, but the rabbit hole itself IS bottomless. Your rules do not apply.
#8 Posted : 9/5/2010 11:47:08 PM

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"To believe you've achieved some kind of arbitrary ultimate level of experience is a bunch of arrogant nonsense."

I would even add that THIS, right here, right now, lying in your bed with your laptop on your belly, existing in this realm, is pretty f*cking ultimate. I mean, WTF? Seriously, W-T-F IS this? Smile
SWIM is Spartacus!

The things posted on DMT-Nexus by Shayku are generally false. They are for entertainment purposes only.
#9 Posted : 9/5/2010 11:57:09 PM

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That was a really interesting report. I read it, and was fascinated and scared at the same time. I hope I soon will join this kind of experience Smile

Really awesome report, (can't point it out often enough),
the only thing that worries me a bit: How in the world are you willing to share such stuff?
If you share it, you give other people knowledge about the existance of such possibilities without being able to reach them.
Don't know if this is the goal of the "other side", to let people know about it directly.

elusive illusion
#10 Posted : 9/6/2010 8:29:32 AM

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Uncle Knucles wrote:
To believe you've achieved some kind of arbitrary ultimate level of experience is a bunch of arrogant nonsense. This isn't a video game. You don't defeat the God Boss and then win. Perhaps you reached the limits of your own ability to experience it, but the rabbit hole itself IS bottomless. Your rules do not apply.

My current theory is that there are two parts to this existence thing we find ourselves in: 1) our personal world consisting of the duality of I and NOT-I and 2) the all-encompassing everything (unity)

These are two separate "modes" of existence, two ways of being. When we are born as humans, we start in mode (1) and if we have this fate written in our books, we slowly develop towards a point where we can break the shell and open up to mode (2). It's the same thing, really, but in mode (1) we believe EVERYTHING = I + NOT-I, with a strong emphasis and focus on the right side of the equation (dualistic thinking based on personal models, resulting in suffering), while in mode (2) only the left side (EVERYTHING) remains (which is the only thing actually, so at the shifting point the two sides dissolve into irrelevance).

Now I think that believing in an ultimate truth is a mode (1) type of thinking. The ultimate truth is a symbol for the shifting point conceptualized by mode (1) thinking, the point where one's world finally opens up and leads one back to an integrated existence in mode (2). This is behind all the apocalypse, 2012, etc. models. These are projected symbols of the final evolutionary stage of mode (1) human beings.

I think that what you are speaking about (there is NO ultimate level of experience) is a result of your mode (2) experiences with DMT. This can be seriously annoying to someone (like me) who is still battling with getting to that shifting point and uses a framework to do so in which such an ultimate reality undeniably exists. I'm not sure about this, but I feel that such a system or model is a necessary thing to have until one reaches the shifting point. These models are the vehicles. Getting rid of the vehicle while we are still on the road doesn't seem to be a wise thing to do.
#11 Posted : 9/6/2010 9:05:32 AM

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In light of my previous post, here is a possible interpretation of this experience:

The evolutionary drive is towards mode (2). Now you are in mode (1), split between I and NOT-I. As the world strives towards the most stable state, and mode (2) is more stable than mode (1), it tries to dissolve your mode (1) existence. To do this, the force that will finally dispel your illusion (by leading you to the shifting point) is personified in the NOT-I as a benevolent helper Goddess with whom you began to communicate. This communication will consist of a series of stepping stones and understandings through which you ascend towards your ultimate truth which will set you free (in the above sense, by awakening to the reality of the EVERYTHING = I + NOT-I equation and letting the consequent insights rip everything apart which you thought to be true - this ripping apart quality of TRUTH btw is what we identify as the demonic aspect).

The trick is not to get lost on the path. The advice endlessness gave you above is great I think.

