A Little Taste of Eternity: My first Smoked trip Options
#1 Posted : 8/26/2010 6:23:14 AM

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I wanted to do a pharmahuasca trip today, but felt I didn’t have enough time, plus I didn’t really feel up for a 4 hour roller coaster, and the unpleasantness of drinking it. So, I figured, what the heck, maybe I’ll give smoking a try, something I’ve never done. I honestly didn’t even think it was going to work because I am so weak at smoking. I figured I better choose low quality spice for this smoke experiment. I had some old spice that had turned brown and hardened. I figured since I am probably wasting my spice anyway, I might as well waste the bad tasting brown stuff. This way I wouldn’t feel compelled to eat the brown spice, which in my experience tastes bad and is harder on the stomach.

I used a straight glass pipe and a bic lighter. Note for beginners: these are considered to be the crudest materials for smoking spice. I was a bit worried about what might happen. I’ve only done oral trips and some people claim that smoking is soooo much more “intense” than oral dmt. I wondered if this time I would get the true dmt experience. I wondered smoked dmt would be as different as smoking salvia compared to chewing salvia. If that was the case, I was concerned because while sublingual salvia is fairly gentle, smoked salvia is a freak fest. Oral dmt has been as intense as I could imagine, so I was a little concerned that if smoking really is on another level compared to oral…. that could be quite scary.

I lit up and took in some vapor, and it felt like my lungs and throat were being shredded, but the slow inhale made it bearable. After the first inhale, I felt dizzy. I figured it must be taking effect, so I better try some more. After 4 full inhales, I was as dizzy as I could possibly be, I felt I couldn’t smoke anymore. Yet it still didn’t feel psychedelic. I wondered what was wrong with me. My ears were ringing and I was experiencing maximum body load, yet no psychedelia. I thought I’d close my eyes and see if anything was there.

As soon as I closed my eyes, I was transported to another dimension. The psychedelic effects hit instantly. One second I was here, the next second I was gone. It was like another part of me took over. All fear about what I might see was washed away instantly. Another part of myself took over and I was in a place where there is no fear. As for the visuals, I can only describe it as energy moving and exploding in all directions in a beautiful dance of total chaos. There were no recognizable forms, no creatures or aliens or faces, or anything recognizable. It was just energy exploding everywhere, and it was magnificent, and lovely and inviting. It seemed as though stars were exploding, and the energy was entering my body. At one point I covered my closed eyes with my hand, and could sense the difference in light. It made an outline of my hand, and it was pretty cool to watch as the visuals danced around my hand. I felt the energy inviting me in. It communicated to me something like, “you have nothing to worry about here. Come in further, I want to show you more. You can smoke more if you like, there’s nothing scary in here”.

After the whole experience, I had the distinct sense that the place I had gone to is beyond, or other than ego, beyond anything recognizable in normal waking state which people are used to. The trip was like going straight to the peak parts of pharmahuasca trips…. which happen to be the least scary parts because the ego takes a back seat for those parts. At those high moments, you are in another place. I wouldn’t say fear doesn’t exist in those places, just that it’s not relevant, so it doesn't really come up. It was like this other dimension was saying, “don’t worry about fear. I don’t care about that, it’s not my concern. I am something else… have a look”. This comparison has probably been made before, but I would compare the dmt experience to a blind and deaf person suddenly being able to see and hear. Imagine if everyone on earth was blind and deaf. The only way they know the world is by feeling and smelling around whatever is in their immediate vicinity. Then one day they take a drug and for just a little while, they can see and hear. What a shock that would be. Suddenly, you realize that the universe isn’t tiny, it’s bigger than the 6 foot radius that you can feel. In fact, you can even see objects billions of miles away, the sun, moon, and stars. And you can hear music! Something you have never experienced before. You've never seen a person and then you see this weird thing in front of you that is supposed to be a person. This would probably freak you the hell out, especially since you really don't have any way of telling other blind and deaf people what it's like. There is no translation other than seeing it for yourself. DMT is like gaining some extra sense perception that makes you realize there is more to you than you thought. It’s not incomprehensible that other senses could exist in this universe. Are the 5 senses really all there are?

