Title given as after I wrote out a trip report and showed it to a friend he said 'well content would sum up all of it, you must've said it 10 times in the report'

set: slightly nervous/stressed state, but calm and 'ready'. Had consumed small amounts of alcohol beforehand (just a couple swigs of cider, probably didn't make much difference).
setting: campfire in some beautiful woods at sunset, with many close friends, some of whom partook in the experience, some who didn't. Very good music playing softly in the background.
Firstly, a 1/2 changa spliff was made with peppermint as the filler, and half of one that had previously been used. Personally I only had the former, taking about 5 tokes, estimated dose 30mg. These went around about 8 or 9 people, most of whom had heard of and/or taken dmt before.
The atmosphere was very positive, and it came on very quickly but gently, rising quickly in intensity to a strong but just below breakthrough dose. Very smooth, interweaving circular, organic patterns, some entities encountered fleeting by, slipping in and out of the visuals, but they did not stop to speak to me. I feel the 'breakthrough train' coming on, a pillar of energy rising infinitely high, and I begin to traverse it, but do not go any further. Somewhat distracted by the other people, I sit up and spend the rest of the trip absorbing the positive atmosphere, and watching all of the others who had dosed at the same time.
By this point the light levels were starting to fall into twilight, and the trees with their very new leaves shimmering in energy were utterly beautiful, with the layers of reality unpeeled between them and revealing a force of beauty.
By the point that we had come down most of the way, but still feeling effects, another changa spliff was made, this time bigger and with the addition of 100mg of dmt. Approx dose was 6-7 tokes, 50mg. What followed was simply beyond words, but I'll try. It came on very quickly, but smoothly and powerfully. I fall backwards, flitting into hyperspatial places, geometric halls all alive with pure spiritual energy, revolving in all dimensions. Flitting back and forth, I feel very calm and collected although find it hard to take in much information as I am simply in awe.
I sit up as I feel the purge coming on, first with slight heaving then finally it all came out. At no point was there any nausea though. Then onwards seemed to be the strongest and most meaningful part of the trip, delving into the spiritual architecture between purges. I lay beside it and worked on clearing the vomit from my nose and mouth, with an utter sense of contentment. Interestingly this experience was very 'grounded', with from my memory no specific entities encountered, the spiritual visions being ineffably linked to my bodily experiences.
I lay back and let the experience take over, interspersed with coughing up traces of vomit and people concerned for me after vomiting. Simply watching the smoothly infinite earthy patterns in the humus (not hummus!

) which I lay in, lying flat with the earth and absorbing into my affinity.
I began to transcend the current situation, and visions of my death and eventual reabsorption into the environment, yet in the most content, calm and meaningful way. I kept on absorbing this energy, looking around me at the beautiful trees and the leaves interweaving and holding spiritual energy in the air. Slowly, I started to come down, watching the patterns of energy, radiating inwards and outwards, I felt the cycle of energy of nature, flowing through, around, and being one with me. Slowing this energy morphs and dissipates into myself, leaving me in a very happy and content state.
As for the others, every single one of them reported positive experiences, although with generally a lower dose so they reported experiences similar to the first.
One person very close to me didn't wish to disclose their experience, the person who probably had the highest dose next to me and I felt a very strong 'connection' and empathy when going through the strongest parts of the experience.