First time doing DMT - Need advice Options
#1 Posted : 5/23/2010 8:21:52 AM
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I've been reading experiences and extraction tek's for a couple weeks now, and SWIM is doing ron69's food-safe mescaline extraction and is thinking about preparing a DMT extraction in the same manner for smoking on some weed/b.cappi.

SWIM needs to know what would be the most efficient method for this. SWIM was thinking of doing an extraction of both N,N-DMT and 5-MeO-DMT using a couple different sources. Perhaps using Virola as well as Mimosa root bark, extracting out the two forms of DMT, and putting it on some b.cappi to potentiate the madness.

What do ya'll think? What sources offer the highest yields of alkaloids? And how many grams of each are necessary per super strong hyperspace breakthrough dose?

Thanks in advance! I'm super stoked on this site, I could spend hours and hours exploring.

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#2 Posted : 5/23/2010 10:57:31 AM

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Hello and welcome.

First of all, about the smoking with weed, a lot of people seem to not recommend this because weed effects make the experience more foggy/dull.... Better with caapi leaves.

By the way, 5-meo-dmt is not really 'another form of dmt' anymore than, say, psilocin (4-ho-dmt) or bufotenine (5-ho-dmt) are. Though there is the structural dmt backbone in all of them, they are all actually completely different substances with very different chemical properties and psychoactive effects.

Correct me if im wrong but I dont think you experienced neither DMT nor 5-MEO-DMT, right? I ask because for you to want to 'potentiate the madness' seems to be against the prudent attitude we support in this forum, and shows a lack of knowledge of the real power of these substances. Specialy 5-MEO-DMT, being active at such low doses (around 10mg!) and being unpleasant for a high number of people, is not something you want to be adding to DMT to make it increase the madness. DMT will already be more madness than your soul has ever experienced and more than you could ever imagine

As for the dosages necessary, when you say a 'super strong hyperspace breakthrough dose' it also sounds like you are not really aware of the real power of these substances. We have lately been having problem with a lot of new members having what we call a 'pissing-contest' attitude, wanting a 'super strong' experience, talking about taking 'monumental doses', mixing all sorts of substance for the kicks. This is really not what we want, we do not think its cool for people to have specially high doses, and we think people should gradually, prudently and carefully finding their right dosage by going up slowly and always respecting a good set and setting. Also your idea of dosage necessary seems far of, its not in 'grams' but in 'milligrams'. 5-meo dosage is around 10mg (0.01g) as I said, and DMT is more like 50mg (0.05g), as you can see in this dosage thread

I know you didnt mean bad and that you are excited for having found about about this community, but please understand where my constructive criticism is coming from.

You should take a look at our health and safety section, as well as the FAQ . Dig through the WIKI too, for good extraction teks and general chemical info

and do spend hours and hours exploring this website, you're gonna be learning a lot for sure, as I and others here have and keep doing Smile
#3 Posted : 5/23/2010 1:21:03 PM

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Good advice endlessness. I definitely suggest browsing through these forums and reading as much as you can before you dive into this. 5-meo you especially want to be careful with, a difference of 1mg in dosage can drastically change the experience.

Educate yourself as much as possible and you will absolutely be rewarded when you begin your journey. Both DMT and 5-meo-DMT are amazingly powerful substances and demand the utmost respect. Treat them as such and they will open the universe to you.
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Blue lotus floats, floating, floating..
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#4 Posted : 5/23/2010 9:08:28 PM
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Thanks for the cautionary reply, I appreciate it! Just to be clear though, I didn't mean potentiate the experience with the 5-MEO-DMT, but rather potentiate the 5-MEO-DMT and the N,N-DMT with the B.Cappi leaf, so SWIM would get a longer lasting experience using less DMT. I totally understand how serious this stuff is, I was just being silly. SWIM has extensive experience with psychedelics.

That being said, I was reading after this post about how weed fogs over the experience, so SWIM definitely won't be doing that. Also, by grams SWIM meant grams of PLANT matter, not DMT. SWIM needs to know what sources and in what quantities SWIM needs to get the maximum yield of both 5-MEO and N-DMT. I know the dosages for the substances themselves, but SWIM would like to know how much to use in an extraction.

The reason I needed to know how many grams of PLANT matter would result in a "super strong dose" is because SWIM was going to use that to calibrate how many grams of plant matter to buy. For example, if 100 grams of Mimosa bark would result in 1.5 super strong doses, then SWIM knows he needs to get at least 200 grams to make it worth it. That in no way means SWIM is going to jump right into hyperspace, SWIM isn't a flippin' idiot. SWIM would just like to know how much material to purchase so he can test the waters with a couple light 20-30mg doses and then try a heavier dose.

Sorry if I didn't make my intentions and my questions clear, I was trying to be too brief and it was late last night. Thanks again for your time and wisdom! I'll definitely check out the links you so kindly provided Smile
#5 Posted : 5/23/2010 9:26:51 PM

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Hi Fractorious,

My suggestion would be to buy 100g mimosa to start with. It is easier to do extractions on a small amount first time. I know it's tempting to go straight in for 500g, but it's just messy and a lot harder, you also won't have wasted lots of time & money if you find it's not for you later on.

100g should yield approx 1g of fluffy white spice. That should be good for 20 very strong doses (of 50mg each). I started with 10mg and worked from there. 35mg is enough for me to have a strong breakthrough if I smoke it efficiently, so my opinion would be - if you don't want to jump straight into hyperspace, to leave 30mg doses until later.

Check out smokeydaze, gammagore or dorge for posts with some great changa advice - it's the best way to do it. Once you get your smoking method down etc, 50mg and up is a massive dose, I haven't had the courage to go that far yet!!

Good luck and stay safe Smile

EDIT - this is all re: NN-DMT, I never have, nor ever intend to extract 5-MEO!!
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#6 Posted : 5/23/2010 9:41:22 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Hey thanks budday! 100g it is then! 20 strong doses sounds perfect for SWIM to start with. Mimosa sounds perfect for the NN-DMT. Perhaps some type of Virola would be suitable for some 5-MEO? Why don't you have any intention of trying 5-MEO?
#7 Posted : 5/23/2010 9:53:41 PM

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Just that all the 5-MEO reports I have read sound like it is really easy to go waaaayy further than you expect / want, and it can be overwhelmingly terrifying. It takes me literally 2 hours of prep time to get the courage to do a breakthough on NN-DMT, so I just dont think that the 5-MEO trip is for me, at least not yet anyway... Laughing
Oh great - the world has just been replaced by elf machinery.
Sic transit gloria mundi

#8 Posted : 5/24/2010 4:01:48 AM
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Hmmmm... that's something to consider.... I just thought it'd be interesting to mix in, to get the whole experience, so to speak. So it takes you 2 hours to build up the courage to venture into hyperspace???? I'm so confused!!! I've done over 1,000 mcg of LSD before, also done over 7 grams of Cubensis, 500mg of Mescaline, never have I had to build up courage to do it. This is fascinating to me because I just can't imagine what you must experiencing that would make you so hesitant. I've been reading about elves and alien machine creatures and listening to Terence talk all about it and it just boggles my mind! I don't get it! I can't wait to experience it and see what's going on. It sounds like DMT is exactly what I've been trying to experience in taking such heavy doses of other psychedelics.

From what I can decipher, it sounds to me what the singularity is supposed to be. Ray Kurzweil's book The Singularity is Near is really good, what he describes sounds a lot like what you guys are describing as "Machine Elves". I think when the singularity is realized it'll be a lot like a DMT trip. It'll be like death.
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