My personal problem on this path is that when I started out, I strongly believed that the sense of something being real, relevant and significant cannot be tricked. I thought of the way how mathematical proofs are understood, in the sense of "light being shed on something". I knew from experience that there is something in me that understands these truths. Mathematical proofs have this same quality you described that you cannot undo their understanding once you saw their truth. I had this same quality of understanding at the culmination of my first LSD trip, where I think I got hardwired in the same way as you did. I believe now that this was the beginning of my path and the God I saw is a symbol representing awakening in my own personal mode (1) world.

But some posts on this site unfortunately made me question the trustfulness of this sense of "real". Pondering on the possibility that I might be cheated this way, I slowly got away from my former, rigid approach to my own spiritual path (where I cemented the models as absolute truth) and now I lean towards an attitude which was brilliantly expressed by someone here as "believe nothing, but allow everything".

Therefore if I were you, I would go with this experience anywhere it leads me, I would accept what happens on the spot, in the moment, would respond to everything from the depths of my heart, with all of my mode (1) being, but I would be very cautious with all the aftermath I would be tempted to create, the cementing of "absolute truths" and such. I believe that the spiritual path is a series of tests, not just of our capabilities, but more our ethical stand (which is a test of understanding). Therefore we should walk on this path with open eyes, being aware of the temptations that will surely come. These temptations are like return paths to the mode (1) being, if we fall for them, we go back for another round in the prison (next time we will fall at a later test). Fortunately we cannot avoid failing such a test until we are really ready, these tests are orchestrated in the most precise way not to allow anyone to pass through who is not ready yet.

Btw, I can very much relate to that part of your experience where you did something which even you didn't quite understand and the mirror (the beings from the NOT-I) got totally perplexed at how could such a dumbfuck human do such unbelievably high level things. I had this same experience several times, that there is something or somebody in me, a very advanced psychedelic being who can do truly magical things in hyperspace which even the natural inhabitants cannot fathom how it can be done.

Relevant imagery here is the image of the Fool in the tarot card, who has a kind of transcendental wisdom that neither the sages, nor the warriors, nor any of the "cemented" other roles are capable of understanding (the Fool acts as the linkage, the shifting point in my understanding - it MUST be incomprehensible to the I-parts who believe they are separate). Another saying that comes to mind is "they go to where angels fear to tread". A third one is the idea that human beings are at a higher level spiritually than even angels.

Oh and be careful with what you tell to Danilo. He may be on a different path, with different rules, a different vehicle.
#12 Posted : 9/6/2010 11:00:14 AM

Dr Do Little

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Hello AstraLex, I dont think we've met, but I would like to inform you that I believe you whole-heartedly. I have many times spoken with House and others who have taught me many great truths about hyperspace that i think most dont know.
What you have mate, is a gift, a jewel. I am sure you will use this gift with good intention and with extreme caution. The fact that even 'they' dont even know whats going on is pretty mind-boggling in itself.
I came up with a nice little philosophy this morning while watering my plants. "Dont trust your senses, trust your intuitions."
Try to exchange and download as much information as you can from and to them, i'm sure it will be of great benefit to both parties.
Check out these vids, and see if they sit true with you.
there is also another one where he explains how the communication process works, and how dmt tunes the brain onto the certain frequency that is used for communication outside of 3rd density just can't find it right now, if i do i'll post it up. see how it goes.

Peace and Light 2u2 brother.

The hardest thing of all is to find a black cat in a dark room, especially if there is no cat.

"Under the skin of our lives; somewhere deep and early, forgotten, we all share the same dreams"
#13 Posted : 9/6/2010 1:50:43 PM

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Interesting post.

I had a DMT ride a couple of years ago that was bit heavy. I fought with it. I stopped visiting this site for a while, and t wasn't until about 6 months or so later until i touched another psychedelic.

I took a couple of grams of mushrooms - and there have been a few other topics on this - it was as if my previous DMT experience had totally transformed the mushroom experience for me. It put into very much a DMT headspace.. everything looked/felt slightly alien. During the mushroom trip I had mild CEV which were more like DMT visions. But (and maybe you just picked these colours as a coincidence) they were mainly in red and green similar hues to your conversation text above.

