The psychedelic nursery... Options
#1 Posted : 8/28/2010 9:36:33 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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SWIM started the evening with 30mg - smoked on some steel wool (GVG is in transit!) fell into lovely colours and extended depth - closed eyes and fell into a lovely space of psychedelic geometry.. all very lovely but after a little time SWIM felt the experience fading and SWIM thought.. "I'll just grab that pipe I bet its got more in it..." Opening eyes... well.. SWIM has learned that this can be a shock to the system.... SWIM grabbed the pipe and then... BLAM! like a psychedelic buck shot between the eyes.. the room expanded and expanded and SWIM realised WHoooah... its not faded after all... SWIM layed down on the bed looking at a giant oil painting of a buddha head... the face was morphing between male and female.. bearded and non bearded and the most exquisite texture changes in the face - turtleshell - hexagons - fur... just constantly changing.... As SWIM layed there - above his body appeared a shape which for these purposes we will call a ghost... this entitity without a distinctive human shape was floating above SWIM - was made of very thin almost imperceptible lines connected by a transparent smokiness.. SWIM noticed the entity poking him as if it was observing him... eventually this faded..

SWIM went and got 40mg more and toking that - not much happened.. SWIM thought perhaps he was still a bit mushy and fucked it.. so swim went and got some of the changa he had drying... this was made with jimjam red goo, 16x caapi /pau and mullein... its was raining outside and swim toked a bowl and looked outside.. instantly rainbows and coloured dots appeared in the grass outside... and the grass started moving in a tessalated motion... a few mins later and that too waned to SWIM toked another few hits on the pipe and again the patterns came back - the view looked like the sun had come out.. but in fact it was pissing down....

SWIM thought that lie back on the bed and close eyes... and instead of the usual psychedelic geometric chaos - the visuals were dark at first... then it looked like SWIM was in a box... long shapes slid up one side and as they hit a corner slid along the next axis... SWIM noticed that there were other ripples in the visuals and meditated on those for a while... SWIM noticed something that had not been seen in spice space before.. actual faces... SWIM saw an old man.. like an indian (not native american) - dark skin.. wrinkled face.. and the face was close and then multiples of the face kinda layered back into the depths of vision... as the face faded SWIM became aware of some motion from the dark and from it came two large snakes... moving slowly and curling, winding around in SWIM's vision..
SWIM was pleased after this trip as 'real' figures and things had not been seen... this was totally different than usual... but then a slight sadness came over SWIM as was thinking that the visuals were not the same kick ass as they were the first time...SWIM was mulling this over and began thinking about his late wife and all of the psychedelics he had taken shortly after her passing... a voice or a thought explained to him that the space he was going to was constructed by him during that time - through all of the hundreds and hundreds of doses of acid, shrooms, ketamine etc - the space was his comfort... something alien yet friendly... something vastly different than the pain of the loss... the voice/thought said "you can let it go now".... and SWIM felt somehow lighter...

A few hours passed and SWIM made food... ate, chilled out.. and then decided to do one play with the crystal spice... and decided to try some music for a change... a piece of music called "amazon rainforest" which is smooth melodies with lovely natural sounds... can upload somewhere if anyone would like to try....

First toke... inhale... lean back against sofa and close eyes..... 20-30 seconds.. open eyes exhale, toke repeat.... 20-30secs repeat one last time and put pipe down... leaning back and closing eyes this time a tunnel opened a geometric spirograph-- and as SWIM was looking up the tunnel a psychedelic (and SWIM uses this term to describe the geometric colourful symbols and patterns) woman appeared - SWIM was placed under her and she had a flowing, billowy skirt on which moved as she danced above SWIM...... SWIM was enjoying this and then without warning the scene changed and SWIM was next to a large psychedelic humanoid woman - SWIM thinks there might have been a male there too but cannot quite recall - she was a mother figure and as the perspective of vision changed - opening up further and wider than SWIM's waking eyesight... a large room appeared... moving around this room which was clearly a psychedelic construction or shapes and lines... SWIM became aware of these little tiny psychedelic beings... they were really funny... and SWIM realised that they were in fact psychedelic babies/children... someo f them were trying to walk, standing up and toppling over... some were climbing up the walls and the ceilings... and SWIM's show went on for what seemed like a very long time...

Eventually the scene changed again and SWIM was in a tunnel falling backwards and out of the darkness came a psychedelic centipede... this bobbed and weaved around and soon it changes into more insectoid looking and this too changed to be more arachnid and soon swims vision was filled wil psychedelic spiders which were crawling all over him within the tunnel - soon all that could be seen were thousands of psychedelic spider legs...

SWIM opened eyes and was met with the most peaceful scene.. the music was perfect for the trip and the peace SWIM felt was glorious...


Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 9/1/2010 9:40:29 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Sounds like you had a full day of it there. Laughing
I still have only taken more than one flight in a day a couple times as I have had some issues w/ pre-flight anxiety up until recently. ( putting it on mullein helped )
I often seem to notice people in CEVs. This is usually at lower doses and the people are usually translucent but they are often walking by or seem to be looking at me and either waving me in and telling me to come on in or they are giving me a thumbs up or other feeling of approval.
There are so many similarities and yet each experience is a little different. At least it has been so far in my limited experience.
Thanks for sharing your experience. Was an interesting read.
#3 Posted : 9/4/2010 1:53:50 AM

John Murdoch IV

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Thanx for sharing.
And the music sounds interesting. Could you upload some somewhere, I'd like to check it out Smile


DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction.
I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!

#4 Posted : 9/5/2010 5:10:04 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 178
Joined: 14-Aug-2010
Last visit: 29-Sep-2024
Great report. Sounds like a day to remember. Thanks for sharing.
"Blinded by their own sight, hearing, feeling, and knowing, they don't perceive the radiance of the source. If they could eliminate all conceptual thinking, this source would appear, like the sun rising through the empty sky and illuminating the whole universe." - Huang Po
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