I also had the sense that this other dimension of existence is something that is happening all the time, but we aren’t really conscious of it. I had the sense that when the dmt took effect, it awoke something within, something that's always there, only now taking centre stage, something sacred and brilliant and benign that tells me everything is ok no matter what, even if things don’t seem ok, ultimately, everything is fine. I had the sense that my life as I know is a temporary projection, it's not the end of the world if the projection ends, and that this other dimension of existence is watching everything I do, and is very pleased by my existence, that I'm doing good for playing the game of life, that it is ok if I die, or stay alive, or if I get scared, or if I am happy, it’s fine with all of it. I also had the sense that what I was seeing is not the same as dream, or imagination, it’s something else. That’s another reason why it wasn’t scary. Dreams can nightmarish, but this dimension seemed to have only one thing to show… and it was good.

The trip ended almost as quickly as it came on, and lasted about 4 minutes, tops. All of a sudden, all the visuals were gone, and I was like, “ah man, is it over already?”. I still felt very euphoric and weak. I just lied there on my bed for a while very content and mind blown away. So, after having done many oral trips, and now a smoked trip, there are some comparisons. An ayahuasca, or pharmahuasca trip seems to have much more potential for healing, and is much more personal. After a pharma trip, I feel like I’ve lived another life time, like I’ve gone back in time and dealt with whatever stuff had been bothering me, and I feel completely refreshed and relaxed. Smoking was like putting a cannon to my head and firing. It blew me out of the water entirely. And yeah, it only lasts a few minutes. The smoking trip felt quite impersonal. The reason it was impersonal was because ego was gone, except for a small part of me that was still there saying, “This is freakin awesome!”. That ego blast is not unpleasant…. it’s just perhaps more difficult to work with. What do you do with lack of content? If this was my first time trying spice, I imagine I would be quite confused about what I had seen. I might not have seen it as a divine experience, I might have just been like, “whoa, that was insane…. what happened?”. I think it’s only because I’ve taken dmt several times that I was able to take anything from this experience at all. Or maybe by this point I am used to being taken over by what might seem like a alien force, to an inexperienced user. Maybe I’m just ready to just sit back and enjoy the ride. Maybe if it was my first time I would have been just as freaked as I was after my first big pharma trip. I also noticed that memory of the smoked dmt trip faded very fast. I found it easier to remember content from oral trips.

I was very pleased to find that the smoked experience was not frightening whatsoever. In fact, it was probably one of the least scary things I can imagine. It was about as scary as hugging a puppy. Pharmahuasca on the other hand, is a big ordeal, with a big and sometimes uncomfortable body load, not knowing when it’s going to start, when it’s going to peak, or when it’s going to end. And if you get scared with pharma, there is no way out, probably for a long time.

I am quite pleased with my smoking experience, and I will probably do it again if I don’t want a long trip. I wouldn’t say smoking is more intense than oral trip. The smoking was like going straight to the peak of an oral trip, and skipping everything else. I will probably smoke with a heavy dose of maoi next time. We’ll see if that lasts longer than a few minutes.

Just a few questions about smoking. After I smoked, there was still a brown oil at the bottom of the bowl. Is that oxidized dmt? And can I still smoke it? Also, how do you know if you are inhaling vapor, or smoke? Do your lungs only get burned if you take in smoke? I have to say, my lungs were extremely unhappy with me after smoking, they wondered how the hell you guys do this. Do you just get used to it or what?

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#2 Posted : 8/26/2010 8:50:38 AM

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Wow what a great read! It's very interesting to read your comparisons to the smoked and brew experiences. I think it was very insightful to me in what to expect from the brew. But I would agree that experience with longer psychedelics helped me to take something away from smoked spice journeys.

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#3 Posted : 8/26/2010 2:35:39 PM

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Apoc wrote:

Just a few questions about smoking. After I smoked, there was still a brown oil at the bottom of the bowl. Is that oxidized dmt? And can I still smoke it? Also, how do you know if you are inhaling vapor, or smoke? Do your lungs only get burned if you take in smoke? I have to say, my lungs were extremely unhappy with me after smoking, they wondered how the hell you guys do this. Do you just get used to it or what?