I also had a dialogue going with what i felt was a female, similar to your post above. I can't remember much of it now... but i vaguely remember at some point the visuals taking on the form of a being. The visuals seemed slightly menacing, so i asked why was my experience of this negative? The reply was that "We have to show you the dark, so we can also show you the light"... at which point the visuals changed from being menacing to comforting. Unfortunately I can't remember much more than that.

since then I have used DMT, and a few other psych's, and had nothing ike that experience again. Although comparatively my experience wasn't particularly deep - though'm sure another gram of mushies or so would have been interesting...I'm not sure I agree that it is the be-all of the psychedelic experience, or 'she' is the elf goddess. it seemed to me to be more some kind of reflection of myself.

take some time off... you've not yet finished drying yourself so don't get back in the bath just yet...

good luck
i post on behalf of a good friend.
#14 Posted : 9/6/2010 2:41:08 PM

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Hi AstraLex

You are clearly having a Bicameral episode. Please check the bicameralism wikipedia entry

The Julian Jaynes book, referenced there will help you have a context on you situation

"The elfclowns of hyperspace are already juggling in the center ring. Hurry! Hurry!" T.M

#15 Posted : 9/6/2010 9:09:49 PM

Russian-Orthodox Christian

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Hello everybody Smile

I would like to start by thanking everybody who reads and comments to my post, as it is the most intense experience I have had in my life!

Hey Mr_DMT!

Yes, it's one of their points. To reach as many people as possible. Normal, sane people that is. Not lunatics or schizophrenics. And I asked them – how to convince others? And they said something like: “How are we supposed to know? It’s your world, your people; we have so little info about your species, your civilization!!! We are already working our ass off to get at least some of you to notice us, our invitation message. The rest is up to you, humans!” Or something like this. So, I don’t know either Smile

Are you sure you want to experience this? Razz They are sending the invitation message all the way out, using all the resources they have. In fact, it’s right here, right now, right in your face so to speak Smile All you need to do is to notice it Pleased

Hey cellux, nice to see you again!

Thank you very much for your uplifting writing, there is definitely much truth in it! "Believe nothing, but allow everything" – priceless Very happy I am paying attention to everything that you say Pleased

Hello D_Juggz, nice to meet you Smile

Yes, most people don’t know or don’t want to know Pleased

Thank you very much for the confidence that you have in me, I really appreciate your support! I promise that I will not disappoint you Pleased

Thank you for bringing those video’s up! I remember watching them some time ago and I found them highly enjoyable back there, but it was like he was talking about ‘just another guy’. Now, I watched them again and was getting a cold shiver at my back! Like he was talking about me, very intense! I can relate to what he is saying much more clearly now. His description of a person being: ‘Higher mind, brain, physical mind’ and brain using DMT to connect to the Higher Mind really strikes a point here. I always appreciated Bashar and now I can relate even more to what he is saying, so thank you again Razz

Also, that our civilization is being watched by a lot of other civilizations is 100% correct! When I asked last Saturday: “How many ‘persons’ are watching our conversation right now?” They found it even funny: “You have no idea how fucking many Smile I said: “More than 1 billion?” They replied: “Much more, more than you can possibly imagine!”

Hi breakMYhead!

I have still to figure out who they/she are. I will post it as soon as I get more information on them. But, as you nicely put it: “you've not yet finished drying yourself so don't get back in the bath just yet...” So, don’t expect a lot of information from me in the next few months Pleased I am going to do a lot of homework before I will open the channel again.

On the bright side, I am sure that there will be more people, like me, who will accept their invitation sooner or later. So, maybe, they could clarify something on this matter Pleased

Hello picatris Smile

I found your link to bicameralism to be very useful! I never heard about that phenomenon before and now it all makes perfect sense to me! Just another piece of the puzzle has fallen into it’s place! It really helped me to integrate my experience even better, like I am doing my homework for the next full contact! Thanks a lot, mate Smile

Thank you all everybody, take care of yourselves, we live in a truly amazing time right now. May Light and Love be with all of you Pleased

I took the red pill.
#16 Posted : 9/6/2010 11:56:14 PM

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Uncle Knucles wrote:

Amen. To believe you've achieved some kind of arbitrary ultimate level of experience is a bunch of arrogant nonsense. This isn't a video game. You don't defeat the God Boss and then win. Perhaps you reached the limits of your own ability to experience it, but the rabbit hole itself IS bottomless. Your rules do not apply.

