Well, let me first start off by saying how excited and honored i feel to be posting among other explorers from around the globe. My journeys with spice started about two years ago, and i haven't been able to get my jaw off the floor ever since. A few months after that a couple friends and i stumbled on to the NEXUS. For some reason the spice didn't affect them the same way it did me. And i want to say thank you all for being here, because with out this community and support from reading your posts i would have gone nuts... really. There have been times when i had to make myself stop doing the research about spice and topics surrounding it because my brain hurt. I'm sure i'm not the only one

It's timeless wonders and brief but beautiful moments keeep me comming back.
I will try to be as brief as possible but i have a few trips from when i went inside the "bardo" that id like to share... On my very first occasion i spiced it up two times in an hour. Both of those test flights left imprints of images in my mind that i can still remember. The first time i went i got most of ti down but couldn't hold the last bit in. I dont remember hearing the crackeling of any bread rappers, but i do remember being plunged into what seemed to be some type of cavern with this organic looking plant. Its edges were lined with what i call an electric rainbow string, dashed with vibrent colors. Keep in mind this was my first time. I didn't really have any backround info on this stuff so i was really like WTF. Any ways, this whole time i was trying to gain my composure since i had caughed my face off trying to hold it in. I remember a light like the size of a grapefruit comforting me saying "its ok everythings going to be fine, see dosen't it feel good when you breath," (that motherly love feeling). Then i opened my eyes. The walls were breathing, with different colors, and dashed swirling lines feathering off of them. Whoh, a few minutes later (when i was me) i got up and then my friend approached me with a handshake."How was it?" I dodged the handshake, and gave him a hug followed by a vague discription of it all

And about 45 min later i took off again. This time there were a couple of pulsating shapes. dark colors. Then i was back in a similar space to the one i was in before except this time there was this structure floating on the middle. It looked like the scafolding used on stages at concerts to hold up the lighting. kind of a cubed rectangular shape. This structure also had the dashed electric rainbow lines like the plant in the previous flash.
I was so moved by what i saw that the next day i went out and spent like 30 dollars on art supplys, markers, a drawing pad, and crap. To the best of my ability i sketched what i saw...
Since then i've doused myself in as much info as i can. A friend turned me on to Terence McKenna. He gave me about two and a half gigs worth of Terence's lectures that i ate right up. mmmmmmmm.......let me skip ahead a little bit. Its been taking me forever, to finish a book written by Graham Hancock called Supernatural. But in this book he discusses cave paintings which were drawn by ancient people (most likely on psydelics). One particular painting struck me as i was reading the words above and below it. The painting (on page 91) looked strickingly similar to what i had illustrated, except the dashed lines were below the structure. It was refered to as a vortex to the spirit world. Strange coincidents like that really tweek my melon. Please dont missunderstand this and think its some kind of ego trip or something.
I've got other crazy flashes of amazing things i've seen in hyper-space. These were just my first two, perhaps i will post a few more soon. Thanks for reading.
Love and Gratitude
One good thing about music is when it hits you, you feel no pain. So hit me with music.
- Bob Marley