Don't heat it up as much, heat it more gently and patiently... maintain at least 1/2" space between the bulb and the flame tip, inhale super slow to get the greatest concentration in fewest hits. If you overheat it, ie.. "burn" it, it'll be "harsher." The carefully heated vapor is the least irritating of any "smoke" i've inhaled. White crystals, as opposed to brown-yellow-wax dmt, are the easiest. In addition to that, AWESOME REPORT!!!
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#4 Posted : 8/26/2010 3:22:41 PM

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Great report Apoc. Smoking tek is a bit rough at first. If you get a GVG it takes ALL the guesswork out. You can't really taste or feal the vapor. Glad your first smoked session went well. Careful though a smoked experience can turn extremely terror filled on the drop of a time. I think your oral experiences will help you except the fear and turn it around though.

~congratz and safe journeys
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#5 Posted : 8/26/2010 3:41:33 PM

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Great read, having only had smoked experiences, it's nice get a perspective from the "other side". I haven't smoked in three weeks, and this report brought some visuals back to mind and made me want to dive in again Smile
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#6 Posted : 8/26/2010 5:20:53 PM

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Apoc wrote:
Just a few questions about smoking. After I smoked, there was still a brown oil at the bottom of the bowl. Is that oxidized dmt? And can I still smoke it? Also, how do you know if you are inhaling vapor, or smoke? Do your lungs only get burned if you take in smoke? I have to say, my lungs were extremely unhappy with me after smoking, they wondered how the hell you guys do this. Do you just get used to it or what?

Good report, but it sounds like your spice was sub-par and you also probably burned it. One never gets used to inhaling burned DMT smoke any more than one gets used to swallowing razor blades. It’s unpleasant and probably does real harm to your lungs.

Clean spice vaporized in a GVG produces no discomfort whatsoever, and can take you much, much further. If a GVG isn’t in your budget, then make some changa with pure spice – it’s fairly smooth and less likely to burn.

Personally, I wouldn’t smoke that dark oily residue. Sounds disgusting!
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#7 Posted : 8/26/2010 7:39:39 PM

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gibran2 wrote:
Clean spice vaporized in a GVG produces no discomfort whatsoever, and can take you much, much further. If a GVG isn’t in your budget, then make some changa with pure spice – it’s fairly smooth and less likely to burn.

Personally, I wouldn’t smoke that dark oily residue. Sounds disgusting!

ok. About changa, don't herbs have different vaping points? Like if I were to try dmt with salva, isn't salvia like impossible to vaporaize? Do people "smoke" changa, or do they vaporize it with the same careful non burning technique as freebase?
#8 Posted : 8/26/2010 11:18:11 PM

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Awesome report, Apoc. Thank you! With changa/enhanced leaf, you don't have to worry about vaporizing it. You just cherry the vegetable matter and smoke as normal.

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#9 Posted : 8/26/2010 11:55:02 PM

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ragabr wrote:
Awesome report, Apoc. Thank you! With changa/enhanced leaf, you don't have to worry about vaporizing it. You just cherry the vegetable matter and smoke as normal.


Yes, but don’t keep the flame on it the whole time as you would with salvia.
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#10 Posted : 9/7/2010 6:33:31 AM

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Apoc wrote:
gibran2 wrote:
Clean spice vaporized in a GVG produces no discomfort whatsoever, and can take you much, much further. If a GVG isn’t in your budget, then make some changa with pure spice – it’s fairly smooth and less likely to burn.

Personally, I wouldn’t smoke that dark oily residue. Sounds disgusting!

ok. About changa, don't herbs have different vaping points? Like if I were to try dmt with salva, isn't salvia like impossible to vaporaize? Do people "smoke" changa, or do they vaporize it with the same careful non burning technique as freebase?

People do both with changa.

The vaporization point of Salvinorin A requires like 700*C temps. That's why torches are used to light the leaf, instead of regular lighters. I'm pretty sure such a temperate would destroy DMT...
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