Hi Art,

Not trolling here, but isn't it just as arrogant and nonsensical to say definitively that the rabbit hole IS bottomless and everyone else's rule don't apply? Maybe I'm reading your post incorrectly, but it sounds a lot like you're saying that your view is correct and everyone else's is misguided. If you believe that we can't possibly know the limits of experience, how is it that you can say that there are no limits? These two points seem contradictory to me. If you can't define the limits, then you also can't say without a doubt that there are none.

Maybe my rules DO, in fact, apply to my experiences even if you and I don't fully understand how. Maybe they apply to my experiences but not yours. Maybe my rules even apply to everyone else's experiences because reality is just a silly little manifestation of my mind or soul. Unlikely, but how can you or I ever know for sure?

Again, not trying to start a flame war, I just feel like your post is self-defeating and contradictory. Maybe a little condescending too Confused . I guess I take exception to the way you speak in definitives as if you somehow know something about these realms that we don't and then choose to speak down to us because you're 'enlightened'. As far as I'm concerned, we're all pretty clueless in these matters so any interpretation is just as correct or incorrect as any other. Sorry if I misunderstood your intentions Embarrased .

Bill Cipher
#17 Posted : 9/7/2010 12:41:53 AM

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I was being condescending. I get like that, if you hadn't previously noticed. But I was really reacting more to something else he had posted the day before on another thread, which irked the living dogshit out of me:

AstraLex wrote:
THERE IS ONLY ONE REAL BREAKTHROUGH AND THAT’S MEETING MISS PSYCHEDELIC HERSELF FACE TO FACE. Everybody who is talking about ‘endless rabbit hole of breakthroughs’ is talking BULLSHIT; you can quote me on that.

I don't believe in absolutes - and a good amount of direct experience with DMT has taught me that this line of thinking is misguided (and a bit narcissistic). If you interpret my many, many posts in which I say that I don't have a clue about the experience to mean that I'm holding myself up as somehow more enlightened, then I don't really know what to tell you. I like my Nexus dogma free, and I hate narrow and definitive statements where DMT is involved.

Edit: Nick Sand (who was the very first of us to ever walk this road) says that he found himself breaking through to new depths and entirely new terrain after literally thousands of experiences (which is way, way, way more than I myself have had or ever will). Can you see how sweeping declaritive statements to the contrary from someone who has been doing this for a matter of months might elicit a condescending response?
#18 Posted : 9/7/2010 12:42:43 AM

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jmaxton wrote:
Uncle Knucles wrote:

Amen. To believe you've achieved some kind of arbitrary ultimate level of experience is a bunch of arrogant nonsense. This isn't a video game. You don't defeat the God Boss and then win. Perhaps you reached the limits of your own ability to experience it, but the rabbit hole itself IS bottomless. Your rules do not apply.

Hi Art,

Not trolling here, but isn't it just as arrogant and nonsensical to say definitively that the rabbit hole IS bottomless and everyone else's rule don't apply? Maybe I'm reading your post incorrectly, but it sounds a lot like you're saying that your view is correct and everyone else's is misguided. If you believe that we can't possibly know the limits of experience, how is it that you can say that there are no limits? These two points seem contradictory to me. If you can't define the limits, then you also can't say without a doubt that there are none.

Maybe my rules DO, in fact, apply to my experiences even if you and I don't fully understand how. Maybe they apply to my experiences but not yours. Maybe my rules even apply to everyone else's experiences because reality is just a silly little manifestation of my mind or soul. Unlikely, but how can you or I ever know for sure?

Again, not trying to start a flame war, I just feel like your post is self-defeating and contradictory. Maybe a little condescending too Confused . I guess I take exception to the way you speak in definitives as if you somehow know something about these realms that we don't and then choose to speak down to us because you're 'enlightened'. As far as I'm concerned, we're all pretty clueless in these matters so any interpretation is just as correct or incorrect as any other. Sorry if I misunderstood your intentions Embarrased .


I agree with Art on this one, and I’ll explain why:

First, my own experiences lead me to believe that hyperspace goes very, very deep. I remember when I had my first really deep, spiritual breakthrough. I was convinced that it was as far as one could go. Not too many breakthroughs later, and I went deeper still, convinced once again that I went as far as I could go. You get the picture. After a number of such experiences, I began to ask myself “How far does this go?” Eventually, I had the deepest breakthrough ever – it was unlike any other breakthrough before or since (and included a troubling near-death experience). Let’s just say that I don’t know how deep it goes, but I know how far I’m willing to travel.

Second, it is illogical to say that one has reached the limits of an experience when the limits are unknown. As an example, suppose you find a large diamond. So large, in fact, that it’s the largest diamond ever found. Is the diamond you found the largest diamond on Earth? How could you know? Even if no one ever finds a larger diamond, how can you know whether or not a larger diamond exists? You can’t! So it would be illogical to say that the diamond you found is the largest diamond in existence.

So, it may be technically incorrect to say that there are no limits to the depth of a DMT experience, but limits or no, we can’t ever say that we’ve reached the limit.
gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
#19 Posted : 9/7/2010 1:54:58 AM

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Maybe my post wasn't as clear as I thought it was. I didn't intend to comment on whether someone claiming that they've 'reached the limits' is right or wrong. I'm simply saying that I think it's inappropriate to say that they're definitely wrong. I don't disagree with Art's perspective (my experiences have led me to similar conclusions, in fact), I simply disagree with the way it was expressed. It helps to know that there was another thread involved that I was not aware of. Either way, I believe that everyone's take on their own experience is valid to some extent as long as it remains a commentary on their experience. Completely discounting one point of view in favor of some other subjective 'truth' felt like condescension, but it appears that I was unaware of a separate conversation that may have helped to shape that response.

The video game metaphor also added to my impression that Art was indicating that others' interpretations of their own experiences are trivial and childish. I believe that the truth is subjective and we have the ability and right to interpret our experiences in any way we see fit. I'm not opposed to discussing or even arguing our perspectives if it's done in such a way that nobody's being 'shot down' and ends up feeling as if their beliefs are wrong 'according to the Nexians'. Beliefs, by definition, are neither right nor wrong. My post was not a commentary on Art's point of view, but rather the method chosen to express it.

I hope this lends some clarity to my thoughts and precludes any 'I agree with Art- JM and AstraLex are wrong' posts in response. Those would be both incorrect and irrelevant to my point.

FWIW- I find you to be a clever and humorous person, Art, and I appreciate your contributions. I've laughed out loud to more than a few of your posts.

To summarize one more time, this is not an attack on you Art. It's just a comment on the way you chose to present your opinion as fact here. I'm naturally a smart-ass myself, so I can relate to the strategy of overstating a point to heighten its poignancy- especially now that you've added some context by quoting AstraLex's previous post. Please don't take my response as a jab- just an expression of my humble opinion and a general defense of ideas that may differ from the general consensus.

#20 Posted : 9/7/2010 1:57:07 AM

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gibran2 wrote:
...Second, it is illogical to say that one has reached the limits of an experience when the limits are unknown. As an example, suppose you find a large diamond. So large, in fact, that it’s the largest diamond ever found. Is the diamond you found the largest diamond on Earth? How could you know? Even if no one ever finds a larger diamond, how can you know whether or not a larger diamond exists? You can’t! So it would be illogical to say that the diamond you found is the largest diamond in existence.

So, it may be technically incorrect to say that there are no limits to the depth of a DMT experience, but limits or no, we can’t ever say that we’ve reached the limit.

My point exactly. Thanks!
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